Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Esoteric and Abstract Powers/Incantation of Law (The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich)

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Incantation of Law (The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich)

Cost: 15 SP

You possess the extraordinary ability to harness the conceptual power of 'Law'. This power grants you the activation of a unique vision that enables you to see and identify those who have violated laws within the past 72 hours. Using this ability, you can visually mark the transgressors for all to see. The nature of the mark is entirely under your control; it could be a hovering red X above their head, a temporary stamp on their forehead, or even an ethereal scroll displaying a list of their committed crimes.

This mark imposes a temporary debuff on the individuals, the severity of which escalates based on the gravity of their offenses. The debuff weakens their capabilities, making them more vulnerable and hindered in their actions.

Additionally, as long as your actions align with the law, you possess the power to summon restrictive equipment infused with the essence of Law. This equipment, such as cuffs or chains, materializes around your targets, restraining them and becoming increasingly resistant to their attempts to break free. It should be noted that innocent civilians who have not broken any laws recently are immune to the effects of this equipment.

With dedicated training and thorough research, you can uncover new applications for the conceptual power of Law. For instance, you may discover the ability to enforce Karmic retribution upon individuals with negative Karma, subjecting them to equal amounts of misfortune proportional to their misdeeds. However, it is important to remember that the essence of Law exists to uphold order and safeguard the well-being of society. Any attempts to pervert the law for personal gain or unjust purposes will result in the failure of this power.