Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Esoteric and Abstract Powers/Lord of Fear

From Worm CYOA Wiki

Lord of Fear

Cost: 15 SP

The darkness. The greatest primordial fear that is within all humans is the real reason fire was truly invented—the first animal to ever escape a predator—and the fear humans have of death. You embody the primordial fears of humanity. As the primordial concept of fear, your power is only as strong as the fear you induce in others. Those who see you have a chill run down their spines as dread takes over. However, it seems that you have lost a lot of power, and you will need to work back up to being the true primordial fear that you once were.

This power gives you several abilities to start with that get stronger the more fear you collect from those around you. You have the power to make people's fears a reality by bringing someone's darkest fears into reality. The more you understand someone's fear, the stronger the construct becomes, allowing you to bring into reality anything so long as it brings fear. You gain the ability to manipulate the shadows and darkness to an extent and manipulate a black substance that makes others have nightmares.

You are also capable of absorbing the fear of others as a power source, augmenting your own abilities to make you stronger, faster, more durable, smarter, and so much more. After absorbing enough energy, you can transform yourself into the fears of others. Changing your form and appearance, as well as growing exponentially stronger to match the person from whom you stole the fear, you also emit an aura of fear around you as you take in more fear from those around you.