Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Esoteric and Abstract Powers/Obsession of the Celestial Spheres

From Worm CYOA Wiki

Obsession of the Celestial Spheres

Cost: 25 SP

You gain the attention and love of one of the planetary bodies of our solar system, the eldritch and alien spirit of the planetary body is obsessed with you and will do what it can to assist you in all your endeavors using their conceptual domains such as war for mars, trade for venus, or leadership for jupiter. As your bond deepens with your celestial observer more of their domains are able to have influence on your life.

Beyond this the chosen planetary body can also impart different traits to you as well, including the effects of their gravity as well as different aspects of their planet. The Spirit of the planetary body is able to focus all of the powers that fall under their domain through you, for you in order to influence and assist you in all you do. For a cost you and those around you that you target can be pulled directly to the surface of your planetary body, with all targeted protected for the trip. No matter what kind of surface your chosen planet has it will always be livable and buildable for you.

The more direct influence the planet is exerting through you, the closer it will appear to the Earth, it can do this without causing gravitational problems or other environmental hazards to the solar system. The degree of influence your Celestial obsessor can impart to you and around you grows over time and with increased use, personally visiting the celestial body is usually a good method.