Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Esoteric and Abstract Powers/The Mark Of A King (Guilty Crown)

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The Mark Of A King (Guilty Crown)

Cost: 15 SP

You have been marked by the enigmatic power known as "The Mark of a King." This unique ability grants you control over the ominous Apocalypse Virus, allowing you to harness its destructive potential. Unlike others infected by the virus, you are immune to its maddening influence, and instead have become its ruler.

The Apocalypse Virus, a mysterious entity of unknown origins, infects individuals and binds them to a collective hivemind. Those affected slowly succumb to its influence, their bodies transforming into exotic Void Crystals. However, as the King of the Virus, you are untouched by its corruptive sway.

With the power of the Void at your command, you possess the ability to extract and manipulate the "Voids" of individuals. By delving into their deepest desires and aspirations, you can manifest their true selves in tangible forms. These Voids take on various shapes, representing the innermost wishes and unique abilities of each individual.

Once in possession of a Void, you wield complete control over it. Mastering its supernatural potential, you can wield it as a formidable weapon, unleashing devastating attacks and gaining unparalleled advantages in combat. The Voids are imbued with abilities and properties that align with the desires and dreams of their original owners, making them potent tools in your arsenal.

Beyond combat, your proficiency in Void Manipulation allows you to tap into the vast potential of the Apocalypse Virus. You can manipulate the Void Genome to strengthen your own body, mending wounds with its regenerative properties. Furthermore, you are able to harness the Virus to generate Void Crystals, shape constructs, brainwash the mind of those infected, and various other feats as the Apocalypse Virus continues to evolve and adapt to best suit you.