Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Esoteric and Abstract Powers/The Symbol Brigade (Magical Girl ☆Sym-tan☆)

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The Symbol Brigade (Magical Girl ☆Sym-tan☆)

Cost: 60 SP

You have a personal paradise inside of your soul, one of infinite size and shape. You can alter its appearance however you like and it is filled with an abundance of infinite, yet mundane, resources. You can create portals, even permanent ones, to enter and exit your paradise or connect it to the outside world. You can also invite others to live there, inside they will experience healing and relaxation of the body, mind, and soul. Capable of extending their lifespan however long they wish and living far longer than they were capable of. The longer they stay inside, the stronger they will grow. The bonds they have with you and the happiness they create will further hasten this growth. On the other hand, if they are hostile and untrusting they will experience little to no growth. And if they plan on betraying you, they will even be weakened.

You can also summon a copy that symbolizes a person within your paradise with all the abilities, equipment, and skills they have, you can even choose to synchronize the copy with the real one allowing the person to explore and traverse the real world without leaving the safety of your paradise. But even if they left your paradise for one reason or another, you can still summon a copy of them with all their personality, memories, and so on with more degree of flexibility like changing the copy of them to be from a certain point of time. If the person comes back radically changed, you'll be able to use both copies at the same time. But the older copy can't synchronize with the real person anymore. Those with your permission are also capable of creating portals to paradise.

You are also supernaturally good at understanding and empathizing with all kinds of beings. You can understand and possibly befriend those you want to befriend. You can turn foes into friends, and teach monsters without empathy love. The bonds you create with those close to you can last as long as you continue to befriend them. You are both the ruler of paradise but also their friend, you can inspire hope and courage in your allies no matter how dark it gets.

And even if you are not in your paradise, you can create and set laws inside that are automatically enforced on anyone or thing that enters. By your order, nothing can happen unless you allow it. This allows you to create a safe environment for all who want to live here without causing chaos. By your order, you can make violence forbidden and those who violate it can suffer punishment of your choosing. Be it being banned from your paradise forever to being weakened and restrained. But for those who follow your rules, this land is a perfect haven full of all kinds of resources.

Magical Girl Brigade

Your copies have a transformation that allows them to transform into a kind of style. This can be a uniform of your choosing, an outfit they designed, or even clothing that looks fancy on them. The outfit itself doesn't impact the copy's combat prowess no matter how fancy it is and can alter their equipment's look to match or be altered to match their equipment's look.

Eternal Paradise

Your inviolable soul protects your paradise from any kind of harm. Even if your soul is completely erased or you experience true death, your paradise wouldn't be impacted. The protection even extends to the inhabitants and copies of your paradise, allowing them to recover from anything should they ever get harmed.