Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Esoteric and Abstract Powers/Ultimate One (Type-Moon)

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Ultimate One (Type-Moon)

Cost: 80 SP

Ultimate Ones are the ultimate beings from other planets, differing significantly from both creatures of Earth and each other biologically and in appearance. They do not have the same sense of self as humans, nor do they have the concepts of damage or death. They require something that enforces the concept of death on them for them to be harmed or destroyed, though the resulting "death" is not necessarily permanent. Each is the strongest lifeform of its planet, essentially the planets themselves, and they each have the power to singlehandedly exterminate all existing lifeforms on Earth. The weakest of them, Brunestud of the Crimson Moon, was able to fight Zelretch the Magician of the Second Magic in his prime, nearly to a draw. Zelretch was capable of drawing and utilizing infinite magic from the Kaleidoscope of the multiverse. Yet the very weakest of the Ultimate Ones still nearly killed him. Brunestud certainly would have, but he severely underestimated what a Magician was capable of and let his guard down. Something that Zelretch took full advantage of. You may freely design a theme and a celestial body to represent as a new ultimate one, just like Brunestud of the Crimson Moon vampire theme, choose it carefully. Regardless of what theme your picked you’ll have immeasurable physical and magical power, easily being able to defeat multiple powerful chief gods. Lastly as an ultimate one you have a reality marble that warps the world around you slowly to better suit your inner self.