Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Esoteric and Abstract Powers/Wait, I got just the form for this!

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Wait, I got just the form for this!

Cost: 15 SP

You possess the extraordinary ability to undergo a multitude of transformative changes, assuming various forms that grant you enhanced capabilities to overcome challenges and improve your existing attributes. The nature of your transformations and can be tailored to your desires, ranging from cosmetic changes akin to magical girls, to more significant physical modifications such as color shifts, thematic appearances, growth of horns, or the sprouting of wings.

Acquiring new forms is possible through rigorous training or during moments of urgency. Through dedicated training, you can unlock forms that align with your specific areas of focus. Conversely, in critical situations, your transformation will manifest in a manner that maximizes its usefulness for the given circumstances. The number of potential transformations is limitless; however, attaining more potent forms necessitates progressively increasing amounts of time and effort.

The enhancements you gain from your transformations are diverse and largely contingent on augmenting your existing abilities rather than granting entirely new powers. Nevertheless, your transformations can temporarily merge powers or manifest your abilities in novel and unexpected ways. This can involve acquiring slight enhancements in elemental magic, increased resistance, the ability to fly, or even the capability to breathe underwater, among other possibilities. While your transformations are often tailored to your training or immediate needs, they cannot create entirely new powers out of thin air.

It's worth noting that utilizing your transformations incurs a small energy cost. The greater the strength of the transformation, the more significant the drain on your stamina or magical reserves. The type of energy consumed will depend on which aspect of your being is bolstered the most during the transformation.