Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan Abilities/Mangekyō: Kotoamatsukami

From Worm CYOA Wiki

Mangekyō: Kotoamatsukami

Cost: 5 SP

A power that allows you to perfectly, absolutely, and if you choose to, permanently manipulate the minds and thoughts of others completely undetected. And even if the victim of said ability is made aware of the circumstances, it will not dispel as the effects on their mind is as real as if it had been their own. This can be cast as many times as you wish on as many people as you wish, and can even be cast at large groups, ensnaring many targets at once. You may also choose to cast this on an area up to the size of a city instead, creating a permanent command on all those who visit the territory. This jutsu, both in location or on persons, is permanent until you choose to remove it, and can do so selectively so you can keep others affected, or leave the jutsu in place if you choose.


The Kotoamatsukami granted absolute control of others, the consumption of the chakra fruit has extended this aspect to every single part of yourself. Your control over your power is now perfected, blinking requires more effort than manipulating chakra now. Your chakra simply obeys your will and requires no conscious effort whatsoever. From fire that doesn’t burn, remote chakra constructs, casting and maintaining thousands of techniques at the same time, to even converting your body into a chakra nature and back. If your chakra can do it, and you wish for it to happen, it will. As this is perfect control, not a single iota of chakra or energy is wasted, all utilized to its maximum effect and this reduces your energy cost to such an infinitely small amount that you couldn’t exhaust even if you tried, you longer capable of tiring or running out. And this is not limited to just your chakra but extends to every part of you, from perfect muscle control and coordination to even your other powers. Your powers will make sure to not do anything that you would not wish it to, and will manage itself in a way you’d best approve of if you had to consider it. It will prevent you from hurting yourself unless you’d wish it to.