Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Foundation Powers/Gamer System

From Worm CYOA Wiki

Gamer System

Cost: 20 SP

You gain access to a game-like system to manage your power(s). By default, you have access to a basic system that includes attributes and the ability to grow by gaining experience. You gain experience by completing quests or defeating enemies (does not need to involve killing them) and can increase your attributes by training. How the system works in details depends on the user, you can either create a custom gamer system for yourself or choose a version from any franchise/fictional work you know, gaining all its features, (note that you can not use this to gain an Instant dungeon) two people with this power can have systems that work differently.

This power will interface with other abilities you choose. As you use them, they will grow in strength and will unlock new aspects. While your growth is not limited, the stronger an ability is the harder it will be to improve it.

Dynamic System

Gamer System is trumped by Dynamist Jr. It will get new features and improvements over time, but cannot affect Dynamist Jr. in return.


Your Gamer Systems have fused, requiring far less experience than normal with a greater range of evolutions. It's as if they compounded on each other, you can not only grow but can predict your powers and skill evolutions to plan ahead. You can even stockpile and spend experience on skills even if you haven't used them. This allows you to level up powers that have a harder time being used.

Villain System

The villainous tasks will appear in the form of quests and grant you rewards and penalties through the system.

Voice of the Gamer

The Gamer System and Voice of the World have merged. Allowing you to gain skills from the Voice of the World and level them up through The Gamer. This allows you to level each skill gained from 1 to 100 before evolving the skill to a higher tier outside of the normal tiers of Voice of the World. In addition, the speed by which you gain skills and experience towards your level and skills has been increased slightly.