You gain the ability to treat your powers as an entirely human derived skill. While you still have the requisites needed for a power, this allows you to train your skill onto others if you wish and they in turn will “learn” the power and eventually develop the necessary requisites for the power themselves. The rate at which others learn depends on the skill of a student and your skills as a teacher. Thankfully you also are now granted complete understanding of your own powers. This also works in reverse allowing you to “learn” other powers with enough study and practice and if you can find someone willing to train you, they can also teach you their abilities at a highly accelerated rate than you would have by studying on your own. You may choose what skills you wish to teach to another, and only those you choose can develop your skill by studying you. However there is a risk as those you teach will be able to propagate their powers in the same way and you have no control over who and what they teach with this power once they already learn what you have taught them. No longer do you have to lament at those who are born lucky, now hard work and study can get you even further.