Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Foundation Powers/Mark of The Outsider (Dishonored)

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Mark of The Outsider (Dishonored)

Cost: 15 SP

You have been chosen by the mysterious entity known as the Outsider, who has granted you a tattoo on one of your hands. This mark is a conduit for the power of the Void, a dark and chaotic dimension that lies beyond reality. Through the mark, you can enhance your physiology, improve your powers, and manifest specific abilities that defy the laws of nature.

At the start, you will have three random weak abilities that you can use by spending mana, a limited resource that regenerates slowly over time. These abilities may include:

Blink: A short-range teleportation that allows you to move instantly from one point to another. Dark Vision: A night vision that enhances your perception in low-light conditions and reveals living beings through walls. Devouring Swarm: A summoning ability that calls forth a swarm of rats that will attack your enemies and devour their corpses.

Over time, or through absorbing the souls of the living and feeding them to your mark, you will become much stronger, gaining more mana and unlocking new abilities or upgrading existing ones. Some of the more advanced abilities are:

Bend Time: A temporal manipulation ability that allows you to slow down or stop time for everyone except yourself. Possession: A mind control ability that allows you to take over the body of an animal or a human for a limited duration, using their senses and abilities as your own. Shadow Kill: An ability that causes your enemies to turn into ash when they die, leaving no trace of their existence. In addition to these supernatural powers, you also have an incredible innate talent for fighting, sneaking, and assassination. You can wield various weapons and gadgets with ease, such as swords, crossbows, pistols, grenades, mines, etc. You can also use the environment to your advantage, such as hiding in shadows, climbing on rooftops, or using traps and distractions. You are a master of stealth and combat, capable of taking down your targets with lethal or non-lethal methods.