Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Foundation Powers/Promethean Ichor

From Worm CYOA Wiki

Promethean Ichor

Cost: 10 SP

Your heart has crystallized itself, becoming indestructible and eternal. No longer is it mere blood being pumped throughout your body. Through your veins runs your life force condensed into an impossible form, the Prima Materia, an iridescent golden ichor. You have surpassed the realm of men, breaching into a new level of existence. 

Due to your heart's transformation, your ichor constantly seeps into your mind and body, enhancing it, improving all aspects of yourself, and granting you endless mental and physical stamina, allowing you to function at your best indefinitely. You are able to direct your life force through your heart, allowing you to improve yourself at the cellular level. Nothing is impossible with enough experience and dedicated life force. Your mutations will be manageable and never will negatively impact each other.

Your human imperfections will be burnt away, allowing you to progress beyond human limits with enough dedication to your actions. Igniting your heart's power fills you with divine inspiration as you burn away your imperfections, enabling you to improve through means of regression to perfection. Finding balance will come with time, knowing when it is best to start with a fresh slate and proper comprehension. Every time you regress you set yourself up for a better future learning faster depending on how many times you've burnt out the impurities of your actions.

Your life force lets you heal from scrapes and wounds instantly, while regrowing fingers in minutes, and arms and legs in hours. You will never have to worry about old age, for you have undergone an ascension, putting you among the immortal ones for as long as your heart beats true. Your healing is perfect, always restoring you to your best.

Whenever you do not actively wish to keep your ichor outside your body, the Prima Materia will shift into liquid lead, unconnected to your existence.