Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Foundation Upgrades/Debugger Console

From Worm CYOA Wiki

Debugger Console

Cost: 20 SP ()

Cost: 10 SP ((Trump) Gamer SystemGamer System)

Required: Gamer System,(Trump) Gamer System,

You can access the inner workings of your system(s?) through the Debugger Console. This special window grants you access to the source code and assets that run the Gamer System. The language used is unknown to you unless you have code-related powers or skills. Modifications you do through the console happen in real-time and your system will glitch out if your code has bugs. Thankfully, there is a version control system built in so you can save your modifications and revert to an earlier state if you wish.

While you can modify the inner workings of the system and are able to change the rules, you cannot modify your player data directly and are still limited by some rules. The level of freedom you have with your modifications depends on how strong you are.