Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Mental and Psychic Powers/Believe in the me who believes in you!

From Worm CYOA Wiki

Believe in the me who believes in you!

Cost: 5 SP

You have the true quality of a leader. you lift up those around you, to be better than they are, better than they even think they could be. Your charisma and force of personality makes others believe on both themselves and you. To dare reach for their dreams. You Inspire others as easily as you breathe, your ability to do so is outright legendary and you will always touch the hearts of those you talk to, if you wish it. People will flock to you for leadership, Children will see you as their hero, and your lovers will hold you in their heart for all time. You can appear in your Friends, followers or otherwise close companions dreams and hallucinations whenever they are in danger or are being controlled by someone other than themselves. You can then guide them out of it with kind or inspirational words or give them the advice they need to survive or thrive. Furthermore, whenever someone has lost sight of goals, or have become consumed by panic, doubt, or despair, you can simply return them to normal by giving them a good smack and inspiring a new wave of confidence in them.