Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Mental and Psychic Powers/Disastrous Life(The Disastrous Life of Saiki K)

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Disastrous Life(The Disastrous Life of Saiki K)

Cost: 60 SP

Why would you want this? Even the character this is based on would rather not have his powers.

You have been cursed with the gift of psychic powers; you are what psychics are to normal humans. While the normal psychic is limited to only one manifestation of mental abilities, you are more advanced than the average psychic. Similar to Saiki Kusuo, you have a vast array of psychic abilities that grow with you as you gain more abilities the longer that you exist. The might of your psychic powers grows in a similar fashion to Saiki's, growing with no upper limit at a rapid pace.

Your list of powers includes but is not limited to teleportation around the world, so long as you know the location that you have seen before. This would allow you to teleport to a location if you looked at a photograph, astral projection, leaving behind your mortal vessel. Possession into the body of someone else, pulling objects of equal value, transferring them between locations, The ability to duplicate yourself into multiple bodies, but the more you do so, the less the clones start to look similar to yourself and grow weaker with each additional copy, as well as sharing the pain between all versions of yourself; the ability of clairvoyance; cryokinesis; the ability to curse others with misfortune or death; electrokinesis; flight; hydrokinesis; hypnosis; invisibility; memory alteration; mind control on a planetary scale; the ability to turn others into stone by looking them in the eye; precognition; However, this brings debilitating headaches, telepathy, x-ray vision, and more abilities the longer that you continue to use them. With enough time, you could learn to copy the abilities of others through psychic might.

You also gain a pair of limiters that allow you to turn off your powers.