Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Mental and Psychic Powers/Epsilon-Class Psyker (40k)

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Epsilon-Class Psyker (40k)

Cost: 1 SP (Primarch (40k))

Cost: 0 SP (Primarch (40k))

Required: Psyker (40k)

Required: Delta-Class Psyker (40k)

Required: Gamma-Class Psyker (40k)

Required: Beta-Class Psyker (40k)

Required: Alpha-Class Psyker (40k)

Required: Alpha Plus-Class Psyker (40k)

The designation given to the most basic type of Psyker by the denizens in the Warhammer galaxy. With proper training, you would be able to move small objects around using telekinesis, pick apart minds, shoot small blasts of lightning and other feats of minor casting.