Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Mental and Psychic Powers/I Do Not Judge, I Merely Accept

From Worm CYOA Wiki

I Do Not Judge, I Merely Accept

Cost: 10 SP

You've now gain a supernatural charisma, a perfect instinct to know what to say in any situation, and a magnetic aura of comfort, your aura draws in and soothe those with damaged, broken, warped, or alien psyches. Your very presence becomes a brightly shining beacon of solace, attracting individuals from all walks of life.

But your power goes beyond providing comfort. You possess the unique skill to transform these twisted souls into a formidable fighting force. Through your empathic connection, you can lead, command and guide them, allowing them to tap into their traumas and vulnerabilities to fuel their strength and determination. United under your leadership, they become a powerful and highly effective fighting unit, combining their resilience with your strategic guidance to achieve extraordinary feats.

All You Have To Do Is Ask

You aren't alone anymore, you've got friends in high and low places. You don't necessarily need to steal every asset to get your hands on it. When you get consent to copy someone else, the copied skill will be stronger as a result. As long as the person you're copying gives honest, informed consent and isn't forced to agree, any skill you copy from them becomes 6 times stronger, meaning a typical power will be 1/18th of the original's strength.