Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Mental and Psychic Powers/Lie Eater

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Lie Eater

Cost: 10 SP

As the possessor of the Lie Eater ability, you gain an uncanny intuition, allowing you to discern with unerring precision when a person is telling a lie and precisely what the falsehood entails. This innate lie-detection ability becomes an indispensable tool in any social interaction or conflict.

However, the true strength of the Lie Eater lies in its unique capability to weave its own fabrications that are nearly indistinguishable from reality. When you tell a lie, it becomes exceptionally persuasive, causing even the most skeptical minds to believe the falsehood. This makes you a master manipulator, adept at steering conversations, situations, and even outcomes in your favor.

Furthermore, the power of Lie Eater extends beyond mere words, enabling you to create tactile illusions. When you lie, your words can manifest as convincing illusions, fooling the senses of those who hear the falsehood. These tactile illusions can be employed to create deceptive mirages, simulate sensations, or even conjure lifelike apparitions, making it a potent weapon for both offense and defense.