Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Mental and Psychic Powers/Luthorism Mindset (DC Comics)

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Luthorism Mindset (DC Comics)

Cost: 60 SP

You have now become the world premiere super-genius, possessing a 12th level intellect equivalent to Lex Luthor and Brainiac. You can seamlessly hold and process 12 simultaneous thoughts, granting you the ability to innovate and advance any fields you take interest in, solving even the most complex problems with ease.

Moreover, your intellect has a compounding effect, as aligning your thoughts on a single subject multiplies your cognitive abilities exponentially. For instance, focusing two of your thoughts on the economy would make you 144 times more effective in devising solutions and crafting economic systems. Concentrating all 12 of your thoughts on a single subject results in a remarkable enhancement, making you more effective by a staggering 12^12 times. This level of concentration would essentially render you nearly omniscient in regards to that subject matter.