Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Mental and Psychic Powers/Maturity of the Hokage (Naruto)

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Maturity of the Hokage (Naruto)

Cost: 8 SP (Divine Paper Mars (Naruto))

Cost: 4 SP (Divine Paper Mars (Naruto))

Your maturity and mentality is impressive enough that you, even as a child, would be one of the best leaders of any country. Your wisdom exceeds that of powerful leaders.

You will do whatever it takes to accomplish your goals, or see them accomplished. Even if everything breaks around you, if you so need to continue on, you will. You will walk past your friends, as they die, or as you kill them yourself.

You are prodigal in nearly anything you try, able to master skills such like shurikenjutsu within the matter of a week.

And yet, your greatest feature is your knowledge of the human mind. With an illusion power, you can maximize the illusion to cause whatever you want to the target. You are so good at causing or manipulating illusions on people that you can sometimes even forget reality in favor of the illusion.

Even without those illusion powers, you're good at making it seem as if you truly do have an ability to cause illusions. People's perception is yours to manipulate.

You are envied, you are feared, you are hated.

Thus is the path of the prodigy.