Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Mental and Psychic Powers/Normality Restoration (Madness Combat)

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Normality Restoration (Madness Combat)

Cost: 15 SP

"I purge the wicked. The impious madness must end. It has gotten out of hand. I shall be the instrument of Armageddon. The end has begun."

Upon your head now lies a "halo." The keystone fragment, once worn by a man only remembered as Jebediah. This grants you all of his memories and skills you may decide if this alters your personality, As a result this grants you mastery of gunfire and swordsmanship on a supernatural level, allowing you to carve through your opponents both up close and afar. additionally you have several supernatural abilities that make you an especially dangerous opponent.

Primarily, you are now a powerful psionic. You can perform teleportation, telekinesis, and levitation. You can use this power to throw crates, rip apart enemies, and smash foes into walls. Additionally, you can spawn a cross-shaped shield that can block bullets or capture oncoming bullets and then push them back at the source.

Additionally you are superhumanly strong, durable, and agile. capable of destroying buildings with some effort; you can fight for days on end without food or rest; additionally, you have the ability to summon any mundane weapon within a range of about 10 metres from you; furthermore, this power can summon any weaponlike object of power you own to you at any point. appearing directly at you. This includes Jebediah's signature binary sword.

Improbable Outset

With the improbability drives excess power, The keystone fragment amplification now applies to your other abilities, skills, and powers increasing them by 25% and fusing with the power the "halo" grants, increasing its abilities' to that power level. with an additional 25% increase in physical, mental, divine and abstract powers.