Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Mental and Psychic Powers/Ouroboros - The Snake That Bites Its Own Tail

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Ouroboros - The Snake That Bites Its Own Tail

Cost: 15 SP

You have been bestowed with a power that may be seen as both a blessing and a curse. Upon receiving this power, you are instantly immersed in a myriad of perfect simulations, experiencing a million lifetimes. Each simulation starts from the moment you acquire this power and continues until the simulated version of you meets its end. While you do not directly gain memories, skills, or powers from these iterations, you develop an extraordinary sixth sense for the future, allowing you to instinctively navigate the present and make choices that align with your ultimate goals.

Within this mysterious process, an alternate version of yourself is created, destined to relive your life in endless variations. These iterations explore different paths, hobbies, professions, and decisions, resulting in a wealth of diverse experiences.

This bestows upon you an unparalleled ability to discern the most favorable paths to achieve your objectives. Your intuition becomes heightened, granting you insights into the consequences of your actions and enabling you to make well-informed decisions that maximize your chances of success.

Furthermore, this gift endows you with profound wisdom, rooted in the echoes of countless lives. It feels as though you have been extensively trained in any skills you choose to pursue, as if you had already encountered and mastered them in a distant era. This heightened receptiveness allows you to absorb new knowledge and rapidly acquire proficiency in various disciplines, as if you have already traversed and conquered them in a forgotten time.


Every version of you, the timeline being split at the moment you gain your powers, has a copy of 108 Skills. As such a versatile power, it stands to reason that you'd have a colossal wealth of knowledge to draw on in this case. The intuition gained by Ouroboros is several times deeper in regards to 108 Skills, granting you a far clearer understanding of how to use it properly.