Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Mental and Psychic Powers/The Hand Behind The Curtain

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The Hand Behind The Curtain

Cost: 15 SP

In a world entrenched in deception and power struggles, you possess the supernatural skills and unparalleled expertise in planning, orchestrating, and manipulating others, allowing you to navigate the intricate web of influence with unrivaled finesse.

As the Hand Behind The Curtain, you possess an innate understanding of the motives and intentions that drive people's actions. This insight empowers you to craft intricate, long-term strategies and campaigns that span vast domains, seamlessly accounting for all relevant factors, treasures, resources, and variables involved, orchestrating plans that could span millennia, all while ensuring that your true intentions remain hidden from prying eyes.

With your masterful manipulation skills, you become the unseen puppeteer, orchestrating events and pulling the strings from behind the scenes. Your grand designs encompass vast networks, enabling you to wield unparalleled control and shape the outcomes of pivotal moments. While others remain oblivious to your influence, you steer the development of civilizations and hold the keys to their destiny.

Additionally, your mastery extends to the art of acting, allowing you to assume different personas effortlessly. With this added ability, you can seamlessly blend into any role, concealing your true intentions as you manipulate those around you.