Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Mental and Psychic Powers/The Writer

From Worm CYOA Wiki

The Writer

Cost: 3 SP

You are not the protagonist, nor the antagonist or even a side character. You are the narrator, the story teller, the Writer.

Your ability to observe people and you’re surrounding is above the norm, allowing you to gain [Inspiration]. [Inspiration] can be used to allow you to enter a fugue state where you can construct ideas for stories as well as to write these stories.

Your ability with any mundane written language is at the highest level a normal person can possess. When writing a story, your hand can fill up a page with words in less than 10 minutes, with perfectly understandable handwriting and amazing use of language skills.

Your writing reaches to a point that a person may feel like they are experiencing the story first hand rather than simply reading it.


Completing a story gives you the power to transport yourself or anyone within your line of sight into the world of the story. The only way to exit the story is if you allow it to happen. The characters within the story will be forced to follow the rules of the story world, regardless of the circumstances or laws of physics.


With the ability to illustrate your stories through drawing as well as writing, your skills have been taken to the next level. You now possess an advanced talent for creating comics or manga, with each panel you draw seemingly springing to life before your very eyes. Your drawings now capture the essence of your characters and settings, bringing your imagination to life in vivid and detailed illustrations that will captivate your readers. Whether you choose to illustrate your own stories or collaborate with others, your abilities now make you a truly exceptional creator of comic or manga.