Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Mental and Psychic Powers/Thousand Image Defense (Record of Ragnarok)

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Thousand Image Defense (Record of Ragnarok)

Cost: 10 SP

You have an innate ability and talent which allows you to memorize and analyze your opponent's moves to form a simulation of them inside your mind, visualizing and battling said opponent until you find a way to defeat them. You can use this ability to predict your enemies' movements via mental simulations, creating and breaking down their thousands of possible attack patterns they might have by analyzing their constitution, gait, breathing and blinking all before the fight even begins. However, this ability isn't perfect, since using it puts a burden on your body and the predictions themselves aren't 100% accurate, especially if your opponent's holding back.

You can further advance this ability to infinite image defense with training which allow you to where you could not only analyze your opponent's movement but also the information present in your surroundings using the vibrations traveling through the air and the ground, allowing you to predict your opponent's movements even further and make your movements comparable to that of a Supreme God.