Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Mental and Psychic Powers/Villainess? - No, I'm Totally The Heroine! (Villain Initialization)

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Villainess? - No, I'm Totally The Heroine! (Villain Initialization)

Cost: 20 SP

Congratulations! Like a certain spoiled princess of a crime syndicate, you've awakened the latent psychic energies within your mind. Your psychic prowess initially begins with the ability to effortlessly read the thoughts of those you near you, telekinetically move objects around you with a thought, and to soar through the skies by enveloping your body with psychic energy.

However, the true worth of this gift lies within your mindscape—an inner world that exist in your head. By touching a living being, you can copy their consciousness, housing it within this inner realm where you reign as a God. Here, you hold absolute control, capable of probing their memories, imposing mental constraints, or even altering their thoughts to your whim. However, be cautious, as the strong-willed may resist your influence, and while they can't hurt you, their echoes persistently reverberate in your sanctuary.

A further facet of this power emerges as you channel psychic energy through these captive consciousnesses. Through this, you can simulate their abilities, mimicking their skills or powers through using your own psychic energy. A symbiotic exchange, but not without cost—for a trace of their essence colors your being during emulation, a reminder of the borrowed might.

Exercise caution when juggling multiple consciousnesses, for while one or two may barely shift your personality, an assembly of a dozen at one time could etch irreversible changes.