Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Spiritual and Divine Powers/Atum Manipulation (Kill Six Billion Demons)

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Atum Manipulation (Kill Six Billion Demons)

Cost: 20 SP (The Key of Kings (Kill Six Billion Demons))

Cost: 15 SP (The Key of Kings (Kill Six Billion Demons))

You now contain within you Atum. This is the refined soul flame or essence of each individual, the Atum is observed to flow through many channels, or meridians, within the body. Precise knowledge of how the soul flame flows through these channels, the ways in which it can become blocked, and the ways in which it can be aligned to unlock a person’s hidden potential are key to various schools of martial arts throughout the multiverse. Breath is key in controlling one's Atum. Someone with high breath control and will not only has incredible constitution and body health, but has also aligned the energy pathways in their body to the point that they can perform unbelievable physical feats of endurance, such as turning blades away from their skin.

As you train in your breath control and martial arts and get used to controlling your Atum the level of your power can increase as your body and spirit are tempered by the refined soul flame. An Atum that burns particularly bright can actually be seen as an aura or ring of light, sometimes called a halo or animus. In those warriors or sages that have cultivated enough strength, it burns as a physical, smokeless flame across their body. Ancient sage kings were said to have golden animus that wreathed their body in flames as bright and hot as molten metal, while leaving their skin and clothing unharmed

A particularly strong willed users can even do things like forming constructs out of their Atum, such as weapons, limbs or even entire clones, and different attacks. However only strong will, control, and training can bring you to the level of a single warrior who slays armies and shatters cities - or whatever you choose to do with your power.