Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Spiritual and Divine Powers/Beyonder (Lord of the Mysteries)

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Beyonder (Lord of the Mysteries)

Cost: 15 SP

You have the innate potential to reach Sequence 1 of a single Pathway out of the 22 Pathways. This allows you to start at Sequence 9 and work your way up to the peak of Sequence 1 at no risk of losing your mind. Each Pathway has its own unique traits and abilties, extra information on these can be found on the Lord of The Mysteries wiki. You fulfill a paradoxical attitude of life, maintaining your own personal beliefs and view on life while still advancing your Pathway, additionally there is no thought off-limits to you, no Divine Revelation, knowledge, or Eldritch Truth can corrupt you. There are advancement Rituals required for your ascension to the next Sequence, you will instinctually know what these rituals are in-depth and can complete them with ease. Increasing your Sequence improves all of your skills qualitatively, bringing all skills up to the high capabilities of your current Sequence.

Upon reaching the High Sequences (4 through 1), you are able to influence reality, how this influence is expressed is dependent on your Pathway. You are timeless and will never lose control over yourself or your powers, not requiring anchors to maintain your sanity. Your Mythical Creature form will conform to your desires while still remaining true to your Pathway. You are able to receive prayers and respond to them with your will if you so choose.

True God Potential

You have the capacity to reach Sequence 0 of your selected Pathway. This is no easy feat, requiring a Apotheosis Ritual worthy of a True God, as that is what you become upon your ascension. Your Uniqueness will meld into a full Authority upon your ascension. You will have virtually perfect control over your Authority and gain power from it as it is a part of your very being. Bestowing slivers of your powers onto your follows comes with ease, these powers come are temporary and can be incredibly draining. Your mere presence is enough to influence the environment around you, at-will you are able to cause bizarre and strange effects. These changes will be in line with your Authority. Additionally, you are able to manipulate your own personal size and maintain your physical proportions while doing so, increasing your height to be as tall as a mountain or shrinking yourself to the size of a normal human comes with ease and is near instantaneous.

Above the Sequence Potential

You have the capacity to reach a peculiar rank known as Above The Sequence, requiring one of the 9 Sefirots and the Uniqueness of the accompanying Pathways. There are 9 positions for Above The Sequence, each being tied to their own Sefirot, these 9 being God Almighty, Lord of Mysteries, Eternal Darkness, Goddess of Origin, The Anarchy, Calamity of Destruction, Father of Devils, Demon of Knowledge, and Key of Light. This level of power solidifies your Godhood, giving you near-omniscience and omnipotence, allowing you to hand out even greater power with even less cost, and so much more. All parts of your Authorities have been broadened and further increased in power, giving you an even wider base of power.