Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Spiritual and Divine Powers/Captain Universe (Marvel)

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Captain Universe (Marvel)

Cost: 65 SP

Captain Universe is a powerful cosmic entity within the Marvel Universe, representing the embodiment of the Universe itself. Also known as the Uni-Power and the god of light, Captain Universe is not a singular individual but rather a force that chooses worthy hosts to bestow its immense power upon.

The chosen host of Captain Universe undergoes a profound transformation, gaining incredible abilities and becoming a living conduit for the Uni-Power. The host's physical appearance is altered, the host's costume and appearance may vary, reflecting their individuality while embodying the cosmic energy coursing through them.

While empowered by Captain Universe, the host possesses an array of extraordinary abilities. These powers can vary, but commonly include enhanced strength, speed, agility, and durability far beyond the limits of human capability. The host gains the ability to fly and possesses an innate connection to the cosmic forces of the Universe, enabling them to manipulate matter and energy, project powerful blasts, and perceive the world on a cosmic scale. Additionally, Captain Universe's power grants the host an advanced healing factor and protection from various forms of harm by will of reality itself.

One remarkable aspect of Captain Universe is the ability to communicate with and understand various alien languages, as well as gaining knowledge and insights from the cosmos itself. This cosmic awareness allows the host to perceive hidden truths, navigate complex cosmic phenomena, and tap into universal knowledge to aid in their missions.

Usually, the duration of the Uni-Power's connection with a host is limited, fading away after the crisis is solved, but you won't ever lose this power.