Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Spiritual and Divine Powers/Celestial Brush God (Okami)

From Worm CYOA Wiki

Celestial Brush God (Okami)

Cost: 35 SP

You become a Celestial Brush God. This gives you the ability to re-write reality using your divine power and some skill. You can do this by stopping time and writing upon reality what you wish created, changed, or destroyed. You also, as a god, have an innate connection with nature and all things within it will recognize your authority and power, and rightly defer to you. Your power grows the more you help nature and the world, granting you more faith and therefore power. All things can grant faith, but helping humans and other sentients grants the most. Mortal weapons and powers can no longer hurt you. You can choose an animal form which you can change in and out of at will. Note: You use your divine powers in the form of brush techniques, you start out with knowledge and skill with one, but can expand on this by using and experimenting with your powers.