Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Spiritual and Divine Powers/DETERMINATION (Undertale)

From Worm CYOA Wiki


Cost: 25 SP

You have gained the ability to SAVE, LOAD, and RESET. You can set a SAVE point in time and space which you will automatically return to if you die, and you will only truly die if you wish to.

When you create a new SAVE point it will permanently erase the old one, but you can choose to RESET at any time you wish and it will send you back to when you first gained this power, and you will be able to jump through time at your leisure. There are a few drawbacks however, strong willed individuals might have feelings of deja vu after timeline alternations, and those with determination significantly higher than yours can cause your powers to fail.

With enough willpower, you will be able to circumvent those drawbacks via a TRUE RESET and refuse death entirely, staying alive long past when you should have perished through sheer DETERMINATION alone. This power also acts as a general willpower boost.

The Human Potential

Through gaining the powers of a Monster, your soul becomes malleable, allowing you to tap into the essence of other traits and harness their unique abilities. In addition to your core Determination ability, you can now wield the powers of Kindness, Justice, Patience, Bravery, Integrity, and Perseverance.

Kindness manifests as a vibrant green aura that acts as a force field. Through shaping it, you provide comprehensive protection in the form of a wall, sphere, or even as armor. While powerful attacks can be withstood, excessive damage will eventually break the shields.

Justice imbues your ranged attacks with tracking capabilities. They can change direction midair, relentlessly pursuing their target. Dodges and even teleportation won't help, as the attacks will adjust their course to relentlessly pursue the target for as long as you wish.

Patience grants you the ability to manipulate time and emotions. Slowing time around you to dodge incoming attacks, you gain an advantage in combat. You can also calm yourself and others, preventing emotions from clouding judgment and pacifying individuals in intense states.

Bravery fuels your determination with unmatched courage and speed. Tapping into this power grants incredible swiftness, almost as if your teleporting, allowing you to charge fearlessly into battle. You develop resistance to fear-based and mental attacks, shielding your heart with determination.

Integrity radiates a "truth aura" from your determination. Conversations with you compel honesty, bypassing deception. Your unwavering commitment to your morals grants you resistance to mind control.

Perseverance endows your determination with unwavering resolve. You passively warp probability, allowing you to overcome any challenges with persistence. Exceptional resistance to pain enables you to forge ahead despite the toughest trials.