Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Spiritual and Divine Powers/Exigent (Exalted)

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Exigent (Exalted)

Cost: 15 SP

”Sometimes there is calamity beyond measure. Sometimes there is crisis beyond reckoning. Sometimes the world must have a champion, but does not. Then the gods themselves lift their faces to Heaven, and utter a prayer for deliverance.”

You are given an Exigence without the Great Curse or age limits. You have the abilities of an Exigent during character creation.

While Exigents have Charms & Anima flares similar to a Solar Exalted, their nature is different from most other Chosen in that they are less one type of Exalt so much as a collection of different types, due to the fact that their Sparks of Exaltation come from the many lesser gods of Creation.

You may pick any non-Incarna god, past or present, to serve as the basis of your Exigence, with that god’s nature and domains shaping your Exaltation’s appearance, abilities, and Charms. Regardless of who you choose, you will only be on par with Terrestrial and Alchemical Exalted in terms of strength and versatility.

Heavenly Destined Hero

Whether it is because your divine sponsor looked kindly upon you when they bestowed your Exigence, or because you simply proved to be exceptionally compatible with the spark of Exaltation, it seems that your Exigent abilities are now amplified significantly: Your Exigence is now roughly on the level of a Celestial Exalt such as the Lunars and Sidereals, not just in terms of raw power, but also versatility and breadth of abilities as well.

Champion of the Four Directions

Even among the Exigent, you are truly unique. Your status as the Hierophant means many lesser gods have a vested interest in your success, and so a number of them teamed up to craft an Exigence the likes of which was never seen. Not only is your Exigence similar to a Solar Exaltation in terms of raw power, its breadth and versatility is unmatched, as it is shaped by the nature and domains of all of your patrons, and your divine magic can be used to temporarily gain abilities relating to further domains which you have mastered.