Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Spiritual and Divine Powers/Mummy (The Mummy)

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Mummy (The Mummy)

Cost: 20 SP

"The Medjai would never allow him to be released, for he would arise a walking disease, a plague upon mankind, an unholy flesh eater with the strength of ages, power over the sands, and the glory of invincibility."

You have been cursed with the Hom-Dai, a punishment reserved for blasphemers. It is the worst of all ancient Egyptian curses. However, rejoice, for it seems this curse is more of a blessing. You have become immortal and invincible. The curse makes it so that you cannot die, and it was originally used to keep you alive as bugs ate you alive. However, now that you have escaped the sarcophagus they trapped you in, you no longer need to fear and gain the power of the curse for yourself. You have gained power over the Ten Plagues of Egypt and are now able to invoke them whenever you wish. You can also transform yourself into sand, as well as transform others into sand, transporting them across great distances. You also possess control over sand, water, and the wind, having immeasurable control over them. You can also move objects with your mind. You gain the ability to suck the life force from people adding it to your own and regenerate even faster than normal. You also have the power to control bugs, specifically the bugs that are meant to eat you from the inside out.

The curse also gives you the strength to smash cars with little effort. So long as your soul is not destroyed, you can regenerate or be brought back into the world. You also have no need for food, water, or even the need to breathe to survive. Along with all this, you also gain a rudimentary ability to resurrect the dead as your undying servants.