Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Spiritual and Divine Powers/Pandora's Child (Campione!)

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Pandora's Child (Campione!)

Cost: 30 SP

You managed to do the impossible and slain a deity as a mortal(?). As a result, you became one of Pandora’s adopted children and the owner of a few advantages. As a Campione, you gain an all-around stronger body, a natural talent to understand any language, monstrous instinct, a supernatural instinct to recognize divine beings, a supernatural talent in fighting gods, an absurd increase in mana and a natural Magic Resistance that rivals the Gods themselves, making all mortal magic basically useless against you and greatly diminishing the magical attacks from Gods. Also, your body has become near ageless, also having an accelerated healing and gaining magic senses if you didn’t have them before. You are also resistant to Fate and is absurdly lucky in all your endeavors. All in all, you can say that it improves everything about your body, not to mention that you also gain a single [Authority] that you are most compatible with from any God you slay. However, not everything is roses. You attract the hostility of Gods and other divine beings. You and the gods are also more prone to attack each other on sight, without any mean of diplomacy. Normally, this power is only offered to mortal humans, however you are an exception, becoming a Campione no matter what your species is. Moreover, your powers are not dependent on Pandora. Since you have already slain a deity by yourself, you gain an appropriate [Authority] based on the deity you have slain. (The [Authority] you gain should be around country level of power at start. It can grow with you training with it.) Do beware of getting lazy, for many Campiones have fallen after relying too much on their natural advantages, since there are ways to go around them.