Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Spiritual and Divine Powers/The Art (Kill Six Billion Demons)

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The Art (Kill Six Billion Demons)

Cost: 20 SP (The Key of Kings (Kill Six Billion Demons))

Cost: 15 SP (The Key of Kings (Kill Six Billion Demons))

The Art, short for the Art of Lying to the Face of God, is a general term for what can be called 'magic' in the multiverse of Kill Six Billion Demons. It is often explained as the practice of lying to the universe convincingly enough that it becomes true, as such, it is heavily reliant on the practitioner's will for things to become true. It is generally split into sub Arts: Red, White, and Black. The Red art uses vocal speech to change one inanimate thing into another. The White art uses one's soul as a medium to warp the self to do things like teleport, enhance physical abilities, create additional limbs, form the atum (soul energy) into weapons etc. The Red-White art applies the white art on another entity. The Black art is the hardest to use, it is the ex-nihilo creation of matter, life, and souls. Very advanced users of the art can also spin the wheel and laugh at god, negating recent actions and physically or mentally traveling backwards in time, persist past death as a ghost; or attain limited omniscience.

On purchase you start only able to do minor things with the red art, and can progress from there.