Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Spiritual and Divine Powers/To Stand In The Shoulder Of Giants (Petals of Reincarnation)

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To Stand In The Shoulder Of Giants (Petals of Reincarnation)

Cost: 30 SP

Choose a historical or legendary figure from the annals of history, and you shall become their direct descendant and reincarnation. Through this newfound lineage, you inherit the awe-inspiring powers and abilities of your ancestor, embodying their epic tale and reenacting their remarkable deeds.

As a Descendant of a historical figure, you possess the ability to manifest the powers, appearance, and memories of your ancestor. With a mere act of will, you tap into the full potential of your ancestor's legacy, channeling their greatness and legend through your very being.

What sets you apart from other Reincarnators is that you possess the complete powers of your ancestor right from the start. Your transformation is permanent, granting you immediate access to their extraordinary capabilities. This advantage allows you to fully embrace the essence of your ancestor's legend, transcending the limitations faced by other Reincarnators.

Furthermore, you are not burdened by the uncontrollable urges typically associated with this lineage. Regardless of whether your ancestor was revered for great achievements or infamous for terrible acts, these urges do not sway your actions. Your own identity remains intact, granting you the freedom to choose your own path and forge your own destiny, unencumbered by the personality traits or desires of your ancestor.

It should also be noted that, as a Returner, you possess naturally superhuman physical abilities. Your agility rivals that of an Olympic sprinter, and your strength allows you to effortlessly shatter stone and trees with your bare fists.