Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Magic and Mystic Power Upgrades

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Infinity (The Seven Deadly Sins)

Cost: 15 SP

Required: No Powers

This is just unfair. You hold the power of Infinity, allowing you to extend the duration of any magic spell you cast for as long as you want, making it impossible for it to run out until you say it should end. Flames that burn forever, ice that never melts, and even stopping one’s own time is all within reach, normally impossible because of the energy drain they’d incur.

Spellsword (TES)

Cost: 3 SP

Required: Magicka Casting (TES)

You now have the knowledge to weave Magicka spells with melee combat, also giving you a body equivalent to a brute 2.

Battlemage (TES)

Cost: 7 SP

Required: Spellsword (TES)

Your Magickal and combat abilities are now entwined and improved, you gain physical strength as your understanding of Magicka and spells increase. You now start as a brute 3.

Esoteric Magick (TES)

Cost: 10 SP (Dovahkiin (TES))

Cost: 5 SP (Dovahkiin (TES))

Required: Magicka Casting (TES)

You are able to learn and train in more esoteric forms of magic such as: Ayleid magic, Necromancy, Shadow magic, Tonal magic, the Thu'um, and any magic referenced in any piece of lore (canon or not) (although the Thu'um is extremely hard and complicated to learn, and you will never be on the level of a dragonborn). (With enough time you are able to do anything with this power)

Dragon Rider

Cost: 10 SP

Required: Gramarye (Inheritance Cycle)

You gain a dragon's egg which once hatched the dragon will become soul bound with you acting as a powerful life long companion. The dragon a fully sentient creature and able to use telepathy to communicate with you and others. Both you and the dragon are immortal. Your dragon also can share its energy to boost your spells and recover stamina. Dragon magic is heavily tied to their emotions and while they normally cant use magic themselves, while experiencing great emotion are capable of performing powerful miracles. Typically dragons grow without limit but you will gain the knowledge of a spell allowing you to help change your dragons size. With time you will become more elf like increasing your physical ability to a few times peak human. If your dragon is ever killed they will leave a Eldunarí (dragon heart-stone) containing their soul and consciousness. It may be possible to fully revive them with some creativity. You are also trained in rider martial arts and gain a riders sword which is a powerful sword made of magical meteorite able to channel and store vast amounts of energy and nearly indestructible.

Bondsmith (Cosmere)

Cost: 5 SP

Required: Surgebinding (Stormlight Archives)

You are a Bondsmith, an order that stands apart from the rest of the Knights Radiant. You have access to the surges of tension and adhesion, which allows you to manipulate connections between people and things to learn things such as languages as well as to steal the connections of others. You can also manipulate physical properties using tension. Bondsmiths are also bonded to unique spren as compared to the ordinary spren that the other Orders are bonded to. You can choose whether you are bonded to the Stormfather, the Sibling or the Nightwatcher.

Gambling Addiction

Cost: 15 SP

Required: Spin the Gacha

Your ability to summon Servants has greatly increased! The Servants you can summon with the Saint Quartz can now be from any universe, instead of a singular one. If you ever have a specific setting in mind, you are able to lock in a setting for a week. This would allow you to only pull servants for that setting for said week. After that week is up you may change the setting you are pulling servants from to a different setting, or back to any/all.

Eventually you may gain too many servants and not know what to do with them all, so now you will also be able to summon and unsummon them. When they are unsummoned they will return to your own personal 'Throne of Heroes'. Each Servant having a personal room of their own design. Made perfectly for each individual Servant. In this 'Throne of Heroes' time will lose it's meaning. Allowing you to go centuries without resummoning a servant, but only feeling like a day for them. Your Servants are able to interact and communicate with one another in this Throne of Heroes, and should you desire it, be able to communicate telepathically with you. Although this connection can be turned off and on at will. Should a Servant die, they will return to your 'Throne of Heroes' where they will slowly resurrect and heal over the span of a month. This time can be sped up by using Saint Quartz on that individual Servant.

Enigmatic Mysteries (Type-Moon)

Cost: 20 SP

Required: Magecraft (Type-Moon)

Your Mysteries will never decrease in effectiveness, only growing stronger with time. You will always be able to uncover new Mysteries with enough time and research. You will always be able to perform Magecraft regardless of location. You are a Mystery on your own, fueling your Magecraft with the wisps of your endless future potential. Your circuits are no longer static, allowing you to craft new circuits and increase their quality with no limitation, making multiple Magic Crests is not an impossibility for you. You are able to craft new magic circuits that are meant for a singular form of Magecraft, improving the initial efficacy of the specialized circuit tenfold at the cost of all non-specialized Magecraft being ineffective. Your soul will not be overloaded at any point due to too many circuits, removing the innate pain of Magecraft. Given enough time and practice, every Mystery of yours can reach the realm of True Magic.

Divine Spirit (Type-Moon)

Cost: 25 SP

Required: Old Magic (Type-Moon)

Required: Servant (Type-Moon)

You have become a Divine Spirit, a being of Divine mystery that embodies natural phenomena or abstract concepts that serve as the foundation of the world itself. As a god you have enough power to battle and easily win against dozens of heroic spirits at once, and have the potential to grow to rival chief gods of entire pantheons, such as Zeus, Amaterasu, and God Arjuna, beings so powerful that they are unbound by the time axis.

You possess a Divine Core, a source of true ether that rivals that of a Holy Grail in terms of energy production and output. You are incredibly hard to kill and capable of regenerating even from the complete destruction of your soul whenever you wish to do so. The only way for you to be able to die is to be completely forgotten about, and even then, you would still need to be killed to put you down for good.

Your most potent ability as a divine spirit however is the ability to wield Authority, which is the divine right of gods, given to them by the planet itself, to shape and alter the world based on what phenomena or concepts they embody. These are tremendously powerful and esoteric capabilities; they allow for miraculous feats such as creating a world, event shifting and inducement, time-flow manipulation, and kingdom-building, and much more. While normal Skills and abilities "achieve a certain result based on some logical process or principle," Authorities "realize a result simply because the user has the right to do so."

You can freely use your Authority without inducing strain or having damage inflicted upon you, just as it was during the Age of Gods.

Grand Servant (Type-Moon)

Cost: 25 SP

Required: Servant (Type-Moon)

A step beyond Servants, you are a Grand Servant, those summoned by the World to deal with Evils of Humanity gone rampant. The amount of raw power at your disposal is incredible, surpassing even most Divine Beasts, and should you be focused on destruction, your attacks could obliterate islands. You also possess Noble Phantasm which would take properties from the rest of the perks, powers and/or drawbacks you take from this CYOA. The phantasm may boost your power temporarily, reduce the cooldown of abilities, sidestep requirements for ability activation, and so on. The possibilities are endless.

Evil Of Humanity (Type-Moon)

Cost: 40 SP

Required: Servant (Type-Moon)

A crown of horns rests on you head as a symbol for your candidacy and partial ascension as one of the Evils of Mankind, who were charged with punishing humanity. The act of becoming a Beast grants you several unique abilities. The first is Independent Manifestation, allowing the transportation and materialization of the soul across time and space. Travelling throughout the timeline and across the world is easy for you, taking a few minutes to discorporate and reincorporate when you do so. While the accuracy in location of arrival can leave something to be desired, the time travelling aspect is pinpoint. Second is the Authority of the Beast that you gain, an ability through which you gain an enormous advantage against all beings classified as Human. Any being such as this finds your powers to be far greater against them than against anyone else. Not to a degree that great heroes could not put up a fight but enough to make that same fight feel almost impossible even for the greatest of the human heroes. The final aspect of all Beasts is the Nega attribute. Each Beast is a counter to a specific category of being, against which they receive additional and enormous advantages. A counter to Servants that negates their greatest abilities and grants the Beast additional buffs when fighting against that category of being. You may create your own Nega skill here, composed of negating some aspect of the power set of your chosen target range and gaining large increases in effectiveness against them. The smaller your range, the greater your negation and benefits will be.

Demon Gods (Type-Moon)

Cost: 20 SP (Rings of Solomon (Type-Moon))

Cost: 10 SP (Rings of Solomon (Type-Moon))

Required: Evil Of Humanity (Type-Moon)

You have become Goetia, Beast I. You gain all of his abilities, skills and memories. The Demon Gods are now a part of you and yours to command. You gain the Temple of Time, also known as Ars Paulina, a workshop that exists outside of the universe and outside of time, located in the space of imaginary numbers.

Each Demon God has a distinct personality, but they exist as a unified being. Through the use of Ars Paulina, they are able continuously revive no matter how many times they were fought. Killing Demon God Pillars requires destroying all 72 at once — if even one remains intact, they will resurrect their fallen members.

Their pillar forms, although varied in appearance, share a similar shape resembling a cephalopod tentacle with rings of eyes (either round or angular) in place of suckers. The colors of the pillars vary, with many having black skin and red eyes. The immense scale of the Demon God is difficult to grasp — the pupils of each pillar have diameters that are multiple times the size of a regular human, making them towering and horrifying figures. These giants are adorned with a surface layer of frozen human bodies, both young and old, beautiful and ugly, each with a distinct expression reflecting the moment of absorption: agony, pain, sadness, anger, and other emotions. This body pile is a staggering three meters deep, beneath which lie the actual muscles and blood vessels of the Demon God. Over time, as the bodies are assimilated and absorbed, they become covered in a blanket of deep red lines. Once these lines appear, the bodies will eventually break down, creating more "blood" for the Demon God.

The destruction of Ars Paulina will undo the union of the immortal colony of the 72, causing them to become individual Demons and preventing them from reviving their fallen numbers. The only way to destroy Ars Paulina is through your death or the use of the Noble Phantasm: Ars Nova.

Class Cards (Type-Moon)

Cost: 10 SP

Required: Servant (Type-Moon)

Required: Summoner (Type-Moon),Spin the Gacha,

Your Servants can now be fused with to create a composite being, allowing you to gain the abilities of your Servants to become a Demi-Servant.

Unlike "real" class cards, changes to your appearance and personality are optional.

High-Servant (Type-Moon)

Cost: 10 SP

Required: Class Cards (Type-Moon)

You can now fuse multiple Servants at a time into your body, gaining the abilities of all of them, with overlapping abilities seeming to "stack."

You can also do this with your Servants, giving you a use for duplicates.

Eyes of Balor (Type-Moon)

Cost: 40 SP

Required: Mystic Eyes of Death Perception (Type-Moon)

Your eyes have been upgraded to it's prototypical form turning into the Divine Eyes of Balor. Because of your eye's divine origin, you could actualize death simply by looking at the target and tracing the lines of death through your eyes. Moreover, these pair of eyes also work on beings not having the concept of death, by impressing the concept of Death upon them, thereby making them mortal. The only limitation of the eyes are how far you can perceive and the range of your vision. The eyes may have further abilities which you may discover through time.

Factor of the Dragon (Type-Moon)

Cost: 15 SP (Phantasmal Species: Dragon (Type-Moon))

Cost: 5 SP (Phantasmal Species: Dragon (Type-Moon))

Required: Magecraft (Type-Moon) or...

Required: Excalibur (Type-Moon) and Avalon (Type-Moon) or...

Required: Avalon (Type-Moon)

Required: Servant (Type-Moon)

By being imbued with the Element of the Dragon, the blood and magical energy of a Dragon now run through your veins, coalescing your Magic Circuits into your heart and creating a unique type of Magic Circuits that transcend what can be achieved by normal humans and magi called a Magic Core. Your new core functions as an enormous Magical Energy core with tremendous capacity that generates energy independent from your body simply through breathing like dragons. The amount of Magical Energy it generates rivals the heat of the Earth's core, allowing one to potentially fuel weapons on the level of the strongest of Noble Phantasms multiple times in a row.

Your Magic Core also grants you the natural ability to increase your performance by infusing your armaments and body with Magical Energy and instantly expelling it. Simply put, recreating the effect of a jet burst by expending large amounts of Magical Energy. With your immense magical power, it's possible to maintain a full body reinforcement with ease, allowing someone with the strength of an ordinary human to amplify their physicality to go toe-to-toe with even A-ranked Servants.

Your Dragon Factor - as well as enhancing your endurance and stamina - grants a great resistance to magical phenomena, though not necessarily on the level of a Saber-class Servant. As a side effect, you may find yourself with a much greater appetite, and an increased capability to quickly digest food and have room for more. Any excess calories/nutrients are burned off by your Magic Core and turned into Magical Energy, should you for some reason need it.

Phantasmal Species: Dragon (Type-Moon)

Cost: 15 SP

Required: Old Magic (Type-Moon)

As a Pure-Blooded Dragon, you embody the apex of Phantasmal Species, possessing unparalleled power and magical prowess. Merely by breathing, you generate a tremendous amount of magical energy that can significantly impact the surrounding environment. Your scales, imbued with the innate resistance of a Dragon, provide an impervious barrier that allows only the most potent forms of Magecraft and Magic to penetrate.

Your mastery of magic surpasses even the most extraordinary feats witnessed during the Age of the Gods, effortlessly shattering the boundaries of what is considered possible. You are able to shift your human and Dragon form with ease, possibly creating a hybrid form between the two. Your body morph itself to fit your vision, allowing you to change your appearance with a mere thought.

You will continue to exist as no matter how much Mystery exists in the world, as you are a Mystery in your own right. Your immortal existence only compounds it strength as it grows older.

Mid-Class Gear Hybrid (Guilty Gear)

Cost: 15 SP

Required: Low-Class Gear Hybrid (Guilty Gear)

Your physical and magical abilities are improved again by five times, for a cumulative 50x. Your regeneration is now able to let you return from any injury as long as long as even small parts of you remain (such as a pool of blood). This also grants ageless immortality.

Scales Of Juno (Guilty Gear)

Cost: 50 SP

Required: Mid-Class Gear Hybrid (Guilty Gear)

You are infused with a divine seed born from The Backyard. This further improves your abilities tenfold further from a midclass (500x), with one Gear on this level having been able to annihilate the entire nation of Japan in a single blast. This makes you a higher dimensional indestructible constant, granting true perfect immortality. You gain a transformation known as a Dragon Install empowering you another few dozens of times, though it is draining to use without training.

High Magic (Warhammer Fantasy)

Cost: 5 SP

Required: Winds of Magic (Warhammer Fantasy)

Qhaysh, also known as High Magic, is the art of weaving together all of the Winds of Magic. Qhaysh requires one to be incredibly precise, careful and calm. It is a delicate art, and one that takes centuries at the very least to master; but, the greatest spells known to the world have been weaved through Qhaysh, from the Vortex which drained the world of the infinite magic of the Aethyr, to the Deliverance of Itza, which banished every Daemon within Itza, the First City. You are far from those loft heights however, as it stand you are merely the equal of the average Elven Archmage, only being capable of turning the tide of battlefields, healing a great deal many people at once with your magic, and are capable of yet far more things, of which there are too many to list here.

Dhar (Warhammer Fantasy)

Cost: 5 SP

Required: Winds of Magic (Warhammer Fantasy)

Dhar, more commonly known as Dark or Black Magic requires no skill or time to use. It is easy access to spells equal to that wielded by Elven Archmages; in exchange, the costs of it are equally great, oftentimes causing mutation, damage to reality, and corrupting & twisting the environment. The reason for these dangerous side effects to the caster and their surroundings is the wasteful and careless way in which Dhar must be casted. Indeed, the way to cast with Dhar is similarly destructive, demanding only incredible amounts of willpower and simply crushing them together.

There are 2 kinds of Dhar, Dhar and True Dhar. Dhar is using all the Winds of Magic for maximum effect in an unbalanced manner. True Dhar is made when all eight winds merge together so thoroughly that maintain an individual identity, stagnating in a metaphysical sense.

Where the Dhar used by regular wizards could perhaps be consider not evil; True Dhar is bent almost entirely towards dominating and deconstructing the physical world. True Dhar is just as difficult as Qhaysh to wield, but also carries a much higher risk of consuming the being who casts with it. True Dhar must be wrestled into shape, requiring a will and mind of such strength and narcissistic self-confidence that only the most mad humans could ever hope to have. And even the most stable of people will become absolutely self-obsessed in a relatively short amount of time when exposed to True Dhar.

This power makes you a natural talent for working with True Dhar, granting you the megalomaniacal self-confidence and nigh-absolute strength of will and mind to wield it. It also grants you enough skill to be on par with an average Supreme Sorceress; however even your average Supreme Sorceress is capable of turning the tide of entire battlefields and decimating large portions of enemy armies.

You do not need to purchase this to wield Dhar, this merely grants you the experience and skill required to do so somewhat safely.

Miracles (Warhammer Fantasy)

Cost: 5 SP

Required: Winds of Magic (Warhammer Fantasy)

The Elven wizard Teclis once observed a Sigmarite Warrior-Priest performing his Miracles, and noticed that the power was not coming from an external source, but that the priest was unknowingly manipulating the Winds of Magic into the forms of his faith.

You are conscious of this fact, and can use the Winds of Magic to replicate the Miracles of the Old World's Pantheon. You can heal like a priest of Shallya or a Grail Damsel, enhance your wisdom and skill like a priest of Myrmidia or Verena, and enhance your strength like a priest of Sigmar or Ulric.

First Generation Slann (Warhammer Fantasy)

Cost: 15 SP

Required: High Magic (Warhammer Fantasy)

You are no mere mortal mage, you wield knowledge and power on par with the first generation of Slann, whose mastery of magic was so great as to only be surpassed by the Gods themselves and were the only ones to ever speak with the Old Ones.

On your own, you can move mountains, cause earthquakes, call down meteors, destroy cities, resurrect the dead, and slaughter hundreds of thousands of Daemons.

Greater than even your personal power however, is your ability to recreate the Lizardman’s infrastructure, from the Sacred Spawning Pools, to the Temple Cities and Geomantic Web, you remember it all, and indeed might yet build a realm that spans the planet.

Despite the name, becoming a Slann is entirely optional, though regardless you will have their biological immortality.

Heir of the Old Ones (Warhammer Fantasy)

Cost: 35 SP

Required: First Generation Slann (Warhammer Fantasy)

Instead of a Slann, you are on par with their makers, the Old Ones themselves. This boosts your personal power even further, with spells like the Vortex being but child’s play to you, and moving planets a simple and only mildly difficult struggle. This also grants you intelligence on par with an Old One. You possess powers beyond that of a god, and could indeed bind and shape them to your will just as you could beings of flesh and blood. The mere act of speaking is enough to slay any being weaker than a First Generation Slann Mage-Priest, should you wish it.

Your mastery of magic and technology is where you truly shine however, for yours built an empire so grand it spans the universe itself and all of time. Entire races of servants might be built to fulfill your grand designs, and you know how to make gates going through the Aethyr that allows for instant travel between two places. Indeed magic and technology are but one and the same to you. Your mastery of biology is not merely limited to servant races either, indeed for your kind molded from subpar materials the many races of Mallus, primarily Elves, Dwarves, and Humans.

Transcension (Magic: The Gathering)

Cost: 10 SP

Required: Colored Magic (Magic: The Gathering),Planeswalker (Magic: The Gathering),

You have transcended the use of colored mana like Ugin, and now wield colorless mana. This can be used to achieve greater effects with greater precision, though it does not bar you from using colored mana.

Firemind (Magic: The Gathering)

Cost: 10 SP

Required: Colored Magic (Magic: The Gathering),Planeswalker (Magic: The Gathering),

You possess the mental abilities of Niv-Mizzet, granting you vastly increased mental abilities, to the level that experimentation with magic becomes entirely superflous, as you can perform them mentally. The degree of mental ability your magic gives you is enough that you can cast hundreds of spells in a moment that would take an ordinary master mage their full attention to form.

Mind-Rending Touch (Magic: The Gathering)

Cost: 3 SP

Required: Colored Magic (Magic: The Gathering),Planeswalker (Magic: The Gathering),

You have Nicol Bolas's innate mind-rending touch. With a single graze, you can instantly destroy the mind of a sentient being through psychic damage. With practice, you can gain control, and use your overwhelming telepathic touch based abilities to produce other effects, beyond just mental destruction. This also grants you a heightened ability with regards to mental and telepathic abilities. This can be controlled, so you don't accidentally do it.

World Soul (Magic: The Gathering)

Cost: 5 SP

Required: Colored Magic (Magic: The Gathering),Planeswalker (Magic: The Gathering),

You are bonded to a World Soul, a consciousness that was once the entire awareness of a plane of existence. It's original plane of existence either no longer exists, or it has somehow become separated from it. Either way, this consciousness has found a new host inside yourself. This offers you a truly vast and incomprehensible amount of mana with which to cast your spells. The consciousness has an awareness that it can use to guide you, and improve your spells beyond what you would normally be capable of. You can use this to make spells simply more powerful than they otherwise would be, regardless of the mana at your disposal, or find ways to extend or improve them in other ways. This World Soul allows it's bearer to planeswalk as well, though it only makes you a post-mending planeswalker.

The World Soul will initially be relatively benevolent, and will be on your side for the most part. Of course, if you end up being someone who doesn't use their powers at all, it might feel that there's a more worthy host out there for it...

The Ascendant Gnosis (Mage: The Awakening)

Cost: 30 SP

Required: The Awakened Gnosis (Mage: The Awakening)

As an Archmage, you have achieved Archmastery, denoted by a sixth dot in all Arcana without distinction. You are free from the constraints of mere awakened individual. Spells below the Master level no longer require mana to cast, and you no longer need to differentiate between Arcana, as your mastery of Inferior Arcana grows alongside your Ruling Arcana. Age no longer affects you, and you are immune to diseases, though not invincible. You possess heightened awareness of reality changes and are mostly immune to spells altering the fabric of the world, but remain vulnerable to direct magical effects.

Your mind has been hardened through the trials of the golden road, allowing you to comprehend and exploit symbolism and cosmic mysteries. Your mind becomes indestructible, capable of withstanding overwhelming experiences and finding new meaning in them.

As an Archmage, you gain the potential to cast Imperial Mysteries, potent spells fueled by Quintessence. You possess knowledge of the first level of these spells and can further develop your power rapidly over time. You have an exceptional ability to seek and find Quintessence, with quests taking up to a months for lower-tier sources and multiple years for the most powerful ones.

You have created your golden road, a place of power connecting the fallen world and the supernal. This road grants you access to broken realities and unknown realms, where your Cintamani resides. Your golden road is always accessible and cannot be blocked. Your Cintamani serves as your Supernal place of power and can be left to travel across the abyss with proper navigation skills. If banished, your golden road becomes your "Home," which you can access at will.

Furthermore, you possess a comprehensive understanding of High Speech, the language of magic known as the alphabet of Atlantis, empowers your magic, enhancing already potent spells to a higher level.

Librarian Of Akasha

Cost: 20 SP

Required: Index Librorum Prohibitorum (Raildex)

Imagine the delight of possessing a library brimming with a vast array of books, ranging from mundane tomes to mystical volumes of eldritch wisdom. However, the arduous task of safeguarding and relocating such a collection can be overwhelming. With this power, you not only gain an inherent encyclopedic knowledge of all 103,000 magical books of eldritch wisdom, but also possess flawless indexing of your memories and knowledge. This enables you to effortlessly retrieve information from your mind whenever needed. Additionally, you acquire a subconscious ability to analyze and gather information or data through your senses. When confronted with problems or questions, your conscious mind cross-references them with your knowledge and memories, providing you with precise answers of uncanny accuracy.

Furthermore, this power grants you resilience against mental poisoning caused by exposure to eldritch truths, reducing their harmful effects to a negligible level or minor inconvenience at most. You also develop resistance to creatures or events that induce insanity. The encyclopedic knowledge you possess continually updates whenever you venture into new worlds, endowing you with knowledge and information from all stored mundane, science, and magic related knowledge that ever existed, no matter how rare or unique they may be.

Supreme Being (Overlord)

Cost: 20 SP

Required: Tier Magic (Overlord),

Acquiring the body of a video game character, particularly one from the world of Yggdrasil, you now stand as the Supreme Being, comparable to Momonga, also known as Ainz, the level 100 Lich. Your ascension elevates you to the pinnacle of magical supremacy, endowing you with extraordinary passive abilities and traits, as well as unparalleled might and mastery.

Not only is your magical reserve multiplied a hundredfold, bestowing upon you an abundant and limitless source of mystical energy, but you also gain instant expertise in over a thousand spells up to the 10th tier from every school of magic that existed in Yggdrasil. Even the awe-inspiring Super Tier Magic lies within your grasp.

Your mastery extends to meta magic, granting you absolute control over spell manipulation. With unrivaled precision, you transcend the limitations of your spells, unlocking their true potential. You wield the ultimate power over magic, making you the unrivaled and supreme wielder of mystical forces in the world you inhabit.

Furthermore, as the Supreme Being, you gain access to powerful and unbreakable enchanted magical gear and items that fits you perfectly. This gear complements your magical prowess, enhancing your abilities and granting you additional formidable powers.

Born to be a Magician (The Magicians)

Cost: 5 SP

Required: Magician (The Magicians),

As a Magician, you are blessed with an intimate bond to the Wellspring, an internal wellspring of infinite magical energy. This mystical reservoir courses through every fiber of your being, empowering you to tap into its enchanting currents and unleash a vast array of magical abilities.

Inspired by the exceptional talents of Julia and Alice, your magical prowess transcends the boundaries of the standard Magician archetype. While specializing in your chosen Discipline, you also possess access to extraordinary powers that set you apart.

Your spellcasting abilities have been honed to an extraordinary level of mastery. Through precise and intricate control, you weave spells with exceptional finesse, channeling magical energy in elegant patterns. Each incantation is infused with heightened potency and efficacy, allowing you to unleash devastating magical assaults, manipulate the elements with grace and fluidity, and erect formidable barriers of protection. The seamless flow of your spells embodies the artistry of a true maestro of magic.

Within the depths of your being resides your own personal Wellspring, and yours bestows upon you unparalleled knowledge and insight. This extraordinary gift enables you to grasp intricate magical theories, decipher ancient texts written in cryptic languages, and penetrate the depths of hidden truths that elude the grasp of ordinary Magicians. By tapping into this well of knowledge, you gain a profound understanding of magical phenomena, unveil the ancient secrets woven into the fabric of the arcane, and unravel perplexing magical enigmas that confound others.

The harmonious convergence of these additional abilities, coupled with your unwavering connection to the Wellspring and your chosen Discipline, elevates you to the echelons of exceptional Magicians. Embrace your unique capabilities, delve into the depths of your chosen Discipline, and allow the boundless potential of the Wellspring to surge through you. As a true master of magic, you wield the power to reshape the very reality in which you exist, untangle the intricate mysteries that lie shrouded in ancient lore, and carve an indelible mark upon the tapestry of the magical world that surrounds you.

Traveller (The Magicians)

Cost: 5 SP

Required: Magician (The Magicians),

Within your bloodline lies a previously hidden heritage, awakening a newfound potential that enhances your magical capabilities. This heritage bestows upon you the powers of a Traveler, a unique type of Magician with the extraordinary ability to teleport to distant locations through focused concentration or even spontaneous occurrences if your control over this power is not yet refined. With your Traveler abilities, you can traverse vast distances, teleporting to faraway planets, separate dimensions, and even other planes of existence within your local multiverse. Your teleportation can be further augmented and customized through spells and tattoos, allowing you to bring companions with you on your journeys. Remarkably, your ability to travel is not solely dependent on the presence of magic, granting you the freedom to teleport even in locations devoid of magical energy.

In addition to your teleportation prowess, Travelers possess inherent psychic gifts, making them natural telepaths. With ease, you can effortlessly delve into the thoughts and minds of those around you, perceiving their innermost musings as if it were second nature. This telepathic ability extends beyond mere mind-reading, enabling you to enter the dreams of others while they slumber or establish telepathic connections with individuals spanning worlds and dimensions.

Doppel Syndrome (Puella Magi Madoka☆Magica)

Cost: 4 SP

Required: Mahou Shoujo (Puella Magi Madoka☆Magica)

You are a Magical Girl who has overcome your despair. Instead of becoming a Witch when your Soul Gem fills up, you can summon a fraction of your Witch’s power and merge it with your Magical Girl form. This is called a Doppel and it is a hybrid form that combines both your Magical Girl and Witch forms. A Doppel is much more formidable than a Magical Girl alone, but it does not reach the full potential of a Witch. Your Doppel is closer to a second stage to your Magical Girl form with the theme of your Witch.

Using your Doppel gives you access to some of the abilities and traits of your Witch, such as unique powers based on your Witch. Your Doppel also reflects your personality and wish but in a twisted and distorted way. Your Doppel has a different appearance from your Witch, but they are still connected to each other.

Your Doppel form is powered by the curses that have accumulated within your Soul Gem, and automatically activates should you have enough to start to turn into a Witch if you hadn't had this ability. When your collected curses run dry, so does this form.

(This is based off of the game continuity, so overusing your Doppel will not result in it taking you over permanently.)

Witch Out (Puella Magi Madoka☆Magica)

Cost: 10 SP

Required: Doppel Syndrome (Puella Magi Madoka☆Magica)

Instead of manifesting your Doppel when your Soul Gem is full, you can now choose to temporarily transform your Soul Gem into a Grief Seed, allowing you to take the full form of your Witch. You may have become a Witch, but you still retain your mind and are fully immune to the effects of curses with no ill effects, and unlike with your Doppel, you don't lose Grief as you use this form. You can let go of this transformation at any time, reverting back to your Magical Girl form with a clean Soul Gem.

As a Witch, you can consume negative emotions from Humans or feed off other Witches to make yourself stronger. You can create Familiars which are miniature versions of you that work as an extension of your body. Familiars can feed off negative emotions to evolve into fully grown Witches. You can also create Barriers, pockets of separated space that reflect your despair, and a maze full of familiars to fight intruders. The size and complexity depend on your current strength and you possess a unique power based on your wish.

Alternatively, you can choose fully summon your Witch as an extension of yourself from your Soul Gem that you can control and use to fight.

Your starting power is based on how powerful you were as a Magical Girl. By having 80 or more karma you have enough Karma to completely rewrite reality to the size of an entire planet.

Perfect Lichdom (Puella Magi Madoka☆Magica)

Cost: 7 SP

Required: Mahou Shoujo (Puella Magi Madoka☆Magica)

Your Soul Gem is the perfect phylactery. Even without a body, you are capable of conscious thought and can control your body without any range limitations. You can spend magic to create bodies for you to control. You can shape them to look like anything you want, be it human, animal, or monster. Each body has its own physical limitations, depending on how much magic you invested in making them. You can switch between bodies at will, or even multitask controlling several bodies at once. Your Magical Girl transformation is no longer reliant on your Soul Gem being with you, because of this you can now transform without needing your Soul Gem.

Additionally, you can crystallize your Karma to create additional Soul Gems that works as a decoy. You can store them in a safe place, or give them to someone you trust. Your Soul is in a state of superposition where the destroyed Soul Gem is not your main Soul Gem but instead a decoy. However, each time a decoy is destroyed, you lose the Karma spent on making that decoy.

Humanity (Puella Magi Madoka☆Magica)

Cost: 7 SP

Required: Mahou Shoujo (Puella Magi Madoka☆Magica)

Positive emotions can empower you and permanently enhance your soul, thereby improving your magic. Your Soul Gem can be filled with all kinds of different emotions; different kinds of emotions will cause your growth to develop in different ways based on that emotion. It’s important to balance your store of positive and negative emotions inside your Soul Gem.

The more negative emotions you have, the stronger your magic is, up to twice as strong when your soul gem is completely full; however, if you experience too many negative emotions, they can overwhelm you. Similarly, if you have too many positive emotions stored, you may not get as much benefit from the negative emotion enhancement. It’s important to note that if you have Doppel Syndrome or Witch Out, your negative emotions will also make them stronger.

Additionally, your abilities to use magic are further enhanced and are a lot more flexible than before, and you possess a sharper instinct to your magical abilities. You can fully sense how much karma and grief you have left and have an instinct to tell how much grief will be created by your magic. You're also good at leveraging your unique magic to create rituals and facilities that work with it. For example, you could make a cloning lab, Evil Nuts that transform humans into Witches, or a self-sustaining spell that erases someone from everyone’s memory in a city.

Wannabe (Puella Magi Madoka☆Magica)

Cost: 4 SP

Required: Mahou Shoujo (Puella Magi Madoka☆Magica)

Even without making a wish, you still possess the powers of a Magical Girl including a Soul Gem. Your abilities are no longer reliant on your personality, wish, and other factors. This will be as if you made an imaginary wish, you can customize your Magical Girl outfit and weapon to suit your preferences.

Your unique magic is based on what you have decided on, be it from a replica of an existing Magical Girl or from something else and scaled to the Karma you possess. You can still make your wish at a later time, but whatever that wish might be you won't gain a new Magic, weapon, transformation, and so on.

Gate of Truth (Fullmetal Alchemist)

Cost: 5 SP

Required: Alchemy (Fullmetal Alchemist)

You have entered the Gate of Truth, and as such, gained expansive knowledge of Alchemy on the level of using Alchemy without a transmutation circle - Clap Alchemy. Are you disappointed that you didn't lose a limb?

As a result, you gain mastery in the three stages of Alchemy, which are Comprehension, Deconstruction, and Reconstruction. You can understand atomic compositions through Comprehension, disintegrate things through the use of Deconstruction, and alter matter into any form that you understand through Reconstruction.

Naturally you have an advanced understanding of both Chemistry and Alchemical Circles, enabling you to make use of Alchemy in incredible ways with practice.

Alkahestry (Fullmetal Alchemist)

Cost: 2 SP

Required: Alchemy (Fullmetal Alchemist)

You are familiar with the "Dragon's Pulse" used in Alkahestry, enabling Alkahestry through tapping into ambient Chi, or life energy, which can be used for ranged transmutations and healing.

Metamorphism (Harry Potter)

Cost: 5 SP

Required: Witchcraft & Wizardry (Harry Potter)

You are a Metamorphmagus, meaning you can change your body and appearance at will. You start out only able to do superficial changes, but with a bit of work you can change your looks however you like, and once you’ve mastered that you steadily become able to control each and every aspect of your body, internally and externally. You must retain a humanoid shape, but you can be any height between four and eight feet as an adult, and of proportionate width. Beyond that, go nuts. Colours, shapes, sizes, gender, age, everything is wide open, and hardly any limits apply.

Holding your transformations requires little to no effort, to the point that you can even sleep or fall unconscious without losing it. And unless you go really crazy, your magic will prevent any of your more ‘unconventional’ transformations from killing or seriously harming you, and will warn you if something you’re going to do is beyond its ability to mitigate.

Animagus (Harry Potter)

Cost: 5 SP

Required: Witchcraft & Wizardry (Harry Potter)

You can transform into an animal form that is innate to yourself. With extensive practice, you can seamlessly shift between human and animal form(s). This ability offers unique opportunities for stealth, exploration, and utilizing animal instincts and abilities.

Multi-Animagus (Harry Potter)

Cost: 5 SP

Required: Animagus (Harry Potter)

You have multiple Animagus forms, instead of the standard one. Taking this power gives you the ability to transform into any mundane animal with no limits to how many forms you can take.

Magical Animagus (Harry Potter)

Cost: 5 SP

Required: Animagus (Harry Potter)

Your animagus form isn’t a run-of-the-mill animal, but rather a magical being, such as a dragon or a unicorn. You have all the powers a normal specimen of this animal might have.

Grand Sorcerer (Harry Potter)

Cost: 5 SP

Required: Witchcraft & Wizardry (Harry Potter)

Your knowledge of magic has advanced to the level of Dumbledore, Grindelwald, and Voldemort. Instead of simply having a base Hogwarts graduate level of knowledge about magic such as Potions, Charms, Dark arts, herbology, and more. You are now a veritable master in all fields of magic, being a genius on the level of Dumbledore, Grindelwald, and Voldemort when it comes to exploring magic and the effects of magic. You can come up with new uses of magic just by thinking about it and using your imagination to shape reality with your magic.

Instead of knowledge to create and enchant basic magical items, you have the talent of creating magical items beyond the scope of the original canon of Harry Potter, akin to Fanon/non-canon enchanters in Harry Potter.

You are now also able to use ancient magic. Magic that is beyond the scope of normal wizards has been all but forgotten by most modern wizards and witches. Just by possessing this magic, your powers in magic have been propelled to around five times greater levels, as well as being able to see magic and manipulate it to a greater degree than normal wizards.

Additionally, you can also optionally gain the knowledge and abilities of Voldemort, Grindelwald, and Dumbledore without the painful memories or the knowledge changing who you are as a person.

Aberrant Dragonmark (D&D)

Cost: 2 SP

Required: Dragonmark (D&D)

Your mark is the aberrant union of two existing dragonmarks. They grow in parallel.

Elder Dragonmark (D&D)

Cost: 2 SP

Required: Dragonmark (D&D)

Once you have mastered the Greater spells of your mark, you can choose another one to add to your library. This can be repeated for every mark given enough time. If you have an Aberrant mark, you can train two marks in parallel.

Sleeping Dragon (Fairy Tail)

Cost: 10 SP

Required: Dragon Slayer Magic (Fairy Tail)

Within your body is a sleeping dragon, holding back the dragon seed to prevent your dragonization. The dragon will stay in your body until you have developed antibodies that will prevent you from dragonizing, at which point they will die. They will leave a portion of their magic behind, which you will be able to call on for a temporary boost in power, but it is not infinite and will be used up.

Prestige Rune

Cost: 1 SP (Heart of Runes)

Required: Heart of Runes

Every Purchase of this allows you to prestige a rune of your choice. This works up until the final prestige, in which case you will need to buy a Capstone Prestige. You may choose the event in which you gained this Prestige and are able to heavily influence what the Talent you will gain. While you don't have total control over your talent, you will always be satisfied with what you receive.

Capstone Prestige

Cost: 3 SP (Heart of Runes)

Required: Heart of Runes

This 10th prestige (also known as a Capstone) only comes into effect once you have a Rune at it's 9th Prestige. Even without a rune being at it's 9th prestige, you are still able to buy a Capstone that you can use once you have a 9th prestige rune. You are able to design your Capstone Talent in it's entirely with this, both the passive effect and the boosts other Talents receive.

Kankara Formula (DxD)

Cost: 30 SP

Required: Formulaic Magic (DxD)

After years of relentless study and unraveling the secrets of Formulaic magic, you have achieved a groundbreaking breakthrough—the Kankara Formula. With the Kankara Formula, your potential becomes limitless. Delving into the fabric of reality, you access equations governing the fundamental forces of the universe. Your magic circle transforms into an ethereal web of sigils pulsating with energy, resonating with the cosmic symphony.

The Kankara Formula allows you to rewrite the rules, bending the laws of nature to your whims. Illusion, hypnosis, healing, and enchantment become mere child's play compared to the vast potential at your fingertips.

Shape illusions so vivid and lifelike that they seamlessly blend with reality, fooling even astute observers. Control minds with precision, weaving webs of hypnosis that ensnare even the strongest-willed opponents.

Decipher the complex equations governing the body's processes. With a touch, mend grievous wounds, revitalizing life forces and restoring vitality beyond conventional magic. Unravel the secrets of the body's intricate systems.

Infuse objects with unparalleled power through meticulous calculations and manipulation of mystical forces. Create enchantments that defy understanding, from weapons rending reality to artifacts bending physics.

Traverse vast distances effortlessly. Your enhanced understanding of space-time mechanics allows precise teleportation, stepping through dimensions to reach hidden corners of existence.

Decipher and control the hidden equations of opponents' powers. Manipulate their attacks, transmuting fury into a harmonious symphony under your command.

Craft pocket dimensions where your calculations manifest as breathtaking landscapes. Fuse artistry with science, reshaping reality itself.

With each equation solved, you inch closer to harnessing forces once reserved for the Divine.

World Enemy

Cost: 10 SP

Required: Mythic (Pathfinder)

Required: Supreme Being (Overlord)

Legends tell of the rise of heroes, but you are not among them. Instead, you have been chosen to become something far greater—a World Enemy, the embodiment of unparalleled might and unmatched mastery over magic. As a World Enemy, you rise above all others, reaching the pinnacle of existence. Your power rivals that of The Devourer of Nine Worlds, the Level 300 Final Raid Boss of Yggdrasil. This grants you potent passive abilities and traits, that can break the very rules of the world.

As the World Enemy, you possess the combined powers of a Mythic Rank 10 Archmage and three additional Rank 10 Mythic Paths of your choosing. These paths are integrated and adapted into the Yggdrasil system.

Your magical reserves, regeneration, and potency are multiplied tenfold, allowing you to cast Super Tier spells and Mythic Spells without constraint. Moreover, you gain a vast catalog of spells from RPG games similar to Yggdrasil, including all versions of D&D and Pathfinder. You can even create new spells or reverse engineer existing magic, refining and improving your abilities over time.

Your magical gear and items are greatly enhanced, with your primary weapon reaching the level of a World Item. These artifacts bolster your already formidable powers, enabling you to break the very law of existence.

Furthermore, you are immune to attacks below the equivalent of 10th-tier magic and impervious to the effects of those attempting to wield the power of artifacts like World Items against you. Your strikes now also possess the ability to bypass any protection, inflicting wounds that defy healing.

But your journey does not end here. As the World Enemy, you possess a unique ability to acquire additional Mythic Paths and raise their ranks effortlessly. By overcoming challenges and achieving great feats, you unlock new paths and further enhance your divine status.

Fortunate Circumstance?

Cost: 10 SP

Required: Sleigh Beggy (the Ancient Magus' Bride)

You've become truly beloved, as your allure to supernatural entities reaches unprecedented heights, transcending boundaries of morality and thought. Even entities with completely alien perspectives and moralities are drawn to you, their fascination with your presence surpassing any instinctual tendencies. They are inexplicably captivated by your charm, finding you endlessly intriguing and delightful.

These supernatural beings, whether gods, devils, or otherworldly creatures, view you not as prey or a mere mortal, but as a cherished companion or even beloved kin. Even from a single brief meeting, or just a passing sight, they will be compelled to extend their care and protection towards you, In fact, should anyone dare to threaten you, these supernatural beings may even come to your defense, angered by the audacity of such an act. They will protect you, their newfound fascination, against any who seek to harm you. Their love for you may be expressed in their own unique and unconventional ways, but it is genuine and heartfelt.

Moreover, time seems to warp and accelerate within your relationships, increasing the pace of connection and affection at an astounding rate. The bond that would typically take months to cultivate forms in mere weeks or even days. Passive interactions effortlessly forge deep connections, while actively pursuing a relationship allows you to compress years of courtship into a single week, defying the constraints of time for the sake of true love.

However, be warned that immersing yourself in the supernatural realm has granted you forbidden knowledge. Whether you become a cultist or not, you gain the ability to navigate their domains and craft rituals. But delving into these forbidden realms may pose a risk to your sanity, as the line between madness and enlightenment becomes blurred. Yet, the rewards granted by a god may make the perilous journey worthwhile.

Great Madness (Soul Eater)

Cost: 15 SP

Required: Maddening Witchery (Soul Eater)

Your Maddening Witchery now reaches beyond the boundaries of mere shapeshifting. Allowing you to ascend and become the embodiment of a Great Old One's, the living embodiment of an Aspect of Madness. A mesmerizing Madness Wavelength emanates from your very being, allowing you to influence an entire country to succumb to the allure of your particular brand of madness. As a Great Old One, your soul is imbued with immense power, and your magical and physical abilities ascend to unparalleled heights, making you a formidable force capable of challenging the entire world.

Furthermore, the gift of the Demon Eye grants you access to the magic of Mabaa, the Queen of the Witch Order. Through your left eye, you can instantly cast a vast array of magical spell or rituals without the need for preparation. However, this gift comes with the limitation of finite energy, necessitating a charging period before unleashing your potent spellcasting abilities once more.

Monster Cat (Soul Eater)

Cost: 10 SP

Required: Maddening Witchery (Soul Eater)

Well, this is quite interesting: You’re no Witch, you’re a cat! Specifically, a Monster Cat, a rare breed of intelligent feline gifted with the ability to assume human form, and the ability to use magic just like Witches. Unlike them, however, you completely lack the same destructive instinct - the ‘Pull of Magic’ - thus your allowing your newfound enhanced willpower to be freed up and used on more important matters.

As a Monster Cat, your magic is instead themed around some kind of flora, such as pumpkins or roses, and you may freely shift between human and cat forms as you please - though you do retain your ears and tail in human form. Your most important ability, however, is urban legends - not only do you really have nine lives, but you even have nine entire souls to boot, each entirely your own, with all that entails.

Mythos (Final Fantasy 16)

Cost: 10 SP

Required: Dominant (Final Fantasy XVI)

You are the Mythos, a being beyond even the dominant that was intended to be the perfect vessel for Ultima. you and your Eikon have not just the power to command a single element but instead all of them, you are much stronger than the average dominant. You are no longer bound by the weakness of other Dominant and may use the power as you please without any side effect.

The Warrior of Light (Final Fantasy XIV)

Cost: 5 SP

Required: The Echo (Final Fantasy XIV)

Required: The Traveller Invocation (Final Fantasy XIV)

Required: Crystalize Legacy (Final Fantasy XIV)

You have become the warrior of light. A hero without equal, bearer of countless accolades, and the symbol of salvation and hope for the people of Etheiryst.

You have a knack for arriving when you are needed and meeting and befriending those who can help you solve the problem at hand. You have an indomitable will and an inspiring presence making those who have seen your action or heard your tale emboldened and strived to be the best they can be.

As a warrior your might in both martial and magical is tremendous, Capable of overcoming gods and demons. growing stronger with each and every trial you face.

Your fighting experience has been honed over the course of countless battles letting you adapt to your opponent's ability and tactic after seeing it once or twice, your echo combat precognition is so refined you can see an attack coming before your opponent can even decide what to do. Even outside of combat, you are an Omnicrafter with phenomenal artisanal skill crafting masterpieces come naturally to you as breathing.

You have complete and total mastery of each and every job even the crafter and gatherer one. You also have access to a powerful set of relic weapons and armor which you can customize the look of as you please and can switch between equipment set at will mid-fight or no. You can also choose whether you inherited all the memory of the warrior of light or not.

The Unsundered (Final Fantasy XIV)

Cost: 15 SP

Required: The Echo (Final Fantasy XIV)

Whether you were spared the fate of being sundered or have been rejoined later on you have become an Unsundered ancient of Etheirys.

You have gained complete mastery of the echo and all of its power, the potency of the power itself is greatly increased.

You are practically immortal, you do not age past your prime. Even when your body is completely destroyed you can simply fashion a new one. It would take the complete destruction of your soul to completely kill you but even then it would be difficult requiring a tremendous amount of magical power to destroy it.

Your personal reserve of magical power is immense and it is 14 times denser than before giving any magic you wield increased potency. You can also transform into a combat form the look of which you can customize.

This Aetherial density also allows you the ability to use creation magic which allows you to conjure and create anything you can think of and imagine as long as you know have enough magical power to create it, this even includes creating life itself. Thought creation magic takes great concentration to use and it is not an art that is commonly used in combat

Archmage (Ar'Kendrithyst)

Cost: 10 SP

Required: The Script (Ar'Kendrithyst)

You can create new spells with ease, to have reached the level of Archmage is to make an impact on the future of Magic. You are able to pick or design a branch of magic to excel in. You will be able to recreate any magic made using your branch of magic upon witnessing it. You no longer have a cooldown between the creation of most spells, the strongest spells will still require time between each trial but it is negligible. Every once in a while you are guaranteed to have a bout of Insight that will never leave you disappointed, this Insight could be something as small as a spell that would connect well with your current repertoire or something grand, a sliver of truth of the fundamental rules of Magic. The bonuses feat previously provided that increased the amount of mana produced by you have been improved dramatically, allowing for even multiplicative boosts in the future. Creating entirely new branches of magic could give you a multiplier based on how important the new branch will be for the future of magic.

Dragon (Ar'Kendrithyst)

Cost: 5 SP

Required: Archmage (Ar'Kendrithyst)

You have undergone more than just a physical change to become a Dragon, you have modified your very identity in order to enact this immortal evolution. You are able to meld into your Dragon form at any time, this quadrupedal form is roughly 40 meters long and 25 meters tall. All magic cast by you has twice the duration and range it normally would have. All Dragons are born with an absolute reduction damage threshold, invalidating all forms of attack that cannot manage to break through this resistance and further reducing all damage that breaches your defenses. These benefits will remain even in your human form. Your Dragon form will instinctually represent you, requiring no conscious thought to design it.

Wizard (Ar’Kendrithyst)

Cost: 5 SP

Required: Archmage (Ar'Kendrithyst)

Wizards are multidimensional beings that are able to overlay their own personal reality onto the reality around them. Every Wizard is aligned with one of three aspects, Creation, Destruction, and Paradox. Being a Wizard means that your capacity for mana production is unlimited, and is entirely dependent on your experiences. Some parts of Creation are simply antithetical to Destruction, like white and black don’t mix without producing gray. Paradox, which does both, will never fully understand the white and the black. An average Wizard of Creation in the height of their power could have an infinite and endless amount of magic in their core, allowing them to create entire worlds at a whim. A Wizard of Destruction could wipe away entire planets, or even destroy concepts. A Paradox Wizard could create a new form of magic that turns out to have existed from the very start of time, time travel with enough experience, and even survive death.

At the start, you will find yourself capable of Accretion starting at the First Foundation. At the end of this path lies the first true act of Wizardry, making mana and yourself at the same time. All Wizards must become a fully crystallized-mana being, granting them metaphysical weight while still maintaining a fleshy body. This is what it means to reach the Endless Foundation stage. Until then Directed Accretion will have to suffice. Directed Accretion is the process of siphoning personal mana towards parts of your spirit and body, be it in a general or detailed capacity. Even upon reaching Endless Foundation you will retain The Script.

Accretion Stages

First Foundation: gain a shard of a core.

Second Foundation: gain a solid core.

Third Foundation: gain a second core.

Fourth Foundation: gain an arbitrary number of cores.

Fifth Foundation / Endless Foundation: Crystallization, simultaneous absorbing of all cores, simultaneous body manifestation. True immortality and immutability.

Greenseer (A Song of Ice and Fire)

Cost: 5 SP

Required: Skinchanger (A Song of Ice and Fire)

You are a vastly more powerful Skinchanger now. You can control animals without needing to spend time with them and can dominate humans and animals easily. You can view the past, present and future with great precision once you train yourself.

Prime Merlinean (Sorcerer's Apprentice)

Cost: 5 SP

Required: Sorcerery (Sorcerer’s Apprentice)

You have become the Prime Meridian the successor of Merlin. Your powers are greatly increased to the point of no longer needing a focus to use magic. In addition, you gain a far greater talent for learning and using this kind of magic.


Cost: 10 SP

Required: Child of Luna

Your new lunar form has been even further blessed, granting you two additional abilities to use as you see fit: Your first new power is healing: You can radiate a pale light on your surroundings that phases through mundane materials, healing wounds or illnesses and soothing pain for all exposed. While this regeneration is incredibly strong, capable of undoing nearly any injury short of death, it is slow, taking hours to restore missing limbs and organs or cure terminal illnesses. While radiating this light at full strength requires at least some focus, you can still harness it passively at greatly reduced strength even when asleep or incapacitated - and you are not exempt from its healing, allowing you to benefit as well.

Your other new power is transformation: At will, you can shift into the form of a bipedal, snow-white rabbit-person, and with it gain further power; while transformed, you shed anywhere from half to nearly all of your durability to gain a proportionately massive increase in both speed, reflexes and senses, and alongside that your magic’s powersets are enhanced noticeably, both in quality and quantity.


Cost: 3 SP

Required: Awakening (Warbreaker)

You have received a single distinct Divine Breath. Its initial value is equal to two thousand Breaths, bringing you to the Fifth Heightening. You are able to increase its value but feeding it normal Breaths with an imperfect conversation rate. Losing this breath will kill you, but fret not, it can only be given away willingly.

Breath Acquisition

Cost: 2 SP

Required: Awakening (Warbreaker)

You are able to acquire more Breaths in various methods. By meditating, you can gather Breaths from the world around you. With enough experience, you will learn to increase the amount of Breaths you receive per week, and will even be able to lower the time between cycles. Killing other beings will allow you to gather Breaths from them.

Breath Attunement

Cost: 2 SP

Required: Awakening (Warbreaker)

Objects that have been previously Awakened by you are improved proportionally to the amount of Breaths devoted. This improvement works across all aspects of the object, a sword would become more durable and much sharper, and even the object's materials would slowly improve in quality with every Awakening. These effects further bolster any future Awakenings done on the object.

Entry To The Void

Cost: 25 SP

Required: Witch of the Void

You now possess a heightened connection to the Void, allowing you to access it at will. This newfound connection enables you to turn your prison realm into a personal enclave within the Void, which you can designate as your Domain. You can extend invitations to others, allowing them to seek refuge within your Domain. However, this invitation comes with a protective blessing that shields them from the adverse effects of the Void. The Domain will be the size of a small city.

Within the confines of the Void, you are impervious to hostile entities that may venture into it as they succumb to the Void's effects and are erased. Nevertheless, the Void remains neutral and does not actively ensure your survival. You'll need protection or immortality to ensure you're safe.

Constant vigilance is essential for safeguarding your Domain, as it faces ongoing threats from the natural monsters dwelling within the Void. Furthermore, your newfound ability to traverse the Void enables you to journey through it effortlessly, granting you access to any world near you within the multiverse you are currently in; note this does not give you full access to the multiverse, just a few worlds. All your Magic and Spells will be significantly enhanced.

Child Of The Void

Cost: 30 SP

Required: Entry To The Void

Your connection to the Void has ascended to its pinnacle. No longer just a mere Witch, you have transcended into a Child of the Void itself. The Void now pledges its unwavering support, ready to assist you whenever needed.

Your dominion has transformed into a regal Kingdom, a haven for the abandoned, forgotten, and exiled. These residents have undergone a metamorphosis, evolving into a unique race known as the Voidlings. Your capacity for traversing realms has been enhanced, allowing you to journey to any corner of the multiverse you are currently in; with time, effort, and training, you will eventually be able to use the void to travel through the Omniverse.

Your soul has merged with the essence of the Void, embodying entropy and death. As a result, the specter of mortality eludes you, making it so that even if you somehow die, you will reform inside your domain.

Finally, when traveling outside your Domain or the void, most of your power will be sealed away because your full aura and presence warps reality; you can unseal your power for a short time if needed. Your Spells, specifically your Void blast, will now erase anything conceptually; any spell you can cast may be enhanced by concepts.