Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Spiritual and Divine Power Upgrades

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The Great God

Cost: 35 SP

Required: Celestial Brush God (Okami)

You step in the footsteps of Shiranui. You have mastered all the celestial brush techniques and can create more as you please. You now represent, and are, the sun, life, and goodness. Your presence drives off evil and darkness in all its forms with no exceptions. Your presence is like a divine intervention for the world around you, healing and restoring it, filling it with beauty and blessing the land and people.

Your power is immense, easily enough to govern a solar system, and it will only grow the more faith you have from those around you. If you had the true faith of a medium sized country you could easily affect galaxies.

Nothing but true evil, and weapons made thereof, can hurt you and even then it's not like you have a weakness to such weapons or abilities, they just affect you normally.

All things in the world can feel your station, and power when you are near them. Making them naturally feel a deep respect for you. The more sentient a thing is the lesser this effect is, so humans just feel a sense of respect for you, while animals and plants would treat you like royalty. You can hide your presence, and it's effects, if you want to.

Infernal Ego (K6BD)

Cost: 15 SP

Required: The Art (Kill Six Billion Demons)

Your soul is chaotic and untamed Hot Black Flame, the soul of a Devil. You are a Masked being of Immortal Chaos whose natural home is within the void. At the onset of this power you may design the look of your basic mask, as well as your name. With your ascension and mask creation you also get to choose a single word name. Binding with a mask grants them sentience, memories, a personality, and the ability to enter a world rather than being stuck in the void. Devils may "change" their own names or trick mortals into renaming them. The higher coloured names of devils are powerful and kept exceptionally secret, and usually (though rarely) discovered by devils themselves. While you start as a blue Devil with this power, and have a long enough name appropriate for such a being, knowing your ebon name allows you to have much more freedom and ability that your average blue devil. You also do not suffer from the drawbacks of certain devil types like normal devils do, such as the different mind states and thought patterns different devil colors might have, though you can indulge in those instincts without issue should you wish to.

As a Devil you start out as a Blue devil and must work your way up through the colors, losing portions of your incredibly long name in order to reach higher colors such as red, green, gold, and finally ebon the strongest and most capable demons. There is also a lesser form of devil below Blue devils known as Pale or Pallid devils, however these devils, while they have their advantages, are limited in their mental capacity and will compared to even weaker Blue devils.

Blue devils are physically weaker than other devils, but their natural cunning makes them gifted at the Art. Red devils are warhorses of strength and stamina that never tire. Green Devils have the cunning and complex thought of a Sphinx, but with reptilian features and ferocity. Gold Devils have the mental capacity and psychopathy to run criminal empires, underground and state alike near single-handedly, and Ebon devils combine the mental and physical fortitude of all of the devils before as well as being able to freely shape their form almost like an unbound devil can. A devil's power in the art grows with each step closer to Ebon devils, at which point their very voice becomes a weapon — a language that inflicts not only pain but also cleaves through matter, asserting their dominance over the fabric of reality.

The way that a devil improves the color of their mask is by increasing the amount of black Atum they have in conjunction with removing names. They do this either with power, or through tricking humans into misnaming them with shorter or different names. By making a pact with a being you can leave a small portion of your black flame on their soul which will allow you to absorb energy from them for the duration of the pact, you can choose to have your energy draw from any energy source intrinsic to the contactee if they do not have black flame of their own. The leftover spark of black flame can be fed into for increased power gain, as well as beginning the process of transforming the afflicted person into a Devil themselves. This small and possibly growing spark of black flame gives the Afflicted the ability to use the Art as well, however this use of the black flame will accelerate their transformation into a Devil

As a devil you can choose to separate your mask from your body, which can then be worn by a living person. This allows your bodies and wills to attempt to emerge, however this is rarely done by either devils or willing people since the merge can create a strong clashing of wills if the merged people cannot work together, it can also be dangerous for the person attempting to wear the mask as the transformation and powers draw on a lot more energy and could cause a weak host to burn up under the strength of the Devils Atum. With the knowledge of your ebon name and your greater control over your Devil Instincts you are able to better control the effect you have on beings that you are merged with, reducing the impact of your power on them, or how much your wills clash by instinct.

Unlike your other devil kin, if your mask is broken apart and you are banished back to the void as mindless chaotic blackflame. It may take some time but some small portion of your mask will reform or appear in the void near you will name and bind you as a pale devil that is guided to find other pieces of its mask. While this immortality is true, it is not impervious to other means such as binding or entrapment, and will almost certainly not be quick.

If you walk the void long enough, you will eventually find distortions that access some physical location in your world. You can use these to pass through into the real world as a Masked Devil.

Anointed Heaven Fall Inheritor Marked By The Broken Throne And Is Paradise Chosen (K6BD)

Cost: 15 SP

Required: Atum Manipulation (Kill Six Billion Demons)

Your soul is the fierce and rigid Cold White Flame, the soul of an Angel. This flame was very harsh and granted all angels a strong sense of self, grasp on reality, and remarkable willpower. While in the Void, angels can take a myriad of forms (though common elements include several eyes, wings, halos, rings and flames), and their bodies are made of energy. Though sexless, many have masculine mannerisms, and an angel's true form is malleable, based on both values and personal preference. Angels progress through "states" of Plasma, Vapor, Liquid, Solid (Metamorphic, Igneous), Crystal, and Neutron (in order of youngest to oldest) as they age and grow in power.

In order to exist outside of the void however an Angel requires a Vessel forged out of the ash of the Void. If you walk the void long enough, you will eventually find distortions that access some physical location in your world. You can use these to pass through into the real world if you have a vessel that you can inhabit outside of the void. You can forge yourself Vessels from the Ash in the Void. When an angel is banished through various means their angelic body is sent back to the void, and in the case of sudden vessel destruction this can cause all the energy the angel's vessel was containing to explode violently outward.

Angels, despite their size and their armored shell being extremely heavy, can move incredibly quietly when they need to, though most often they use it to try and not disturb people when walking up and down stairs and on wooden floors.

All angels were imprinted with Old Law, giving them inherent knowledge of all laws and an incredibly strong sense of truth, honor, and justice. Due to their immortality, fierce will, and a compulsive need to subdue chaos, all angels are undisputed masters of powerful, ancient martial arts. This can include reputable arts like the 49 Empty Palms and Fierce Horse Soul, though some Angels are not above learning more infamous or brutal styles such as Leisure Kicks and Pattram Sword Hand. As law and order are within the very nature of angels they are incapable of Lying, their vessels cracking with each lie until eventually falling apart.

As an angel of the plasma stage you know a few of the martial arts Native to the world of Kill Six Billion Demons. You also know one specialized angel martial art that makes use of your angelic energy body in some way in conjunction with your vessel.

When your true form is slain, either in the Void by a devil, god or other angel, or by significant enough damage to fully breach its armor while the angel is inhabiting it, you will reincarnate: your void-form calcifies into a near indestructible shell and the your flame of life enters a stage of torpor; after a period of hibernation proportionate to the length of your previous life, you’ll wake up back at the Plasma stage and with knowledge of your skills and name intact, but little memory of your past incarnation. As you gain in power and ascend through the angelic ranks you awaken more of your memories of previous incarnations.

Senju (Naruto)

Cost: 15 SP (Chakra Fruit (Naruto))

Cost: 5 SP (Chakra Fruit (Naruto))

Required: Chakra (Naruto)

You now possess the esteemed lineage of the Senju clan, renowned for their exceptional life force and immense physical and mental energy.

This bloodline bestows upon you a range of attributes. Firstly, you inherit a potent life force that manifests as remarkable stamina, overall vitality and physical strength, you no longer need to use hand seals for all but the most advanced techniques, and you gain the regenerative abilities of Hashirama Senju (the accelerated cell growth of which neither shortens your lifespan nor gives you cancer, even enhancing your lifespan by lengthening your telomeres when they shorten). Additionally, you experience a heightened capacity for acquiring or creating new techniques, and possess formidable reserves of chakra, equal to that of a mature Jinchūriki. But most notably, you inherit the profound power of Wood Release, an art formed by the harmonious fusion of Water and Earth elements. This sacred technique enables you to breathe life into existence using your own energy, primarily in the form of wood and other botanical creations.

Wood Release excels in almost all situations. You can summon solid wooden barriers to fend off attacks, ensnare adversaries with roots and branches to catch them off guard, and generate fields of fruit that emit poisonous gases capable of explosive impact beneath the enemy's feet, your imagination sets the boundaries as you can craft colossal wooden constructs, rivaling the size of mountains.

Remarkably durable, your wood surpasses the strength of tungsten-steel alloys and possesses the unique ability to absorb life energy from anything it ensnares, should you desire it.

Uzumaki (Naruto)

Cost: 15 SP (Chakra Fruit (Naruto))

Cost: 5 SP (Chakra Fruit (Naruto))

Required: Chakra (Naruto)

It seems you possess the blood of the Uzumaki, a now decimated but once proud and enigmatic clan descended from Asura himself. The Uzumaki were provided incredible abilities through their bloodline of which you have also inherited, but you are no mere member of the clan. Instead you're a paragon of the Uzumaki, their equivalent of Hashirama to the Senju, or Madara to the Uchiha.

You now possess a much more powerful body and life force, granting you effective immortality and regeneration on par with Madara’s after he absorbed the Jūbi, and your chakra capacity and quality has been increased by a factor of 4.

Your chakra has also gained certain properties alongside it, now a lot more dense you can manifest your pure chakra as constructs and you can now channel any unique properties your chakra possess. You start off with the skill and mastery of utilizing your chakra constructs as chains but are by no means limited to it.

Alongside the potency of your chakra, the Uzumaki were known to possess unique qualities within their chakra, such as Karin’s healing, Kushina’s ability to absorb and bind, and more. You can freely modify your chakra properties such as absorbing others chakra or being poisonous at will. You can learn over time to hold multiple chakra properties at once but are only capable of imbuing it with one property to start with.

And now finally the Uzumaki’s greatest skill, the one ability which caused other nations fear them so that they banded together to destroy them, Fuinjutsu. Seals are a unique conundrum in the Shinobi world, do they merely store things or can they do everything just in written form? For you it is very much the latter, you are now capable of with time, research, and practice, capable of doing anything with seals. You have the innate ability to understand the nature and language of seals, able to decipher, read, and write in it as easily as breathing. You start off knowing how to replicate any effect you can produce, whether through your body, powers, chakra or anything else but you can do so much more. You can do anything you put a modicum of effort to.

Eight Gates Technique (Naruto)

Cost: 15 SP

Required: Chakra (Naruto)

Normally the human body only uses 20% of it's chakra in order to prevent the body from harming itself through over-exertion. However: you are different.

You have learned the Eight Gates technique, allowing you to remove your bodies natural limiters (or gates) for greater power through. The gates are as follows: Gate of Opening -Removes Mental inhibitions Gate of Healing -Increases strength Gate of Life -Increases blood flow, turns skin red with bulging veins Gate of Pain -Increases Strength, your muscles may start to tear Gate of Limit -Increases strength further than the gate of pain, you start to fracture your bones Gate of View -Further increases strength, you can now move so fast that the friction in the air produces flames Gate of Wonder -Your strength increases to such an extent that your muscle fibers start to rupture Gate of Death -By puncturing your heart with your thumb you unlock the 8th gate of death, your strength is increased 100 fold, however the amount of chakra flowing through your body evaporates your blood (causing a red aura-like mist to surround you), and will slowly cook your body, there is a near 100% chance you will die.

As a freebie, you gain mastery of the Strong Fist Taijutsu style like that of Might Guy or Rock Lee.

Sage Mode (Naruto)

Cost: 10 SP (Senju (Naruto))

Cost: 5 SP (Senju (Naruto))

Required: Chakra (Naruto)

You have acquired the powers of Senjutsu, gaining the ability to use nature Chakra, as well as Senjutsu specific techniques. You have complete control over your nature Chakra, so you don't have to worry about turning into your animal type.

You have the choice of a summoning contract with either Snakes, Toads, or Slugs. Snakes are Yin aligned and have more "wizard" like powers, Toads are Yang aligned and have more physical powers, and Slugs are neutral and have healing related powers.

You start with one type, but you can take the decidedly non-canonical step of eventually learning the other two.

You normally need time to accumulate nature energy, but the time that takes varies, and there are ways to bypass this or work around the restriction.

You also become a powerful sensor type, even if you previously were not. This is to the degree that you could detect a specific person even kilometers away.

Sage Mode holds many secrets and powers, including massive improvements to any jutsu.

Toad of the Sannin (Naruto)

Cost: 5 SP

Required: Sage Mode (Naruto)

Your skills in using chakra are not only excellent, but powerful. Your Sage Mode techniques are enhanced even further, allowing you to turn basic ninjutsu into powerful and dangerous techniques.

Of course, your most important trait is being able to summon toads that can perform a variety of roles from subterfuge to stealth to even information gathering.

You also gain the formidable Rasengan, but that's not all. You are a half-way decent writer at making terrible erotica. A useful power, no doubt.

When you come across a person you believe to be a Chosen One, your teaching skills improve significantly.

Slug of the Sannin (Naruto)

Cost: 10 SP

Required: Chakra (Naruto)

The legendary Slug Sannin, Tsunade. Or, the Legendary Sucker. A powerful kunoichi able to punch so hard that mountains crumble around it. Her healing ability and skills are so potent that she could bring people from the brink of death.

You gain the legendary Strength of a Hundred Seal, as well as perfect Chakra control.

On top of that, you can summon a massive slug that can be used as a proxy for your powers. This slug can turn into thousands of smaller slugs, able to cover and protect an entire village of people and heal them.

Serpent of the Sannin (Naruto)

Cost: 8 SP (Divine Paper Mars (Naruto))

Cost: 4 SP (Divine Paper Mars (Naruto))

Required: Chakra (Naruto)

Your body becomes flexible, able to contort into impossible angles. It moves exactly how you need it, making you perfect.

Your tongue can extend dozens of meters in the blink of an eye, crossing distances to choke opponents or creep your opponents out. Your capabilities with ninjutsu have given you the ability to summon massive walls, able to block significant attacks that can take out even mountains. Multiple walls can be summoned in tandem to protect you.

This all pales to your signature weapon: Kusanagi. A legendary sword you can extend out of your mouth to pierce through nearly any defense. It is unbreakable and can extend and retract. It is flexible as well. You not only possess Kusanagi, but you possess the ability to summon snakes that have Kusanagi inside their own mouths, to swarm an opponent and kill them with the amount of blades.

As an added bonus, you can summon a massive snake named Manda, who is your ally. He is aggressive and rude, but very powerful. While he is powerful enough to be a worthy companion, he is weaker than you.

Your overall talent with ninjutsu increases significantly.

Dance of the Shikigami (Naruto)

Cost: 8 SP (Divine Paper Mars (Naruto))

Cost: 4 SP (Divine Paper Mars (Naruto))

Required: Chakra (Naruto)

Innovator of the paper trails, you are a Paper Person. In fact, your very body can split apart into thousands of pieces of paper. This makes you effectively invincible, as any attack that'd deal damage only damages, at most, a very small part of you as long as you have chakra.

The technique is the lifework of Konan, who changed her very chakra into paper to create this technique.

Your body and clothing all become paper that you can control, change the color of, and shape. Nothing can stop your manipulation of paper and it surpasses other manipulators as this paper is made simply of your chakra.

You can sense through this paper and even scout out locations. You can even create clones of this paper, mixed with explosive tags or other sealwork.

Your paper is able to take intense amounts of heat, enough to melt steel, and withstand it effortlessly. You can even clash with steel with this paper. The sharpness of the paper is enough to tear into even metallic armors with little resistance.

Your paper can emulate surroundings perfectly, disguising itself as natural scenery. You are truly a Paper Person.

Unlike Konan, your reproductive anatomy will not be rendered impotent by this technique, and you will generally be able to behave as if you had normal anatomy if you would ever find that more convenient.

Divine Paper Mars (Naruto)

Cost: 10 SP

Required: Chakra (Naruto)

Required: Rinnegan (Naruto)

Pain and Konan once made a technique together called Divine Paper Mars. A Chibaku Tensei covered by the wings of God's angel, wings that exploded with enough force to shatter the planetoid.

This was called Divine Paper Mars. You embody this perfectly. When you are using your Rinnegan, you gain a secondary partner befitting of an angel who follows your actions in synchrony, maximizing everything to make sure you land your attacks or keeping your attacks at maximum power.

This angel will be a master at the Dance of the Shikigami, either your equal or your better in it, and will only be slightly weaker than you in general.

This secondary partner will not falter and will combine well with any moves you do, no matter what.

They are your angel.

Jashin's Chosen (Naruto)

Cost: 8 SP (Divine Paper Mars (Naruto))

Cost: 4 SP (Divine Paper Mars (Naruto))

Required: Chakra (Naruto)

Your body becomes immortal. Even turning to ash, you'll recover. Your regeneration is incredibly slow, and you require nutrition, either from the soil or from actual food sources. Your regeneration would take hours to heal cuts, but days to reconnect limbs.

You're able to shrug off most wounds. Your capabilities with bukijutsu are even more impressive, allowing you to fight veteran shinobi with an intentionally terrible weapon and even win.

Your main power, though, is a ritual. You can create a ritual circle and after ingesting blood of an opponent, you will reflect all damage you take onto them like a voodoo doll. This damage surpasses defenses, even soul or magic, and causes extreme pain on the other side.

You will not need to worship Jashin.

Mad Bomber (Naruto)

Cost: 8 SP (Divine Paper Mars (Naruto))

Cost: 4 SP (Divine Paper Mars (Naruto))

Required: Chakra (Naruto)

You are the equivalent to the Mad Bomber, Deidara. You gain the Explosion Release kekkei genkai, and knowledge of a kinjutsu that allows you to make your palms gain mouths.

The reason Deidara had these mouths was to knead his Explosion Release kekkei genkai into the clay, allowing the clay to explode however he wanted.

You can do similar. Your explosions can be as small as molecules with enough training and effort, and you are able to grow explosive clay up to ten times its size and the opposite. All you need to do is shunt chakra into it while it is in your hand and it will grow or shrink.

Better, higher quality clay will influence your explosions even more.

You are an expert in demolition as well, knowing just where and when to explode things, and can use your explosion release in a form of martial arts.

Tailless Tailed Beast (Naruto)

Cost: 8 SP (Divine Paper Mars (Naruto))

Cost: 4 SP (Divine Paper Mars (Naruto))

Required: Chakra (Naruto)

Required: Samehada (Naruto)

Your chakra explodes exponentially, making you rival a proper tailed beast in chakra. Your skills in Kenjutsu are amplified, allowing you to fight even the greatest swordmasters with Samehade.

With all of that said, your greatest asset is still your ninjutsu. The power of your Water-Style ninjutsu is increased tenfold (creating lakes is as easy as a single hand-seal for you), and you can swim faster than the eye can track.

Ghost of The Uchiha, Fake (Naruto)

Cost: 8 SP (Divine Paper Mars (Naruto))

Cost: 4 SP (Divine Paper Mars (Naruto))

Required: From The God Tree (Naruto)

Required: Sharingan (Naruto)

Your stealth skills have increased significantly. Now you can keep yourself hidden from all sources of tracking, people have a hard time seeing you, and you are the perfect spy.

Your Sharingan's genjutsu significantly increases in power as well. You can cast genjutsu, even without chakra, from the Sharingan with the ease of breathing, and your genjutsu are so powerful, that they can enslave people of half your power or less with little issue, as long as they have no defenses in place.

Six Paths Senjutsu (Naruto)

Cost: 15 SP

Required: Sage Mode (Naruto)

Your Sage Mode has been improved through fusing with Otsutsuki DNA, granting you access to Six Paths Senjutsu, Truth-seeking Balls, Six Paths Chakra, all major Otsutsuki Kekkei Genkai and Kekkei Mora, and a mental encyclopedia of all ninshu (as well as it's descendants, ninjutsu, taijutsu, & genjutsu) and shinjutsu, although you still have to learn how to use them.

You have also been granted a truly immense reserve of chakra surpassing even EOS Naruto though not by that much, have enough strength to uproot an entire God Tree with a single physical attack, enough speed to appear as if you teleported a kilometer and a half away, the reaction speed to dodge light beams, and enough resilience/regeneration to survive being cut in half and regenerate from it.

Paging Dr. Kabuto (Naruto)

Cost: 10 SP

Required: Chakra (Naruto)

You now have a supreme mastery of medical ninjutsu, allowing you to surgically alter yourself and others with biological and supernatural traits. You can create, implant, or alter things like kekkei genkai, jinchuriki, curse marks, and even the chakra network itself with ease, curiously lacking the side effects such alterations usually have. Due to your encyclopedic knowledge of the subject, you can create any of these listed effects even with no reference material. You can surgically alter yourself and others in relatively mundane ways (Increasing physical ability or chakra flow, changing physical appearance, restoring lost limbs, etc.) or in very esoteric ways (true resurrection of the dead, giving yourself superpowers from DNA samples, combining separate powers into a single stronger one, etc.)

Hokage (Naruto)

Cost: 25 SP

Required: Chakra (Naruto)

“When the tree leaves dance,

One shall find flames.

The fire’s shadow will illuminate the village,

And once again, tree leaves shall bud anew.”

The mantle of Hokage has always been one of the greatest honors that could be granted, and perhaps the greatest burden to bear. But with this, you should be able to shoulder the responsibility.

You have inherited the combined physical ability, chakra, skill, wisdom, talent, jutsu, and knowledge of all your previous predecessors. From Hashirama to Naruto, all they had to offer at the very pinnacle of their power are now yours. You will also receive any of the Kekkei Genkai any of them wielded.

In the case of Naruto, you will not receive Kurama. Instead the chakra you inherit from Naruto will be of such quality and potency that it will be like you did, including the chakra of the other bijū as well, and you will be able to take a chakra form similar to that of his Jinchūriki forms.

If you possess an internal domain/world of your own you may optionally choose to have a custom hidden village of your own at least on par with that of the Hidden Leaf at the height of its power. All members of your village will be absolutely loyal. If you are reincarnated into the world of Naruto, you may optionally choose to have your reincarnation hold the title of Kage of whatever village you choose, and if you are reincarnated elsewhere you may instead opt for your hidden village to be retroactively added to the setting instead of your inner domain/world, this also applies for reincarnations with no inner domain/world.

Jinchūriki (Naruto)

Cost: 15 SP

Required: Chakra (Naruto)

You’ve been blessed with one of the greatest powers capable of being granted to Shinobi, and one of the Shinobi world’s greatest curses. Within you there had been sealed a great being of power, a beast made of incredibly powerful chakra has now found it’s home deep within your soul.

Yours is a bit of a unique case as the beast is no longer sealed within you, it instead has taken a liking to you and stays with you out of its own free will. It has bestowed upon you all it’s awesome power granting you everything from its chakra cloak, tailed beast bomb, its full transformation, and all its unique abilities. The beast can also freely leave to fight alongside you without any detriment to you, and you can easily command its power as you would your own freely mixing it with any other ability you possess.

The beast can be of any form you wish, whether a canon bijū or a unique one. Regardless of which beast you choose they are perfectly loyal to you and can not be taken from you without your consent.

The beast’s power will be on par with Kurama’s if his overall power would be at least 9 times your own and if you are more powerful the beast’s power will increase until it’s at least 9 times as powerful as you. Your strength can grow to match your beast’s, and if you rise past that point your beast’s power will rise alongside your own. Regardless of its strength in comparison to yours, combining your two powers will multiply your combined power by a factor of 9. If you choose a unique beast you may design a unique technique or ability it has such as Shukaku’s sand or Son Gokū's lava.

Indra (Naruto)

Cost: 5 SP

Required: Hokage (Naruto)

Required: Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan (Naruto)

You're not merely the amalgamation of every Hokage, no, you’re also the latest and most powerful Incarnation of the Uchiha progenitor Indra Ōtsutsuki himself. You’ve gained all the combined physical ability, chakra, skill, wisdom, talent, jutsu, and knowledge of every single incarnation of Indra that has existed. Indra was known for excelling at everything he tried, a genius of caliber almost unseen. You now possess this talent and can with almost contemptuous ease learn and develop anything you wish. As the creator of Ninjutsu himself, you’ve gained enormous talent and genius with jutsu in particular. Creating a new jutsu is now as simple for you as it is for a normal man to construct a sentence. Your chakra quality and potency is doubled and your chakra control is perfect. All your Dōjutsu are further amplified by an order of magnitude.

Asura (Naruto)

Cost: 6 SP

Required: Hokage (Naruto)

Required: Senju (Naruto)

Required: Uzumaki (Naruto)

It seems there is a bit of irony here, as just like some of your predecessors were, you yourself are an incarnation of the Sage’s second son Asura. But it seems even for an incarnation of Asura you are special. You have not simply inherited his talent, chakra and will like others, no, you have inherited everything from both Asura and every incarnation after him. Asura inherited his father’s incredibly powerful body and chakra. While his brother was a solitary man, Asura was known to gain followers and comrades by the droves. Likewise his brother’s bloodline spawned only the ever powerful Uchiha clan, Asura spread and created several. From his most powerful bloodlines the Uzumaki and Senju, to lesser known clans such as the Kaguya, or even Jūgo’s now near extinct clan, every chakra nature and body based bloodline can eventually trace their lineage back to Asura. Aside from greatly amplifying your previous abilities, you now possess the ability to instinctively wield and mix all chakra natures and can freely modify your body as you wish. Weaponize your blood and bones, utilize lava and wood to alter the battlefield, or freely manipulate your chakra’s shape and inherent properties at will. You’ve also gained the ability to enter a powerful chakra form and can manifest a chakra avatar on par with Indra’s Susanoo.

Hagoromo (Naruto)

Cost: 5 SP

Required: Rinnegan (Naruto)

Required: Six Paths Senjutsu (Naruto)

Required: Indra (Naruto)

Required: Asura (Naruto)

The very man that started it all, it seems that Asura’s and Indra’s bloodline have converged once more and that has given rise to you. You are no longer simply Indra or Asura, you are both, and you are greater. Alongside what you’ve gained before you've also now grown to the very Sage of Six Paths himself. Alongside a monstrous boost in chakra capacity, quality, and control you’ve gained an ability that almost none knew of, one that gave the Sage his incredible wisdom. You’ve gained Banbutsu Rikai, Understanding of All Things. You’ve now gained instinctive and absolute comprehension of all things, from the physical laws of the universe, the complexities of human behavior, to even the mysteries of consciousness. You discern patterns, identify underlying causes, and see outcomes from the macro to micro scale. Every phenomenon, every aspect, every entity, you’ve gleamed into the very nature of existence itself. This grants you the ability to freely manipulate chakra as you wish, and are now capable of producing any effect you desire provided you have enough chakra to do so.

Shibai Ōtsutsuki (Naruto)

Cost: 10 SP

Required: Chakra Fruit (Naruto)

Required: Hagoromo (Naruto)

Required: Tenseigan (Naruto)

You’ve grown and grown, traveled thousands of worlds, cultivated and consumed countless chakra fruits until you’ve finally achieved what every Ōtsutsuki chases, Godhood. Your chakra is now on a scale none could dare have imagined, they are now divine miracles itself. You possess various remarkable abilities such as clairvoyance and automatic reflection of all harm to yourself. You no longer need a physical form and may freely discard your body and ascend to higher realms if you wish, you exist as a chakra being for all intents and purposes and hold a body only when you desire. Alongside this, all your dōjutsu have merged into a single one, the Jōgan. This power, while supremely powerful, only grants three abilities. You may still freely access your lower level dōjustu, and all of their abilities carry over to the Jōgan.

Zengo, with this ability the Jōgan grants absolute perception and complete comprehension of all things. From the barriers between dimensions, to the interactions of particles so small and so fast they could be said to have not happened at all, to even peering into the Pure Lands themselves.

Zenjiyuu, with this ability the Jōgan grants it’s wielder true and absolute freedom. It removes all limitations and constraints. Your chakra no longer has to be mixed, controlled, altered or anything. It is not constrained by amount, potency, or type; it simply does what you wish for it to do. You are unbounded by any limits, whether they be physical or mental. You are free to move, think, and act as you please without fear of any kind of restriction or confinement. You can float effortlessly above the ground or race along at superhuman speed. Your mind is limitless, with capacity for analytical reasoning, imagination and creativity beyond human understanding. You can penetrate any mind or shield, gaining knowledge and insight that might otherwise be impossible for mere mortals. Your very form is free to change whenever you wish, capable of swapping its natures and properties whenever you wish. Even universal laws of physics, time and space hold no power over you, for you are truly free if you wish to escape those constraints.

Zennō, and with this final ability the Jōgan grants you the ability to rewrite reality itself. You’ve now the ability to alter everything around you as you wish, capable of writing whole worlds into existence if you choose. With this power, fantasy is as real and permanent as reality, and reality is as imaginary and ephemeral as fantasy.

Curse of Achilles (Percy Jackson)

Cost: 5 SP

Required: Demigod (Percy Jackson)

You have bathed in the River Styx, gaining this curse. Your body is invulnerable, unable to be harmed by anything but the mightiest of gods, all but for one spot on your body. This one spot is your greatest weakness, and should you be harmed there you will die, even if you suffered a simple scratch.

Titan's Blood (Percy Jackson)

Cost: 25 SP

Required: Demigod (Percy Jackson)

Embrace the primal legacy of your Titan ancestor, who was one of the primordial beings that shaped the world. You are not a full-blooded descendant, but the effects are still prevalent on you. You can choose which Titan you are descendent from. The power of the Titans runs through your veins, granting you various enhancements. You possess immense strength and could throw pieces of buildings that your enemies with ease. You also possess the ability to commune with the world and nature around you, learning its secrets quickly. By calming and opening yourself to the world, you can find the largest threat to the balance of nature. And best of all, the Titan's Blood grants you boons and aesthetic alterations similar to your Titan ancestors. From Cronos' time powers to other supernatural abilities, all powers gained from Titan’s Blood are conceptual in nature, making them more potent. So, as the descendant of a Titan, the responsibility is yours to understand the world and keep the balance of nature in check.

Child of Fate/Prophecy (Percy Jackson)

Cost: 25 SP

Required: Demigod (Percy Jackson)

You are a child who has been prophesied by fate.

You are to demigods what demigods are to humans. You could, with great effort, be able to damage the gods and those who are immortal, though you find it easier to harm those who are divine in nature. The connection that you have gained to your divine parent has been enhanced, similar in nature to other prophesied children such as Percy Jackson or Piper, to name the most notable examples.

Simply put, you have greater access to the domains of your godly parent, being able to access more than a normal demigod. For example, if you happen to be the child of Poseidon, you would be able to cause earthquakes and thunderstorms and even manipulate elements farther away from water, such as blood and poison that comes from divine sources. Or if perhaps your godly parent had been Hades, you would be able to call upon more skeletons. Dredge up valuable materials from under the earth and place Curses upon your foes.

The gods fear you as you have the potential to overthrow them, similar to how Kronos betrayed his father and Zeus betrayed him. You have gained the potential to become closer to the divine as you age, with your divine blood strengthening and becoming more potent with time, furthering your legend.

Hashira (Demon Slayer)

Cost: 7 SP

Required: Total Concentration Breathing (Demon Slayer)

The highest rank possible in the Demon Slayer Corps, you are now a Hashira level combatant in whichever breathing styles you use. You've mastered the form to the point where you can even improve the breathing style itself, with effort and practice. You're a master of Total Concentration Breathing Constant as well as necessary breathing abilities, such as the healing breath, like other Hashira. All your physical abilities are pushed to their pinnacle and your senses are enhanced beyond normal human limits. You can take on strong demons like Lower Moons on your own but would need significant help for any Upper Moons, currently at least, one day you may be able to fight the weaker ones on your own. Whichever sense you boosted previously has been further enhanced and your breathing form no longer takes a harsh toll on your body, Sun Breathing is an exception though even its dangers are weakened. You also gain master level skill in your weapon of choice.

Golden Age Slayer (Demon Slayer)

Cost: 5 SP

Required: Hashira (Demon Slayer)

Intense training, and talent, have pushed you to a level only matched by the greatest Demon Slayers in history. Not only are your physical abilities and senses pushed even further beyond their previous limits you have also gained abilities beyond what humans can usually do. You gain a demon slayer mark, its appearance is based on your breathing style, when active it boosts all your physical abilities and your breathing style's strength by 10 times but it also decreases your life span by 15 years every time you use it. You also gain the ability to see the Transparent World which allows you to accurately see the muscle, organs, bones, and blood flow of whoever you are looking at which will allow you to accurately predict their next moves in combat based on how they move and see any bodily weaknesses they may have, from weak knees to liver cirrhosis. When both previous abilities are used together, and you're in active combat you can unlock/use another ability, a red nichirin blade. This blade does notably more damage and counteracts regeneration through its extreme heat and super charged sun power, it is only able to be used with your sunburst steel weapon. With your abilities and power you can now take on high tier Upper Moons alone and with a group near your power you could even go toe to toe with a Demon King like Muzan Kibutsuji. Your combat skill is further improved with your weapon of choice.

You’ve been given also been given instruction in or developed more than just one style. You can freely switch between or blend the various breathing styles shown plus one of your own. You're also talented at learning and developing new breathing styles.

True Monster (Demon Slayer)

Cost: 5 SP

Required: Golden Age Slayer (Demon Slayer)

Your power as a Slayer is unmatched, physically you could destroy even a Demon as strong as Muzan Kibutsuji, with your Slayer Mark your even stronger than before. Your Demon Slayer Mark's boosts are now both 15 times and it no longer affects your life span at all. Your transparent world is unmatched in its accuracy, you have slight combat precog and incredible kinetic vision. You can active the red blade at will and with unequaled strength, you hold a blade of the sun in your hands and its blows will permanently injure any demons they hit. You are an absolute master of any and all breathing styles you try and you can make new ones as needed, you are also unparalleled in your ability to teach them to others. You are a prodigy in combat and a monsterous talent in whichever weapon you choose. You are so talented that even at 7 years old, no practice or training, you could beat a master in the art, of 20 years or more, in single combat with the weapon art you chose.

Legacy of the Insect Hashira (Demon Slayer)

Cost: 5 SP

Required: Hashira (Demon Slayer)

As you already possess insect breathing (a derivative of flower breathing), you now fully embrace the legacy of Shinobu Kocho. You become a pharmaceutical and medical genius, you are also able to use wisteria in a multitude of ways. Such as hindering a demon’s regeneration, suppressing their extrasensory abilities, altering your body to host said poison, and much more.

You also inherit Shinobu’s keen intellect which allowed her to excel in combat, alongside her indomitable will, which kept her fighting against the Upper Rank Two Demon, Doma, while experiencing massive blood loss and the inability to breathe.

Cheat Skill (DanMachi)

Cost: 3 SP

Required: Falna (DanMachi)

You have an innate skill on the same level as Bell's own cheat skill. You may design your own cheat skill, this could be a replica of Bell's skill only dependent on willpower instead of emotions, or a skill that allows you to be incredibly skilled with Miracles at Level 1, the possibilities are endless.


Cost: 20 SP

Required: Eternal Flame

You are an Immortal Phoenix, the ideal entity of Life and Death balanced as one. You are able to shift between your human and phoenix form in an instant. Immortality Through Rebirth allows you to return to life, at your peak condition and always stronger than before, you gain an innate resistance to the cause of death, no matter how esoteric it is. You are made of Fire on a conceptual level, giving you both an immunity to all forms of fire and heat as well as instinctual control over all fire you control, always burning everything you intend to without any mistakes. Your own Phoenix Fire is more than something physical, it is partially conceptual in nature, allowing you to perform feats like burning away old age, or burning away the space between two distances. Your Phoenix Fire burns itself as a form of fuel, removing any possibility of a simple extinguishment. You are able to restore all entities to their top condition with a mere touch even if you have a bare speck of flesh, regardless of whether they are alive or dead. This healing touch cures them of any and all ailments, diseases, mental illnesses, curses, and anything that negatively affects their mind, body, and soul. This same level of healing is constantly being applied to you at all times, this can be turned down or even off at will. Just as you are able to gift life to others, you are able to rip it from them as well. You can cast any entity into the Wheel of Reincarnation upon death, with enough time and practice you will be able to extinguish souls, permanently removing them from the Wheel of Reincarnation. You passively grow in strength for simply living and with every kill you grow stronger, gaining increased strength for every soul you cast into the Wheel of Reincarnation.


Cost: 20 SP

Required: Soulbond

You may now bind effectively almost any number of objects, allowing you to amass a suitably impressive arsenal: Even as just a baseline human, your soul's capacity for bound items can be measured in at least hundreds if not thousands, which can be increased not only through training your power, but also training your body and mind, or even just over a long enough time (albeit, this method is understandably much slower). Additionally, your bound items now also benefit from a fraction of all of your powers, not just your passive and power-boosting abilities.

Full Bond

Cost: 10 SP

Required: Soulbond

No longer is your bound object merely attached to your soul; now, your soul flows throughout and infuses your chosen item, transforming it into a true part of yourself, and granting it your full power. In addition, your bound item now has its qualities integrated into your soul while bound, spreading its benefits to yourself (and every other item you have, should you also have Multi-Bond): Binding a sword might grant your body the strength of the metal it was made from, and your teeth and nails its sharp edge. This even extends to supernatural abilities as well: A sword enchanted to generate fire can now produce those same flames from a mundane (if bound) stick, or even your own body, with no ill effects on either, for example.

Bind to Account

Cost: 10 SP

Required: Soulbond

You now have the ability to connect objects with the souls of others as you can with yourself, and you possess an inherent intuition regarding the extent to which these individuals can form such bonds.

Sorcery Unbound (Exalted)

Cost: 10 SP

Required: Solar Exalted (Exalted),Lunar Exalted (Exalted),Sidereal Exalted (Exalted),Alchemical Exalted (Exalted),Terrestrial Exalted (Exalted),Exigent (Exalted),

Sorcery and Necromancy, magical arts of great power with which Exalted of all stripes use to achieve miracles, going far beyond simple Charms. However, there is a catch to this; the two arts are incompatible with each other by default, advancement in one art inhibiting development in the other, and forcing Exalts to choose between mastering one, and mastering neither.

No longer. Now, your proficiency in both Sorcery and Necromancy are transcendental, allowing you not only to master both arts without limit, but also allowing you to develop your mystical skills up to the Third Circle regardless of the strength of your Exaltation, even if you are but a Terrestrial. Furthermore, you are not necessarily limited to the mystical arts of Creation, either: If you had the knowledge and resources, you could learn the arts of the Man-Machine and God-Machine Protocols of the Alchemicals, or even the Glamour Sorceries of the Raksha.

Folly of the Primordials (Exalted)

Cost: 5 SP

Required: Solar Exalted (Exalted)

The Primordials once sought to turn the Solar Exalted into their puppets by seducing them with their eldritch power. They forgot that everything in Heaven and Earth belonged to the Lawgivers by right.

You now have access to all the abilities and Charms of the Primordial's modified Solars, the Abyssals and the Infernals, without the negative effects such cursed tools usually bring (such as Urges or Resonance).

This includes the Charms of the Broken Winged Crane, as the purity of the Solar's conviction turns the blasphemous, Luciferian act of overturning the Gods and Primordials to become a Devil-Tiger (a half-Primordial, half-Exalted being), into a heroic and noble theft of the Promethean Fire.

Many-Faced Chosen Hero (Exalted)

Cost: 3 SP

Required: Solar Exalted (Exalted),Lunar Exalted (Exalted),Sidereal Exalted (Exalted),Alchemical Exalted (Exalted),Terrestrial Exalted (Exalted),Exigent (Exalted),

With each purchase, you may gain an additional Caste/Aspect from your chosen Exaltation(s), gaining the Abilities or Attributes they have an affinity for - translating into a small boost in initial power and a more noticeable boost to growth speed - as well as the Anima flares and powers tied to that caste, allowing them to use said powers individually or in any combination when expending Essence.

This upgrade also has additional benefit for Terrestrials and Exigents specifically: For Terrestrials, they receive not only their Caste Abilities and Anima powers, but also additional elements to go with them, as well as a boon in the form of counting as multiple Exalts in one, allowing them to gain more power out of their Elemental and Cooperative Charms; Exigents, due to not strictly having Castes like other Exalts, may instead gain the nature and domains of an additional god of Creation to add to their capabilities, something which would normally require illicit ‘after-market’ modifications on behalf of their patron and would come with severe complications.

(Note: Only Alchemicals (and technically Lunars) have six Castes, so purchasing this upgrade the full five times is unnecessary without the appropriate Exaltation. If you have the Machine-Dragon Symbiosis addon as well, then each purchase will grant you both an Autocthonian and Creation element, and taking all five allows you to pick a custom sixth Creation element to round out the set, such as ‘Ice’, for example)

Reader of Stars

Cost: 15 SP

Required: Fate Breaker

You have the power to perceive and manipulate the threads of destiny that weave the fabric of reality. You can see the infinite possibilities of the future, the hidden outcomes of other people’s choices, and the inevitable events that shape the world. You can also intervene in the flow of fate, altering its course, bending its direction, and influencing its chances. You can defy the laws of causality and logic, overriding absolute canon events, locked time events, and so on.

Your power allows you to both observe and interfere with the cosmic order without causing paradoxes or anomalies. You can save someone who was fated to die and preserve the balance of the universe. You can create branches in the timeline that allow for impossible scenarios. And even block entire Timelines from collapsing. You can also remotely guide others to change their fate without disrupting the natural order. Additionally, you can also access your own fate and see what could have been if you had made different choices. You can also implant false fate into yourself or others, leading other fate readers astray.

The Hollow Knight Once Felled (Hollow Knight)

Cost: 10 SP

Required: The Little Knight Who Dreams

You've taken half a step into becoming a Higher Being, this elevates your abilities to unparalleled heights, granting an overall boost in all physical and mental aspects. Experience a transformative surge in strength, speed, agility, and intellect that surpasses mortal limitations. Harnessing this power, you gain a unique ability aligned with your specialty, whether it be elemental manipulation, telepathic communication, or time-bending prowess.

Embrace the remarkable resilience of Ascendant's Resurgence, allowing you to resurrect once per day if faced with defeat. Rise again, revitalized and ready to conquer any challenge. unleash your full potential and ascend to extraordinary levels of power, and dominate in the pursuit of your destiny.

The First Step of a Higher Being (Hollow Knight)

Cost: 15 SP

Required: The Hollow Knight Once Felled (Hollow Knight)

Unlock the boundless potential of the Higher Being, transcending mortal limitations and embodying the essence of one or multiple concepts. As a divine entity, your power becomes intricately tied to the devotion and adoration of others. The strength of your abilities is magnified by the intensity of worship, granting you unimaginable power to shape the world within your own realm and through the embodiment of the concept(s) you represent.

While you reigns supreme within your realm, in the real world, your power is greatly diminished. You must rely on your concept as a conduit to manifest and enact your abilities, drawing upon the worship and devotion of your followers to fuel your actions. As long as at least one creature worships you, you shall remain immortal and possess the capacity to unleash extraordinary forces, create realms of your own, and transcend the boundaries of mortal comprehension.

As Above, So Below, The Void Is All (Hollow Knight)

Cost: 20 SP

Required: The First Step of a Higher Being (Hollow Knight)

Ascend to the apex of divinity as the Lord of Shades, merging your existing concept as a Higher Being with the ultimate embodiment of the Void. In your own realm, you reign supreme, possessing unrivaled power that transcends mortal limitations. Your authority over the Void empowers you to shape reality and dictate the cosmic tapestry, wielding unparalleled might as the harbinger of beginnings and endings.

Your newfound status as the God of Gods has turned you into the harbinger of beginnings and ending, making your very essence begins to intertwines and weaves the fabric of existence itself to make it yours. Within your domain, you are omnipotent, defying the constraints of time and entropy. However, outside of your realm, your potency diminishes, and you must channel your true might through your concept as a conduit. Even so, your eternal existence ensures that your reign endures, persisting even when the universe succumbs to oblivion.


Cost: 5 SP

Required: Reiryoku (Bleach)

You may have died or maybe someone threw your soul outside your body severing your soul chain in the process. Whatever happened now you possess the power of Shinigami. You have bonded with an Asauchi, which will transform into your Zanpakutō when you gain the name of your inner spirit. You are also trained in the four core techniques of the Shinigami which are Zanjutsu, the art of sword fighting, Hakuda, unarmed combat, Hoho, mobility techniques and Kido, demon magic as well as in the art of Konsō, the process by which a Shinigami sends wandering Pluses in the Human World to Soul Society if they are good in life, or Hell if their life was full of evil acts. You are also extremely long lived, with some of the captains having lived for 1000 years. You have knowledge equivalent to a freshly graduated Shinigami, and have the potential to reach the level of captains and beyond.

(You can customize your Shikai and Bankai ability. Also you can customize the general appearance and personality of your Zanpakutō.)

Captain (Bleach)

Cost: 10 SP

Required: Shinigami

You have enough Spiritual Power to be considered among the topmost Captain Class Shinigami. You have learned the name of your Zanpakutō and have become proficient in both Shikai and Bankai. You have also become proficient in the four core techniques of Shinigami and even gained some Kaidō, healing arts. You have knowledge of all 100 Kido as well as some forbidden Kido and the ability to cast most of them. While you may not surpass the peak masters in their individual field, you are the most well-rounded Captain of Gotei 13.

Ashisogi Jizō (Bleach)

Cost: 5 SP

Required: Captain (Bleach)

You now call the powers that the Captain of the 12th Division of the Gotei 13 possesses, your own. This means the Genius level intellect of Mayuri Kurotsuchi- current head of the Shinigami Research Institute. Which means his skill and knowledge in body modification, swordsmanship, chemistry, and much more.

You also now call ‘The Leg-Cutting Guardian’ your own. This deformed, trident shaped blade gives you the ability to secrete a poisonous vapor from its hilt (that you are immune to) and damage caused by the blade paralyzes the victim where struck, but still allows pain to be felt in said area.

The second form or Bankai state of this zanpakuto is the Konjiki Ashisogi Jizō, better known as the ‘Divine Leg-Cutting Jizō’. This second state transforms the zanpakuto into a yellow baby like giant creature, that follows your mental and verbal commands. The this form allows your zanpakuto to breathe a large cloud of spiritual poison roughly 200 meters around its location. Said poison immediately starts to break down enemies after making contact with them, and you are able to designate who it affects. The poison in this state is essentially always adapting to stimuli which prevents anything from ever developing an immunity or cure for it.

Zero Squad (Bleach)

Cost: 10 SP

Required: Captain (Bleach)

You are a member of the mysterious Zero Squad. You not only have immeasurable Spiritual Power but also have mastered all of the four core techniques of Shinigami as well as the other auxiliary techniques. Your attainment is enough to defeat any Captain of the Gotei 13, without even using your Shikai. Moreover, there is an ability you possess that you have taken to extreme level. Maybe you have named everything like the Monk Who Calls the Real Name allowing you to manipulate Names, or maybe you are someone like the God of the Sword, unrivalled in Zanjutsu and creator of Zanpakutōs. This ability synergizes well with your Shikai and Bankai allowing you to expand the very limits of your ability, an example being Ichibe's Shikai which took the form of a large brush, granting him the ability to manipulate ink. With this power, he could suppress and erase others by enveloping them, along with their names, in black ink. As for his Bankai, it amplified this ability to an even greater extent. In his Bankai state, Ichibe could directly alter or bestow new names upon beings, causing the properties associated with those names to become reality. An additional benefit of your new position being the Ōken, which are the modified bones in your body, that allows you to create clothing with incredible defensive property and grants agelessness.


Cost: 5 SP

Required: Reiryoku (Bleach)

You lingered in the living world for too long without finding peace or moving on to the Soul Society after death, becoming susceptible to negative emotions, regrets, and despair. These negative emotions eventually consumed your soul, eroding your humanity and turning you into a hollow. Hollows are powerful and malevolent spirits that have lost their hearts and transformed into monstrous creature driven by an insatiable hunger for souls. Hollows possess a wide range of grotesque and nightmarish forms, often combining animalistic features with a humanoid shape. Their distinct masks serve as both a defining characteristic and a source of power. These masks symbolize their shattered identities and human pasts.

As a hollow you possess formidable spiritual energy, granting you immense strength, speed, and regenerative abilities. You are a relentless predator, attacking with razor-sharp claws, powerful bites, and energy blasts known as "Cero" and are capable of opening gateways to other dimensions known as Garganta. Unlike other hollows you never lost your sapience and is directly born as an Adjuchas. Moreover, unlike normal hollows you do not need to continuously devour souls to prevent yourself from regressing back to Gillian. However, you still need to consume sufficient number of souls to evolve into Vasto Lorde.

(You can customize your special ability that you receive as Adjuchas.)

Vasto Lorde (Bleach)

Cost: 10 SP

Required: Hollow

Congratulation! You have achieved the pinnacle of natural evolution of Hollows. As a Vasto Lorde, you are born from devouring numerous souls and possess monstrous appearances adorned with intricate bone armor. You have immense strength, agility, and speed and are capable of wielding devastating spiritual energy. You have also mastered all the powers and abilities of your kind including Cero and its variations, Sonido, and others. Your inherent ability have also increased in both breadth and depth becoming more powerful than before. You are a being that could hold your own against the Captains of Gotei 13.


Cost: 5 SP

Required: Reiryoku (Bleach)

Through direct exposure to a hollow while in utero, a fragment of its essence has become intertwined with your soul, transforming you into a Fullbringer. As a fully realized Fullbringer, you possess the ability to manipulate the souls residing within both inanimate matter and other living beings, albeit with greater effort for the latter. Recognizing that everything possesses a soul, you have acquired the power to manipulate and influence these spiritual energies. This grants you capabilities such as walking on any surface, enhancing your speed through control over the ground, and even manipulating the soul within the air to enable flight, your imagination is the only ceiling here.

You also possess the capacity to imbue your essence into objects, allowing them to gradually develop into fullbrings. The speed at which this connection is formed between you and an object is determined by your emotional bond and affection towards it. Once an object has become a fullbring, you can activate it, potentially triggering transformations and granting you new powers and abilities that are unique to both the user and the particular object from which the fullbring originated. You are not restricted to possessing only one fullbring, as you can create multiple ones, although the subsequent creations come at a greater cost compared to the initial one.

Michibane (Bleach)

Cost: 10 SP

Required: Fullbringer

You are the host of a large fragment of the Soul King, an example being a large portion of the Soul Chain possessed by Aura Michibane. This gives you an immense amount of spiritual power, enough to fight a Shinigami Captain to standstill. This also allows you to command the souls of the objects around you on a greater scale, allowing you to manipulate the world around you as you see fit as well as replicate the effects of Kido with a wave of your hand. Your special ability as a Fullbringer also gets an immense boost both in breadth and depth, allowing you to compete with the Shikai and Bankai of the Captains of Gotei 13. You have also mastered the various Fullbringer specific techniques like Bringer Light. As the second person reaching this level, there are many other powers and abilities left for you to discover with time.

Aura of King (Bleach)

Cost: 10 SP

Required: Michibane (Bleach)

You are not the host of some fragments of Soul King, but an entire body part of His. This has caused your spiritual power to grow to immeasurable level, as well as boosting your physical ability to accommodate the immense spiritual power. Your control over the world around you, mastery of innate abilities and Fullbringer has grown to absurd amounts, letting you fight the members of Zero Division on equal ground. You also possess an ability from the Soul King's body part you are the host of. An example being the authority of stagnation and stillness governed by His right arm. This ability synergizes completely with your Fullbringer ability, boosting it to unprecedented levels. Moreover, unlike the normal body parts of Soul King, the one you are the host of is not sapient or sentient and will not develop sentience in the future.

(You can design the ability as well as the body part you are the host of.)


Cost: 5 SP

Required: Reiryoku (Bleach)

You are now an enhanced human capable of discerning the presence of Hollows and other Souls. Through combining and manipulating the Reishi present in the atmosphere with your own Reiryoku, you can fashion a spiritual weapon of your choosing.

As a pure-blooded Quincy, you possess a distinct advantage in gathering and absorbing Reishi significantly faster compared to ordinary Quincy individuals. Over time, the line between Reishi and Reiryoku blurs for you, granting you unprecedented offensive, defensive, and supportive abilities, as both energies seamlessly intertwine.

Your primary spiritual weapon, typically a bow and arrow, is a versatile instrument that allows for sustained offense. As long as your stamina remains intact and your capacity to absorb Reishi persists, you would have an unlimited supply of arrows at your disposal. Your distinguished lineage also eliminates the need for an intermediary conduit to materialize your weapon; summoning and employing it becomes as natural as an extension of your own limb. Furthermore, the process of continuously absorbing Reishi, coupled with your lineage, enhances your physical capabilities, including an extended lifespan spanning multiple orders of magnitude. This enables you to keep pace with any of your adversaries, eventually attaining mastery over them through dedicated practice and the passage of time.

The Quincy also employ several techniques, each of them have be catalogued and outlined in your mind, enabling you to attain them and further master them, if you are willing to spend the required effort to do so.

Sternritter (Bleach)

Cost: 10 SP

Required: Quincy

You are among the most powerful Quincy created for the subjugation and destruction of Soul Society and the Shinigami who live there.

Your Reishi manipulation and physical capabilities have grown to give most Shinigami trouble, and you are able to match most Captains who have yet to release their Bankai. As a member of the Sternritter, you have access to a Schrift, a sacred letter that denotes a potent ability powered by the blood of Yhwach and inscribed on your soul. While powerful, yours still stands below the Schrift of the Schutzstaffel. However, you do have a unique protection against Ywhach's Auswählen.

As a Sternritter, you are also capable of using Vollständig, a potent evolution of Letzt Stil. It grants you an angelic visage composed of Reishi constructs and grants you additional abilities:

Reishi Dominance: your Reishi manipulation is put into overdrive, allowing you to absorb large amounts of Reishi into the tip of your Spirit Weapon, enabling a powerful attack. In places of notable spiritual composition, such as Hueco Mundo or Soul Society, your Reishi absorption is capable of even absorbing Reishi from the likes of trees, rocks, or even buildings.

Flight: by forming Reishi constructs in the form of wings, you are capable of high-speed flight.

Enhanced Spirit Weapon: your Spirit Weapon can now be formed entirely out of Reishi.

Enhanced Schrift: whichever ability was granted to you through your Schrift enters a greatly amplified state, enabling you greater power and range, and even access to techniques you normally couldn't use.

Enhanced Spirital Awareness: your ability to sense Reiatsu receives a similar enhancement, allowing you to overcome abilities that would otherwise hide someone's presence to you. You also receive the special medallion of the Sternritter allowing you to steal Bankai, and possibly other weapons that are parts of their owner's soul. Any stolen Bankai you use merely grants its form and power, you must still train to master it, and you are unable to use your Vollständig while wielding it.

Royal Guard (Bleach)

Cost: 10 SP

Required: Sternritter (Bleach)

Rejoice, for the Emperor himself has recognized the extent of your power! Your power, on par with the Zero Division, has earned you an open invitation to serve in Yhwach's Royal Guard. The power you hold within yourself allows you to hold a much stronger Schrift from Yhwach's soul, or powers on par with such.

You have such immense spiritual pressure that you are capable of surpassing Captain-level Shinigami. Your Heilig Pfeil contains the potential to destroy the cities that surround the Soul King Palace. Your Reishi manipulation grants you an expertise over Hirenkyaku that gives you the potential to catch even the likes of Yoruichi Shihōin off guard. Similarly your great Reishi manipulation sees your foundational Quincy abilities stand leagues above all others, save for Yhwach, himself.

Soul Distribution

Cost: 20 SP

Required: Quincy

Like Yhwach, you have been born with the innate ability to distribute a piece of your soul to another by being touched by them (with no major loss to yourself), allowing you, like Yhwach, to acquire power by bestowing an ability. This enables those "gifted" to cultivate it and then taking it back. This ability can be broadly broken into a few sections, but it isn't all it can do, though that's for you to discover.

In the distribution of your soul, you can heal wounds that one's soul could not heal alone. This includes physical, mental, and spiritual ailments of those who have touched you. While the person's wound is healed, all of their knowledge, skills, and talents will be engraved inside the piece of soul they received from you. The price for this healing is a drastic reduction in the person's lifespan, and once the person has died, the augmented fragment will return to you with all of their knowledge, stats, skills, and talents. By having others drink your blood within a ritual, you may distribute your soul fragments in a much more powerful way by engraving a letter signifying an ability directly onto another's soul. You can forcibly retake these soul fragments at any time through "Auswählen," which allows you to absorb the energy from those you have gifted power to and send it to those who need it, or you can take their powers for yourself. Those taken from will perish, while those on the receiving end are revitalized with greater strength than they possessed before.

Upon activation of this ability, the targets are engulfed in massive columns of light. Dodging this light will not protect someone from having their power taken. The Auswählen can be used to revive those you have "gifted" power by stealing the powers and life of others. The greatest use of this ability is the Sankt Altar: you summon five orbs of energy in the air around a target that shoot out concentrated beams of energy at the target, forming the pattern of a large Quincy Zeichen. These beams rob the power of their target and transfer it to you.

However, beware that the use of this ability temporarily forms a piece of Still Silver within the hearts of those you have targeted with Auswählen. If this is extracted at the proper time and forced into contact with your blood, you will briefly lose access to your powers (seconds to a full minute).

The last ability is Reiatsu Infusion, which allows you to transfer your Reiatsu to others through contact with an object that you have infused with your Reiatsu. This temporarily forces an individual gifted with your power to act as you wish.

Remember, these are just the broad strokes of what this ability allows you to do. So, study and practice, and you may discover more.

The Almighty (Bleach)

Cost: 40 SP

Required: Quincy

You have now ascended to the unreachable heights of a true Quincy, a noble lineage unmatched in its pedigree. With this ascent comes "The Almighty". A powerful instrument that grants you the ability to perceive all of your potential futures, and the means to rewrite them, to fit your desires and to further your agendas. From your present moment to millions of years hence, your eyes encompass the multitude of these potentialities, akin to countless grains of sand carried by the wind. No outcome eludes your grasp, instead, each one becomes a tangible reality that you shape and sculpt according to your own discerning vision. Fortunes, misfortunes, sorrows, and even death itself can be reimagined under your indomitable influence. You can use The Almighty uninhibited and unshackled, and this is the same Almighty that Yhwach used.

Shun Shun Rikka (Bleach)

Cost: 35 SP

Required: Reiryoku (Bleach)

Shun Shun Rikka is composed of six spirits that you can instantly summon and dismiss, and which reside within a six petal flower-shaped hairpins, each of which is two petals on the clip when inactive, and only spiritually aware beings can see them. Through various combinations of the six fairies, you have the power to reject phenomena by denying or undoing events in various forms. This power can be used for attack, defense, or healing (depending on the combination), and if used to its full capabilities can rival gods.

The spirits are separate manifestations of your own soul, each with its own unique appearance and personality.

Two spirits (Ayame, and Shun'ō) are in charge of healing. They surround something to return it to its former, complete state, by rejecting, reversing, and reconstructing phenomena that have occurred, even phenomena that you haven't witnessed. You can even fully resurrect the dead with this.

The other Three spirits (Hinagiku, Baigon, and Lily) are in charge of defense. By placing a shield of any size between the enemy and target, that can repel all forms of attacks. This shield is impenetrable because of its event rejection nature.

The last spirit Tsubaki is in charge of offense. It can cut through basically anything, by rejecting the fusion of something, and repelling it, splitting it in two.

You can also combine the offensive and defensive spirits together, to create a shield that can disperse the incoming attack, and then reflect it back at full force towards the assailant. The full extent of this power can only be explored by you.

These spirits exhibit unwavering loyalty solely to you, dedicating themselves to serving you to the best of their abilities. When subjected to damage, the fairies can transform back into their hairpin form, undergoing passive regeneration with a maximum recovery time of 24 hours.

As long as your soul endures, the hairpins remains indestructible.

Ichigo Kurosaki (Bleach)

Cost: 5 SP

Required: Fullbringer

Required: Shinigami

Required: Quincy

Required: Hollow

You're a human, hybrid of a Shinigami, Hollow, Quincy and Fullbringer.

Within you is unlimited potential, you are able to become a War Factor, achieve what is seen as impossible and always come back up from the brink of defeat. You start with the power level of a 6th Seat Lieutenant Shinigami. You're capable of achieving the level of a Captain in a fraction of the time it would take for someone else and go much beyond when motivated enough.

Even if you are at the brink of death, if you were motivated enough, you would come back, and strong enough to defeat whatever was able to defeat you.

You could even substitute the Soul King himself if the conditions were right.

Adaptive Spark

Cost: 5 SP

Required: Ignited Soul

Your Soul Energy is now able to replicate other supernatural energies through your Soul Arts. This replication requires both enough exposure and understanding of the energy you wish to imitate. In addition to this newfound replication capacity, your ability to manipulate your Soul Energy is prodigious. This instinctual level of manipulation allows you to create new Soul Arts with ease, and enables incredible control over the fine details of each individual Art. Soul Arts can individually develop further applications as you gain more experience and put more Soul Energy into them. All of your Soul Arts improve as you make history and break new ground with their use, additionally, all Soul Arts are now self-correcting, fixing imperfections in their foundations and removing inefficiencies even while not in use.

Soul Successor

Cost: 5 SP

Required: Ignited Soul

Your Soul can light a Spark inside of other individuals. This Spark grants them the potential to Ignite their Soul. Understand that just because you are able to grant an individual the potential to Ignite, they are not guaranteed to. If left to their own devices, most individuals will be unable to comprehend what it means to break down all that you are and Ignite your Soul from the remnants. Through your help, almost anyone will be able to go through the Ignition process. For every successful Ignition, you receive a Soul Trait, these Traits will give an active and passive ability that is individualized for every being that has been through a successful Ignition as a result of your Spark. Every time you help a Soul through a successful Ignition, you gain a new fount of Soul Energy that grows alongside the main production of your Soul.

Soul Manifestation

Cost: 5 SP

Required: Ignited Soul

No longer are you condensing your Soul into a mere weapon. You are able to partially manifest your Ignited Soul itself onto reality, taking on whatever appearance you wish. Your Manifestation is able to be separated from you for an indefinite duration, although you are able to recall it at will. This Manifestation holds the crystallized benefits of all of your accomplishments inside of it. Defeating challenging or unique beings, slaying numerous enemies of a type, repeating signature Soul Art, all of these are ways you can both unlock new abilities and increase the one you have. Your Manifestation has the same unlimited potential for growth that your Soul, additionally, your Manifestation will never lag behind your maximum power. With enough practice you will be able to manifest enough of your Soul to temporarily replace a small portion of reality with your Soul, allowing you to use your Soul Arts to affect reality at a much larger scale.

Incarnation Armament

Cost: 5 SP

Required: Ignited Soul

Your ability to infuse your body with your body will your Soul Energy has both increased by a magnitude and qualitatively improved. Soul Energy can now be condensed at-will into a set of Soul Armor that scales with you in all ways. This Armor has an innate adaptive defense, growing increasingly resistant to all forms of damage as it experiences them. This resistance will grow into an immunity once you achieve enough Soul Feats for surviving a specific form of damage. Soul Arts of the physical realm come to you naturally, taking dozens of steps at once, diverting rivers with the slice of a hand, molding magma with your bare hands, all of these Arts and many many more can be created with ease. Manipulating your own momentum, density, weight, and size can be done, allowing you to become either the immovable object, the unstoppable force, or even both at the same time, regardless of how much of a paradox it might be.

Immortal Ignition

Cost: 15 SP

Required: Ignited Soul

Your Immortal Soul has been ignited, making it absolutely and completely immortal. Nothing is able to damage, manipulate, drain, or copy your Soul, as it will always regenerate to its peak condition. Your body and mind are merely your Soul being physically projected onto reality, allowing you to change your appearance, age, race, and all other physical attributes at will. The amount of Soul Energy you produce every moment is astounding, at no point will you ever have to worry about truly running out of energy. The difficulty required for your feats to grant you abilities has been lowered tremendously, and every feat is now guaranteed to grant you both an active and passive ability.

Archangel (Supernatural)

Cost: 40 SP

Required: Seraphim (Supernatural)

Archangels are primordial angels that existed long before the creation of the Universe itself. They are the highest celestial beings, second only to the Primordials, and are regarded as Heaven's most fearsome wrath. The mere presence of an Archangel on Earth without a vessel can cause minor tremors, blackout the entire Eastern Seaboard, and generate strong winds and heavy rainstorms.

Being possessed by an Archangel is psychologically an Spiritually damaging to a human; some have been left in a drooling, catatonic state after possession or experienced complete breakdowns. While you don't have to worry about this since your body is your true vessel, if you choose to use someone else as a "Meatsuit," you should be aware of the consequences they may face if you don't fix them upon leaving.

All your abilities and powers, both physical and spiritual as a Seraphim, have been massively enhanced, granting you greater access to angelic abilities.

Archangels are said to possess lower-tier nigh-omnipotence. They have a tremendous and nearly unlimited power supply, known as Archangel's Grace (which is vastly more powerful and potent than an angel's grace), allowing them to accomplish almost anything they desire with a few exceptions. Examples of their power include killing lesser beings with a snap of their fingers, hand waves, or focusing their power through their eyes to cause the combustion of molecules (making them go up in flames from the inside out) or freezing them (turning them into a solid block of ice by stopping molecular movement). Gabriel can create objects out of thin air or create multiple universes based on TV shows to manipulate the Winchesters. Other abilities include Lucifer turning human souls into demons, Michael sending two humans back in time with a single touch, obliterating targets with holy energy (which can be controlled and concentrated), granting powers such as immunity to seraphic smiting or super strength, flawless resurrection and healing, near-omniscience and awareness of the universe, sensing events across time and space (including reality warping and timeline changes), energy blasts, flight, exorcism, thermokinesis, shapeshifting, clairsentience, limited precognition, power nullification, lie detection, the list goes on but it's for you to discover.

Archangels are mostly immune to the weaknesses of angels. Angel blades can only harm them, Holy Fire causes pain but is not fatal, and the Colt, which is said to kill anything, only inflicts pain. Enochian sigils have weakened effects on them.

The few remaining threats to Archangels include Archangel Blades when wielded by other Archangels, having their Grace taken (although it will regenerate over time if taken), a Ma'lak Box, and higher-level beings such as God and The Darkness.

Your angel blade and sword have been upgraded into personal Archangel Variants capable of killing an Archangel or Nephilim like Jack Kline, while keeping the vessel unharmed.

Note: As an Archangel, you can now dial back your senses to enjoy food and drink as humans do once again.

Nephilim (Supernatural)

Cost: 25 SP

Required: Seraphim (Supernatural)

Instead of just being an Angel, you are a Nephilim, a being that is half-angel and half-human. While most would think that this would make you weaker than your Seraphim parent, it is actually the opposite case. This is because as a Nephilim, you were born with both Angelic Grace and a Human Soul. The combination of these two sources is like adding nitrous and a supercharger to a car. The human soul supercharges the Angelic Grace, making a Nephilim eventually become more powerful than the angel that sired them. Since you are half-human, you do not need a vessel to interact with the physical world; you were already born into yours.

As a Nephilim, you have inherited all the powers of your Seraphim parent, and the soul you inherited from your human parent has enhanced all your abilities far beyond those of multiple Seraphim combined, though still below an Archangel. With time (10 years), your Grace will reach the potency and power of an Archangel's Grace. You also have a few new abilities, such as life force draining and the ability to change your age as you wish.

Note that losing your Grace as a Nephilim is more dangerous than as an Angel because your Grace is what keeps your Angelic and Human sides in balance. The loss of it will cause both sides to fight each other, resulting in immense pain, sickness, weakness, and so on, until your Grace regenerates.

Uniqueness (Lord of The Mysteries)

Cost: 5 SP

Required: Beyonder (Lord of the Mysteries)

You now have your Pathway's Uniqueness accommodated in your body, even at Sequence 9. Your Uniqueness is the only one that exists in all of existence, as it is the Authority of your Pathway condensed into a single object, no matter how hard someone may try, there is no way to duplicate, steal, delete, or modify your Uniqueness without your permission. Having your Uniqueness accommodated, even at Sequence 9, qualitatively improves every single of your Sequence, from your pathway abilities, magic spells, mystic rituals, to even your growth rate due to the Partial Authority over your Pathway that you possess. Your growth will not have any soft-caps or barriers for you to experience, as you are now incredibly in tune with your Pathway, allowing you to advance much easier.

Sefirot (Lord of The Mysteries)

Cost: 5 SP

Required: Uniqueness (Lord of The Mysteries)

You have a Sefirot befitting of your Pathway’s own Above the Sequence, the nine Sefirot are: Sefirah Castle, Chaos Sea, River of Eternal Darkness, Brood Hive, Nation of Disorder, Tenebrous World, Knowledge Moor, and Key of Light. This Sefirot grants you access to the other Pathways that make up your Above The Sequence combination. You are optionally able to meld your multiple Pathways into a single multi-faceted Pathway. The Mythical Creature forms you will eventually gain access to will not drive you insane, you will be able to shift into each individual form at-will or a form that is a combination of all Mythical Creatures. You have no need for anchors any more, regardless if you are at a Sequence when you need them or not, you will not be driven insane by the changes you will undergo as you raise your Sequence.

Additional Uniquenesses (Lord of The Mysteries)

Cost: 5 SP

Required: Sefirot (Lord of The Mysteries)

You now have accommodated the other Uniquenesses of the Pathways that make up your Above The Sequence. These Uniquenesses grant you compounding benefits on top of the ones you received for accommodating a single Uniqueness. Holding all of the required Uniquenesses for your Pathways (or Pathway if you chose to condense them) grant you near-unlimited amount of Spirituality, allowing you to use your Beyonder abilities almost constantly, mystic spells and rituals with ease, and obtain a Mythical Creature form of your choice even at Sequence 9. Additionally, you have an innate resistance to mystic spells, rituals, and other beyonder abilities, reducing their effectiveness to near nothing as long as the source of the effect is not entirely outclassing you. Even a God would require more effort to effect you than ‘They’ would otherwise require.

Will of The Fallen (Elden Ring)

Cost: 5 SP

Required: Grace of The Erdtree (Elden Ring)

The Grace of the Erdtree has converged within you, granting you mastery over ancient necromantic arts and the divine blessings of the Elden Ring. Through this power, you gain the unique ability to commune with the spirits of deceased who have yet to pass, harnessing their lingering essence in the form of Spirit Ashes, or inheriting their might through Ashes of War. Spirit Ashes allow you to summon spectral companions that heed your call, offering their aid and support as you traverse to your fate and destiny.

Rise of The Elden Lord (Elden Ring)

Cost: 15 SP

Required: Grace of The Erdtree (Elden Ring)

As you grow stronger, you have shown yourself worthy to walk the path of godhood, and the Grace Of the Erdtree serves as your key to unlocking this ultimate power. You've become a Demigod, as the blood of divinity courses through your veins, multiplying your innate potential beyond imagination, and enhancing every aspect of your mind, body, and soul a hundredfold. Within the pantheons that govern the realms, Empyreans and mortal beings strive to attain godhood. For you, however, it requires only the slightest push to ascend to the divine, and wield authority over concepts like 'Order,' 'Causality,' or 'Regression,' and to manifest miracles that command the reverence of believers.

Embrace the Grace Of the Erdtree, for it is a power that melds the very essence of the Elden Ring. Through its boundless potential, you shall carve your name in the annals of cosmic history, a harbinger of destiny.

To Stand Over Heaven (JJBA)

Cost: 30 SP

Required: Stand (JJBA)

After rigorous training and unlocking the full potential of your Stand, you have achieved the extraordinary ability known as "To Stand Over Heaven." With this upgrade, you can access any canon Stand from the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure universe, with the exceptions of "The World Over Heaven" and "Made in Heaven." Initially, you can switch to any canon Stand, but you are limited to using one Stand at a time.

As you progress and grow in power, you will gain the capability to wield multiple Stands simultaneously. This newfound proficiency allows you to combine a diverse array of Stand abilities, making you a more formidable force on the battlefield. The fusion of different Stand powers grants you unparalleled versatility, enabling you to adapt to any situation and overcome challenges.

However, the ultimate pinnacle of your power lies in mastering Requiem and Stand Combination. With time and experience, you will acquire the ability to access the Requiem form of any Stand you are using temporarily, significantly enhancing its power and capabilities, however, through training you will be able to use the Requiem form of any stand permanently. And through Stand Combination, you can merge multiple Stands into one, amplifying their power and creating an awe-inspiring Stand known as "The One Above Heaven."

Nonetheless, attaining such extraordinary heights comes with great risks. The power of Stand combination is a double-edged sword, and you must tread carefully to prevent being overwhelmed by the sheer force of this amalgamation. While "The One Above Heaven" grants you unparalleled might, it also demands immense control and focus to prevent the power from consuming you. To access "The World Over Heaven" and "Made in Heaven", you will need to undergo a specific rituals or go through intense training to unlock their potential.

The Bees Schnees (RWBY)

Cost: 6 SP

Required: Aura (RWBY)

You have inherited the Schnee family Semblance of Glyphs, which allows you to create flat symbols that have various effects, such as moving, conjuring, or enhancing. However, your Glyphs are different from the rest, as you can manipulate elements without using Dust, the crystallized form of energy that powers most technology in Remnant. You can create and control fire, water, earth, air, and other natural forces with your Glyphs, giving you a versatile and powerful arsenal.

Moreover, you can summon constructs of anything you have defeated or sufficiently understood, including robots, animals, and even people. These constructs will obey your commands and fight for you, and you can also share their knowledge and abilities with them. You can also create constructs of items or objects that you have studied or analyzed, such as weapons, tools, or vehicles.

Unlike the rest of the Schnee family, you are able to create new Glyphs with their own unique functions over time. You can experiment with different combinations of elements, shapes, colors, and patterns to discover new effects and applications for your Glyphs. You can also learn to replicate the effects from other sources of magic or technology, such as the Maidens, the Relics, or the Silver-Eyed Warriors, and incorporate their aspects into your Glyphs.

Your Glyphs are a reflection of your creativity and curiosity, and they will grow and evolve with you as you explore the world. You are a natural-born master of Glyphs.

The Hierophant

Cost: 10 SP

Required: Divine Magic (D&D)

Required: Divine Patron

Required: Beloved of the Gods

You are the Hierophant, the only one who is capable of serving as the facilitator of communion between heaven and earth. You are not just the chosen champion of any single god or pantheon, but rather the chosen champion of faith and worship itself to herald in a new age of god.

Your ability to work divine magic is second to none, but the gods themselves and even lesser deities find it hard to compete with you due to your ability to effortlessly tap into the various authority, domains, and symbology of different gods and pantheons to work your magic. Over time, your mastery of divine power could grow to rival that of the chief god of the Renown Pantheon.

As faith and worship of the gods increase, so does the strength of their influence on the world. The gods are somewhat obligated to grant you what you ask for, but the greater the act you wish the gods to perform, the greater the required faith, worship, or specific conditions must be met.

As the Hierophant, you are not the slave of the gods but rather the mediator and reconciler between the divine realms and the mortal plane; thus, you can cut the connection between specific gods or pantheons from influencing the world if you choose to do so.

Sacred Guardian

Cost: 20 SP

Required: Guardian Angel

Your guardian's overall power has surged, bringing forth four additional abilities, thus totaling ten unique powers.

Protector's Wrath: A 20-minute buff, with a 24-hour cooldown, multiplying all its stats by a factor of 5.

Scope of Dogma: Their eyes undergo a transformative change, granting them the ability to see a person's complete profile— from physical characteristics, abilities, skills, powers, and even their intentions or ulterior motives.

Prime Directive: With their deep connection to the concept of protection, your guardian can establish three rules that the target(s) must adhere to. Violating these rules incurs stackable benefits for your angel:

Rule 1: Do not harm the host. Breaking it boosts the Guardian Angel's overall power by 30%. Rule 2: Do not harbor harmful ulterior motives towards the host. Breaking it debuffs the target's overall power by 30%. Rule 3: Do not attempt to obstruct the Guardian Angel in protecting their host. Breaking it enables the Guardian Angel to enhance the power of one of their abilities by 50%.

These rules will still take effect, whether or not the target(s) is aware of them.

Infinite Impermanence: Leveraging their Scope of Dogma, the Guardian Angel can seal and negate a skill, ability, or power. The Guardian may unseal it, whenever they see fit, or if you tell them to.

Any harm directed towards your Guardian Angel is interpreted as harm directed towards their host. Consequently, they benefit from any abilities that utilize this connection, such as Prime Directive, and Sword of Absolution. In the event of the host's demise, for a duration of 24 hours, the Guardian Angel will undergo a remarkable buff of 200% in every conceivable aspect.

Divine Guardian

Cost: 20 SP

Required: Sacred Guardian

Your guardian angel further gains five abilities, totaling to fifteen.

Sacrificial Pawn: When either the host or the Guardian faces imminent death, another designated life form will perish in their place, no matter where they are. For this ability to take effect, the Guardian Angel must establish a pre-arranged agreement with the sacrificial life form, with full consent from them. There is no limit to the number of backup life forms this ability can have. The Guardian Angel can also use this on themselves.

Lover's Boon: In conjunction with Sacrificial Pawn, each sacrificed Pawn provides a stackable temporary 5% buff to the Guardian's overall power. This enhancement ceases when the sacrificed Pawn is replaced, by another lifeform, or if they got resurrected.

Domain Of Vigilance: They are now able to conjure an undetectable sphere with a radius spanning 500 meters, enveloping all sides. Within this ethereal domain, they attain heightened perception, becoming acutely aware of their surroundings and capable of reacting to any potentially harmful intent within a mere thousandth of a second. Those who venture into this sanctuary will also experience a gradual sluggishness in their movements, continually decreasing until it reaches a reduction of approximately 25%..

Armor of Absolution: The Guardian Angel can now conjure a full-body armor with aesthetics of the host's choosing. This armor doesn't impede the Guardian's maneuverability in any way, and increases in durability proportionally to the damage incurred, while also boasting swift regeneration capabilities. Additionally, the armor offers complete protection against any harmful psychic or esoteric influences directed at the Guardian Angel, like mind control and internal telekinesis.

Final stand: When all else has failed, your Guardian Angel possesses the ability to merge with you, metamorphosing into an immensely more potent entity that amplifies all their stats by a factor of 1000X. You retain the freedom to determine the overall appearance and aesthetic of this newfound form. However, exercise caution, as this transformation is a last-resort measure, lasting only one hour before a mandatory separation, with a subsequent cooldown period of one week, leaving you the host irreversibly bedridden during that duration.

Of All That is Good

Cost: 25 SP

Required: Aasimar (D&D)

You embody light, life, and goodness in all it’s forms. Exquisite flowers bloom where you step and your light chases away evil, depression and all things commonly thought of as bad. You can see the sins of every living thing you can gaze at. Your halo evolves and no innocent can be harmed or hurt as long as its light reaches them, you can heal just about anything other than death away in the blink of an eye, and looking at you is now akin to a religious experience. You gain massive control and power over holy sun fire, spawning it and controlling it at will, choosing what and who it can hurt. Your presence is a balm to the soul chasing away depression and other such mental or spiritual afflictions of all that surround you, you gain an infinite lifespan as while you are still a mortal you now have more in common with other celestials such as angels than a normal human. You can every week resurrect one person fully and completely, but be very careful doing so, you might just take a soul out of heaven and their eternal paradise, and that is a very, very cruel thing to do. You can feel people that are in harms way and appear near them in order to help them, this feeling extends to about the size of New York city in a circle around you. You also gain a pair of functional angel wings.

All these powers can be turned on and off at will or be dialed up and down as you please.

Your comprehension of the Celestial language also increases. The Words of Creation were fragments of the precursor of the Celestial language. This precursor language, known as Supernal, was said to be the tongue of the gods themselves. Able to be understood by any sentient mind. And now you know a few of those words, able to learn more with time.

The Real Eidolon (D&D/Pathfinder)

Cost: 5 SP

Required: Divine Magic (D&D),Arcane Magic (D&D/Pathfinder),Occult Magic (Pathfinder),

You can magically beckon a powerful being called an eidolon to your side, serving as the mortal conduit that anchors it to the world. Whether your eidolon is a friend, a servant, or even a personal god, your connection to it marks you as extraordinary, shaping the course of your life dramatically

You can freely chose the form of your Eidolon, from a simple wolf to a dragon, and its strength will be comparable to 10 SP with of physical power. Thanks to the bond, you can share the senses of your Eidolon and vice-verse. Your Eidolon can also serve as a conduit for spellcasting for any magical discipline you have access to. It takes a few seconds to manifest or dismiss your Eidolon. Even when dismissed, you can communicate with your companion.

I Alone Am The Honored One! (Jujutsu Kaisen)

Cost: 20 SP

Required: Cursed Energy Manipulation (Jujutsu Kaisen)

Required: Reverse Cursed Technique (Jujutsu Kaisen)

Your mastery of Curse Energy and Curse Techniques has been greatly enhanced, and you now possess the potential to rival, or even surpass, the greatest Curse Sorcerers in the Jujutsu world. Like Yuta Okkotsu and Satoru Gojo, you have become a prodigy, capable of transforming from an ordinary civilian, oblivious to curses, into a formidable fighter within mere weeks of training, capable of besting some of the most skilled Sorcerers alive.

Furthermore, you have gained an incredible talent and intuitive understanding of all things related to Curses, allowing you to effortlessly create entirely new Curse Techniques, and replicating any powers or spells you see as a Curse Technique. The entire world of Curses has become an open book for you, waiting for you to craft and wield Curses never before seen.

Additionally, within your shadow now resides an incredibly powerful Curse Spirit, comparable to Rika. This Curse Spirit is bound to your very soul and is capable of generating an ungodly amount of curse energy, some may even say infinite. You can tap into this boundless source of Curse Energy, greatly enhancing your own pool of Curse Energy to awe-inspiring levels. The Curse Spirit is absolutely loyal, never wavering in devotion, though their eagerness to serve you might be slightly overzealous.

Cursed Techniques

Cost: 5 SP

Required: Cursed Energy Manipulation (Jujutsu Kaisen)

Each purchase gives you one cursed technique, like the Ten Shadows or the Ratio technique, either shown in the manga/anime or personally created (Limitless and Curse Specific abilities excluded). These techniques can only start at the level of a new sorcerer.

Reverse Cursed Technique (Jujutsu Kaisen)

Cost: 5 SP (The Six Eyes (Jujutsu Kaisen))

Cost: 10 SP (The Six Eyes (Jujutsu Kaisen))

Required: Cursed Energy Manipulation (Jujutsu Kaisen)

A specialized form of cursed technique that possesses the unique ability to convert negative cursed energy into positive energy. Through this technique, the transformation of destructive energy into constructive energy is achieved by combining two sources of cursed energy, resulting in a multiplication effect. Thus, the energy that destroys becomes energy that creates, and negative energy becomes positive.

The utilization of reverse cursed energy spans a wide range of applications, with its most prominent use being in healing. By harnessing this energy, one can achieve a complete restoration of severed limbs, mend deep bone injuries, or even resurrection from the brink of death, all within a span of seconds. Moreover, the versatility of this technique enables continuous, uninterrupted operation, granting you the capacity to employ it incessantly without limitations, if you have the reserve for it.

However, as this technique originates from the brain, a devastating blow that eradicates the brain entirely would result in fatality.

Mahoraga (Jujutsu Kaisen)

Cost: 5 SP

Required: Cursed Energy Manipulation (Jujutsu Kaisen)

Required: Reverse Cursed Technique (Jujutsu Kaisen)

You now possess the adaptive power of the Eight-Handled Sword Divergent Sila Divine General Mahoraga.

With the incantation “Furube Yura Yura,” you summon forth the wheel of cycle and harmony behind your back. When you experience a phenomenon for the first time, the wheel will turn, signifying that the process of analysis and adaptation has begun, upon the completion of an adaptation, you gain resistance and the ability to counter that phenomenon. Repeated exposure to the same phenomenon will expedite the adaptation process.

This process of analysis and adaptation never fully ceases. Even when faced with phenomena, attacks, or defenses that your adaptation has already overcome, the wheel will keep spinning, continually analyzing and adapting in pursuit of more effective ways to overcome the challenges you face.

The wheel also bestows the ability to fully heal oneself each time it turns up to nine times; you keep all the adaptations you have already gained, even when the wheel is not summoned.

Limitless (Jujutsu Kaisen)

Cost: 10 SP (The Six Eyes (Jujutsu Kaisen))

Cost: 20 SP (The Six Eyes (Jujutsu Kaisen))

Required: Cursed Energy Manipulation (Jujutsu Kaisen)

An inherited technique that brings the concept of "Infinity" into reality, allowing you to manipulate and distort space at will. You are granted ordinance over three specific techniques that represent different facets of such distortion.

Infinity, The fundamental state of Limitless, enabling the ability to halt motion. By infinitely dividing the finite space between two objects, approaching entities slow down and never reach the user.

Blue, Amplifies cursed energy output, generating an attractive force. By bringing the conceptually impossible negative distance into reality, surrounding space is compelled to fill the gap, resulting in a magnetic-like effect.

Red, Reverses the strengthened technique, manifesting the divergence of infinity and generating a repulsive force. By channeling reverse cursed energy into the Limitless power, a repelling effect is created instead of a magnetic one.

Combining these techniques unlocks advanced applications, leading to entirely new and more potent distortions beyond their individual capabilities. This also allows teleportation if you have enough mastery over your infinity. But unless you have an ability that lets you process information down to the atomic levels, these techniques would forever be out of your grasp.


Cost: 20 SP

Required: Pandora's Child (Campione!)

You have ascended beyond the title of Campione, becoming the Mythender—the ultimate scourge of all supernatural beings. Your power reaches unprecedented heights, solidifying your position as the Apex Hunter of the divine realm. This upgrade enhances all your abilities and grants you an advantage in battles against supernatural and divine entities.

Every strike you unleash as the Mythender carries an overwhelming essence that pierces through the defenses of gods and mystical entities, inflicting devastating damage upon them, regardless of their divine power.

You possess an innate talent to instantly comprehend any supernatural being you encounter. This supernatural instinct grants you an intuitive understanding of their strengths and weaknesses, enabling you to exploit them with unparalleled precision, making the most effective use of your abilities.

In addition, within your chest beats a mythic heart that passively warps reality and probability in your favor. This unique attribute allows you to potentially succeed in any endeavor, no matter how unlikely.

Unlike a Campione who steals the authority of defeated gods, you absorb the very essence of divine beings you vanquish. This grants you their complete divine authority and assimilates their myth and legend. As the holder of their mantle, you gain unrivaled insight and connection to their domains and authorities. This allows you to tap into their mythos, wielding their divine powers as your own, greatly amplifying your own abilities.

As the Mythender, you surpass the strength of a conventional Campione. In battle, you grow stronger while the divine and supernatural beings you face gradually weaken under the weight of your anti-supernatural essence. Any supernatural effects directed at you are nullified or greatly reduced, as your innate resistance and dominance over the supernatural neutralize their potency.

Plus Tendency (Tower of God)

Cost: 5 SP

Required: Shinsu Manipulation (Tower of God)

Skill with Shinsu is broken down into three categories, the amount of Baangs you can produce at once, Myun, being the size of your Baangs, and Soo, the density of your Baangs. At base, everyone is subject to the Minus Tendency, which links their Baang, Myun, and Soo together in an inversely proportional relationship. You are unique in that you have the Plus Tendency, unlike others without this ability, you can increase your Baang, Myun, and Soo proportionally. While this does not allow you to create an infinite amount of Baangs, you will be able to produce techniques like the Shinsu Loop that require the user to the Plus Tendency. You will start with the ability to produce a single Shinsu Loop if you wish.

Irregular (Tower of God)

Cost: 10 SP

Required: Plus Tendency (Tower of God)

You are a unique entity in the eyes of the Tower’s residents, unbound from the Tower’s natural rules. Your Irregular status hides you from any and all forms of precognition as well. Shinsu loves you, and it shines through. Your talent with Shinsu is on par with The 25th Baam. You can learn new abilities, skills, and techniques in a sliver of the time it would take others, beyond this you can absorb all abilities, skills, and techniques that are used on you. If you survive, you will find that you can replicate the copied skill instantly, however, this does not grant you the experience of copied skills.

Your innate Shinsu Resistance is tremendous, increasing the amount of Shinsu you can withstand both offensively and defensively astronomically while also granting you total immunity against Spells. No longer are you limited to a singular Shinsu Quality or Shape, with a moderate amount of effort you can adapt to new forms, witnessing the Quality or Shape you desire can make this almost instantaneous. Additionally, you have all of the knowledge necessary to use Shinwonryu both normally and with your Shinsu Quality or Shape.

Fisherman (Tower of God)

Cost: 15 SP

Required: Shinsu Manipulation (Tower of God)

The Fisherman is the vanguard for their team who charges forward to fight their opponents and defeats them with their overwhelming power. This gives you talent in close combat on par with Androssi Zahard who is considered the strongest Fisherman among the known Regulars. You are not her equal in natural physical ability, but in skill and talent you are her match. You must train to keep up though because she grows incredibly quickly as she completes her climb up the Tower.

The Fisherman is considered the most powerful and dangerous Position of all. All eyes focus on what the Fisherman does and strategies on both sides are centered around the abilities of the Fisherman on the field. You are recognized as one of these threats and all eyes are on you. You are incredibly skilled at drawing aggro and keeping attention focused on you and off your team. This can be toggled off if you want to take others by surprise but it automatically turns on while performing the Fisherman position for your team.

Additionally, there is a legend in the Tower, a title that only a few could ever claim to hold: The Fishermen. The Fishermen is a single fighter that is capable of defeating entire teams of fighters at once. You are now capable of a similar incredible feat as your reaction time speeds up to always be a match for whatever or whomever you are fighting. No matter the number of foes, no matter how quickly they move, you can track their movements perfectly. Moving your body to keep up with them is another thing, however.

Spear Bearer (Tower of God)

Cost: 15 SP

Required: Shinsu Manipulation (Tower of God)

The Spear Bearers are the long range masters of the Tower with them able to strike their targets with deadly precision from hundreds of meters away as a baseline. Ranker Spear Bearers are capable of hitting targets from tens of kilometers away. You carry this legacy with ease as your Spears can strike your targets with deadly power and up to five hundred meters away with perfect accuracy.

Spear Bearers fight from a distance and are incredibly skilled at keeping track of their foes. You have the ability to designate an opponent as your prey. Once you do so you will be aware of that prey’s location within a ten mile radius around you. Your strikes targeting this prey are more likely to hit but they can be dodged or blocked.

This effect is broken if you designate another enemy as prey or they move further than ten miles away from you. Spear Bearers are incredibly useful for taking down a single target in one all mighty blow. The more powerful denizens of the Tower have incredible durability and resistance to Shinsu and are only affected by the most powerful blows.

You are capable of designating a single target in a battle and making a single strike against them can ignore most of their resistance. This isn’t an instant one-shot ability, but the strike does significantly more damage than a normal strike would. This reflects the ability of a master Spear Bearer to make one decisive strike at the perfect moment in a battle. Your attack does not grow any stronger, it's just more effective. For Example: If you have the strength to obliterate a building, then you cannot obliterate a mountain but you might be able to cause a mudslide that changes the shape of the mountain.

Scout (Tower of God)

Cost: 15 SP

Required: Shinsu Manipulation (Tower of God)

Scouts are the eyes and ears of any good team, the ones responsible for gathering information. In order to fulfill this role you must have a good set of eyes and ears yourself. All your senses are enhanced to pick up more subtle and small pieces of information that would otherwise pass you by. You can also determine whether information is useful without needing to think about it too much.

Finding the necessary information is a very difficult and dangerous task. If a Scout is caught in enemy territory then it alerts them of their team’s presence and puts the Scout in incredible danger. Scouts have learned to not get caught in response to this. You are incredibly skilled at moving silently and not alerting the attention of others.

The Scouts are considered the Darkness of the Tower. The brave individuals that enter combat the most out of any of the positions and risk fighting the enemy all alone. They hide in the shadows to gather information that will give their allies an edge and make decisions that change the shape of the battlefield. You are capable of making those hard decisions and know when it is the opportune moment to strike. Ambushes, Assassinations, and Traps are all things that you have mastered. Strikes that you make from the shadows deal significantly more damage, even if they might be considered cowardly. Your teammates never seem to think any less of you for taking such actions so long as they are for their benefit as well.

Light Bearer (Tower of God)

Cost: 15 SP

Required: Shinsu Manipulation (Tower of God)

Light Bearers are the control center of the battlefield and the ones that the other positions look towards for guidance and strategy. You are very skilled at such things and are capable of keeping track of everything going on across the battlefield with ease. You can only keep track of things that you are aware of so you still need a skilled Scout to make the most use of this, but you will not be straining your mind to keep track of all the different pieces on the board. This also gives all the skills necessary to use a Lighthouse and expertly use them to bring light to the Tower which is needed for many battles.

You know all the pieces on the board, all you need to do is move them. Your mind is incredibly skilled when it comes to commanding others’ ability to their fullest and also predicting how other people will behave outside your control. With this you are a brilliant battle strategist innately with lots of room to grow.

A good Light Bearer helps their team fight at a significantly higher level than they would without the Light Bearer. Spear Bearers are far more accurate and can throw their spears a far longer distance, Wave Controllers can control more bangs further from their bodies, etc. You too are skilled at enhancing the abilities of others. Those under your command have their abilities enhanced by about twenty percent. This boost grows the longer you’ve worked with a person and the more familiar you are with that person’s abilities.

You will start with a basic level Lighthouse that will scale with you no matter how far you go. This Lighthouse is able to split itself into as many parts as you can handle, although it will start with only one instance of itself, each sliver being considered a Lighthouse in its own right.

Wave Controller (Tower of God)

Cost: 15 SP (Irregular (Tower of God))

Cost: 0 SP (Irregular (Tower of God))

Required: Shinsu Manipulation (Tower of God)

Wave Controller is a unique position in the Tower, it's a position that denotes someone being a Shinsu specialist who focuses on using Shinsu to help their comrades in battle. This gives you a special skill and talent for using Shinsu in a specific way. This just gives you enough skill to use it and talent to more easily learn the more advanced applications of these specialties.

Flow Control This is the most common form of Shinsu manipulation where the user simply alters the natural course of Shinsu that flows through an area. This is the most destructive form of Shinsu control since the user can control massive amounts of Shinsu with little effort.

Reverse Flow Control This is the other type of Shinsu manipulation, where the user completely dictates the flow of the Shinsu in an area. It is mostly used to ‘destroy ‘ or ‘stop’ enemies. This takes significantly more skill and awareness to use since altering the flow of Shinsu can cause massive amounts of unintentional destruction. You can stop individuals in their tracks within the flow of Shinsu or cause internal damage using the Shinsu inside their bodies, but you must be more powerful in Shinsu than the target to use this effectively.

Shinsu Quality A Shinsu Quality is the innate form that Shinsu takes. By having a Shinsu Quality, you can change the quality of Shinsu you control into a form that is easier for you to control. Achieving this is an incredible feat that very few individuals in the Tower have been able to complete. Once you’re capable of changing the Quality of Shinsu, your skill and power with Shinsu will increase dramatically. Both the number of Baangs you can control and their density grow significantly as both feats become easier as your mastery of Shinsu increases.

Shinsu Tension The Tension of Shinsu is the strength and density of the Shinsu you control. Tension is something that everyone has a different innate level of Tension, but it is something that can be trained to be stronger. You have a high level of Tension innately which makes all your Shinsu techniques more effective and you are capable of increasing it through training.

Baang Control The number of Baangs one can control denotes the skill level of one's ability to manipulate Shinsu. You start with the ability to manipulate two Baangs which is an incredible feat of skill and talent. You are also very talented at manipulating Baangs and can increase the number of Baangs with less training than others. Only a few Regulars can manipulate three Baangs and only one is shown controlling more than that. A Ranker is shown to be able to control thirty to sixty Baangs. Enryu, the second strongest being in the Tower, was claimed to be able to control nine thousand Baangs at once. To be able to reach this level would take hundreds of thousands of years of training.


Cost: 30 SP

Required: DETERMINATION (Undertale)

Required: Prime Soul (ULTRAKILL)

You are the reason why GOD despises humanity.

Your DETERMINATION, your willpower, is seemingly endless. Death has become a mere suggestion to you, as you become unkillable as long as nobody has more DETERMINATION than you. You have complete control over your personal timeline and can go back or forward as far as you want. On top of that, you have immunity to paradoxes and foreign temporal manipulations. All of your powers and abilities are also amped to an obscene degree.

Reaper of Soul

Cost: 15 SP

Required: Mystic Eyes of Death Perception (Type-Moon)

Required: Necromancy

Required: Soul Garden

You have become a Grim Reaper—the personification of death and the afterlife itself.

As a Grim Reaper, you possess a deep connection and understanding of the concept of death. Composed of its very essence, you can utilize the power of death magic better than any mortal or undead could ever imagine, capable of wielding death in all its manifestations and forms.

As a part of the natural order of things, your use of necromancy does not disrupt the cycle of life and death. The power of true resurrection is also yours to wield.

You no longer need to cut the line of death or stab the point of death to activate the instant kill effect of the mystic eye. As Death itself, simply hitting an opponent with the intent to kill is enough to take their life; even immortal beings can be killed by your touch as you forcefully impose the concept of death upon your enemies to ensure their demise.

Your Soul Garden now becomes a fully developed afterlife. Whatever form it takes—whether a place where souls permanently stay after death like heaven and hell, or a cycle of reincarnation—is completely up to your choosing. It can be changed at a moment's notice at your whim.

Regardless of whether the soul stays in the afterlife or goes on to reincarnation, as long as you ensure that the cycle of life and death continues and the soul of the dead is taken care of, not dissipating into oblivion, you will continually become stronger.

Pas de Trois (Soul Eater)

Cost: 5 SP

Required: A Dance of Souls (Soul Eater)

Unconventionally, your Meister/Weapon team includes more than two people. For each time this upgrade is bought, your team includes an additional Weapon or Meister.

Each member of the team starts out with the same level of compatibility with the rest as A Dance of Souls normally gives; this allows fantastic teamwork between all of you, allowing multiple Meisters to fight harmoniously using the same Weapon, either passing it to one another as they are fighting or even using each other's weight and momentum in their fighting style. Similarly, multiple Weapons can take turns wielding each other, using quick shapeshifting to dodge attacks.

Black Blood (Soul Eater)

Cost: 5 SP

Required: A Dance of Souls (Soul Eater)

In an experiment that should've never happened, the Weapon of your pairing has been melted into black blood which was then used to replace the blood of the Meister, fusing both of your souls. This results in perfect soul resonance being incredibly easy to achieve for the two of you, as well as make both of you a lot more resilient than before against physical damage. It also gives the Weapon incredible flexibility, as they control the black blood directly. However, this can also lead to unstability, as souls aren't meant to be fused and the Weapon is now fully dependent on the Meister, making it harder for the two of you to act as equals.

If picked alongside Pas de Trois, one or more of the Weapons in your team are merged in this way with all the other members of the team, Meisters and Weapons both.

Snow Devil

Cost: 10 SP

Required: Yuki Onna

Your mastery over ice and snow that you wield has transcended the boundaries of the supernatural. This frozen manifestation is now impervious to any form of melting, yielding only to your conscious command. Its inherent hardness has also reached an unparalleled level, presenting a nearly impenetrable defense even against supernatural entities.

Moreover, should your ice come into physical contact with a living being, your Yokai heritage can instantaneously initiate the absorption of their life energy, channeling it back to you. This siphoning process facilitates the healing of almost all forms of injuries within seconds, enhancing your vitality, fortifying your constitution, and contributing to the preservation of a youthful, vigorous appearance, thus prolonging your lifespan.

These enhancements to your powers only applies to you.