Project V17/Powers/Shard/Upgrades

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Mr Worldwide

Cost: 30 SP

Have a power that has limited range? Well worry no more! With this here, you can extend the your range to a planetary level. Originally only able to sense and control water within a 5 meter radius? Well with this you can sense and control ALL the water on the planet. Can only teleport within a 4 meter range? Now teleporting into Alexandria’s Bedroom. Comes with a free boost to your mind to be able to utilise your new range.

Across The Multiverse

Cost: 10 SP

Required: Mr Worldwide

Your range is even greater, and can now cross dimensions. However, unless you have a thinker power, you first need to find a way to access these dimensions, such as a stable portal. Certain powers can exempt this (such as some mover powers that doesn’t have any requirements besides range).

A Master’s Servant

Cost: 15 SP

Any and all of the creature you control has a weakened version of all your powers, with the exception of whatever power you are using to control them.


Cost: 10 SP

For every purchase any master or master like power that generates a minion will have their limit increased by 1.

For powers such as (Master) Specter this will allow you to create 1 more projection every day, for powers such as (Master) Friendbringers this will allow you to create one more friendbringer. For powers such as (Master) Hivemind it increases how many you summon a day by the same amount. For powers like (Master) Undead you gain one more slot.

I Hope It Haunts You

Cost: 5 SP

The closer to dying you are, the stronger your minions will be, with them loosing this boost when you no longer are in critical condition. If you die, minions/projections will gain a permanent boost and become autonomous, no longer needing you to exist and going after those who killed you to enact revenge.


Cost: 10 SP

You have unlimited slots for copied, stolen, and created powers, or rather you no longer need slots for said powers. You can use as many as you want simultaneously, you are no longer restricted on how many you can store or use. This also extends to any charges or other resources that your powers builds up over time, you can now store an unlimited amount.

For powers such as Legion of Fae or (Trump) Power Seed that reduces your power to use them simultaneously, each power can now be used at 100%.

For powers such as Celestial Artificer or (Trump/Tinker) Artificer with enchantment caps, the caps are removed. You can place as many as you want/have charges for.


Cost: 7 SP (Cache)

Cost: 3 SP (Cache)

Required: (Tinker/Master) Machine World

All of your machines grow and adapt, assimilating new technologies and improve themselves. All upgrades are recorded and sent through the link, allowing the other machines to gain these upgrades as well as you knowing what and how these upgrades work, allowing you to create upgraded machines.

Mass Tinkerer

Cost: 7 SP (Cache)

Cost: 3 SP (Cache)

Required: (Tinker) Sharing

You are able to trigger a tinker fugue among yourself and others tinkers, having your shards temporarily connect to one another. You and the other affected tinkers will begin to work together to create something. This also loosens the restrictions on the affected tinkers ability while they are in the fugue.

Improved Friends

Cost: 13 SP

Required: (Master) Friendbringers

Your new Friends can now have 15SP of powers (or 20SP with Negentropy), with a maximum of three powers each. You can only choose powers from the Tier 2 section if you have the appropriate Shard rank and cannot pick any of the Endbringer powers, Doll Master, or Friendbringers. You can strengthen/weaken powers from the list to a different cost or them for powers of equivalent strength that aren't listed.

They can also have flight for free at their ground speed. If one of your Friends is destroyed, you can have them revived instead of creating a new one. When a new Friend is created, you can choose their appearance and powers.

Once a Friend is created, it is not possible to modify their powers unless you have a Trump ability that allows you to transfer powers between individuals.

Dragon of Kyushu

Cost: 16 SP

Required: Lung,Kenta,

You are a dragon that thrives on combat, your enemy's shudder at the thought of you and your power. You now escalate exponentially faster as you grow in strength, I.E. as you get stronger you grow in power faster and faster. Your Escalation now also affects all your other powers and your specific defenses, getting hit with poison will give you a poison resistance which will then begin to escalate with you, the power will also begin to remove other powers weaknesses very slowly but this rate of improvement will be increased if those weaknesses are specifically targeted during combat. You permanently gain 10% of the power you had during the height of your most recent escalation after you return to your base state, this 10% is counted for each stat/power individually, this also means that every transformation/escalation will give you an increase in overall power no matter how small. You stay in your Escalated state for up to 2 hours with no conflict unless you willingly transform back. Your size will grow in equal measure with your power however once you reach a certain size, around the size of Lung when he fought Leviathan, you will be able to choose whether or not you continue to grow. The growth can also be evolved out or adapted to make you only grow when you want to if that's something you wish to happen, but it will be a slow change like all other power enhancements.

Hound Of Hell

Cost: 9 SP

Required: Bitch,Rachel Lindt,

Your empowering abilities have reached another level, allowing you to greatly enhance any dog you come across. Instead of granting armor, you empower the dog themselves; thus, the empowered state has no time limit. In their empowered state, their bodies are optimized, becoming imposing creatures with large, streamlined bodies covered in symmetrical bony plates and spikes, augmented with a prehensile tail for increased mobility. Their abilities are enhanced, now possessing durability that can withstand sniper rounds, strength that can rip through Tungsten, speed rivalling racing cars, regeneration that can let them heal missing limbs in minutes, senses that enable them to track prey across the city, sharp claws that can shred ordinary materials, and a sonic roar strong enough to disorient or confuse foes. Their intellect is also improved, making them more formidable. Furthermore, any dog that you empower will recognize you as their alpha, developing intense loyalty towards you.

Persisting Growth

Cost: 8 SP

Required: (Thinker) Time-Loop

No longer does your Time-Loop carry over only information. It now carries over all personal improvements gained during a loop, no matter their origin.

Multiple Save Slots

Cost: 10 SP

Required: (Thinker) Time-Loop

You have five save points instead of one. You can set up an auto-save in one of the slots, by default it will save every day when you go to sleep or at midnight.


Cost: 8 SP

Required: Multiple Save Slots

Instead of having a limited amount of save points, you may revert to any moment in time that you have experienced. It cannot be before you got this power unless you have Homecoming.


Cost: 20 SP

Required: (Trump) Arcanist,(Trump/Tinker) Artificer,(Trump/Tinker) Alchemist,(Trump) Kineticist,

Arcanist, Kineticist, Artificer, and Alchemist are upgraded to the next level.

You access to more magic systems as well as the ability to design your own. Your energy pool and recharge rate are multiplied by 10. Your spells are no longer limited in strength. Your Kineticist abilities are affected in a similar way.

Your enchantment cap is raised to five and you generate 6 more charges per day. Your enchantments are no longer limited in strength.

You can create potions that can have permanent effect on the drinker. Your potion can now grand powers on par with a high tier cape. You can transmute metamaterials that are more easily enchanted, or that can conduct, store, or enhance spells, as well as various power-like effects. The transmutation time is now proportional to the circle's area instead of the volume.

With this, you could potentially destroy an Entity if you put your mind to it.

(This doesn't give you additional abilities, only upgrade what you already have)

Doll General

Cost: 25 SP

Cost: 6 DP

Required: (Master/Trump) Doll Master

Required: Queen,Shardless,

Your ability to summon and control dolls is greatly increased. The number you can control at once increases to 20 (30 with Negentropy) and the range expands to 10km (20km with Negentropy). They can be summoned up to 5m (16ft) away from you.

This upgrade includes all of the doll upgrades in the Doll Powers section. Your dolls are four times as strong, fast, durable, and are able to regenerate 1.6L of volume per minute , they are also capable of levitation. The range of sizes of your dolls expands from a cube 2cm per side to 6m and forms are no longer limited to humanoids. It is possible for a doll to exceed the maximum size, for each increment of 6m it will take up one more doll slot.

You gain the two Doll Tinker specializations (Automata and Android) and are capable of either building OR summoning dolls created with those specializations as well as any other Tinker specialization you have access to.

You are able to focus some of your powers through your dolls. For example, you can fire Blaster powers, use Striker powers, project a force-field, use empathic vision, etc. However, the dolls themselves do not have the power so Brute, Changer, or Breaker powers that are self-targeted like Deadpool, Phase, and Bowser will not work.

Your dolls can be empowered through the following means: Enchantment/Artificer at the cost of charges, Aliena for 25 points worth of powers, Prototype with 3 slots, sharing powers via Network Hub or up to 30 SP (48 with Negentropy) worth of powers. For the last option, dolls with 12 SP or less worth of powers uses one slot, 18 SP or less uses two, and 24 or less three. The use of a Tier 2 power increases the cost of a doll by two slots. The use of a Tier 3 power increases the cost of a doll by four slots.

You are able to store up to 5 dolls inside a pocket space and can summon them at will from there. (This is primarily useful for Tinker dolls.)

Unlimited Shard Works

Cost: 10 SP

Required: (Trump) Gamer System

You can consume Cauldron Vials for more Powers without mutations or danger by sacrificing Levels.

Should you lack the levels to safely consume them, you could potentially suffer permanent side effects such as hallucinations, detachment, loss of humanity, irreversible physical mutations...

Higher Priest

Cost: 8 SP

Required: (Trump) Eidolon

You can now directly influence the powers you get. It isn't as simple as just choosing the powers you want but you can place basic requirements such as 'it must be a laser power', or 'it must grant me a form of flight', or 'it must be a tinker power'. You can also hold onto powers for a longer period of time.

Natsuki Subaru

Cost: 8 SP

Required: (Thinker) Respawn

You can transform into Natsuki Subaru, have all his skills, knowledge, abilities, powers, blessings, and curses. You even know how to act like him. This includes the Witch's Love. This power replaces both of its requirements, replacing their effects with its own. Instead of Time-Loop, you have a true temporal time-loop ability known as Return-By-Death. You have no control over the save points, but you can rest assured they will always allow you to have some way of survival. Your heart will stop if you try to tell others of this ability, even if the explanation is vague or not entirely accurate, and if you manage to tell them completely the Witch will kill them. You can not use the Witch too many times consecutively without repercussions. Trying to tell others of your ability, or using it too often with a negative mental state, will make you smell like the Witch, which can be smelled by any Parahuman, Endbringer, animal, or entity, and will make them anything from wary to downright hostile (Though for Parahumans it only makes them a bit wary unless they have enhanced senses or animalistic instincts). If you do not have a heart or do not need it, you will still feel the pain as if your heart was stopping. This ability is not Shard-based and will last forever. Return-By-Death does not work in dimensions where a being makes resurrection impossible, nor does it work where time is not flowing forward.

Liminal Avatar

Cost: 8 SP

Required: (Shaker) Liminal Landscaper

While within your liminal space, you can become immaterial and construct an avatar using materials available within the space, as well as the features or characteristics of objects or creatures within. This avatar cannot leave the liminal spaces, but with negentropy can allow you to travel between all liminal landscapes even if they aren't adjacent.


Cost: 5 SP

Required: (Tinker) Revolution

You become a master at technology, you can quickly grasp the principles and applications of any Tinker Specialty you possess.

You also gain the Tinker equivalent of any powers you purchase, as well as the ability to imbue, channel, and create tinkertech items with your abilities, such as powerful mechas you can control with incredible precision that is specifically tailored to and can utilize your powers. (If you possess Glory Girl’s power you can create a mecha that has her force fields and aura, and if you have Eidolon’s power then you can make an automaton that can gain any 3 powers at a time, etc..)

Additionally, your Tinker Specialty can obtain permanent slots for your Tinker Powers at a reduced price. You only need to spend one-third of the normal SP cost for T1 Tinker Powers and half of the normal SP cost for T2 Tinker Powers.

Permanent Change

Cost: 5 SP

Required: (Trump) Scramble

All changes to powers via Scramble are permanent.

Controlled Tweaking

Cost: 3 SP

Required: (Trump) Scramble

You can now completely control how the affected powers express themselves. This allows you to change powers horizontally at will, though they cannot change in overall strength or versatility.

Stolen, Actually

Cost: 5 SP

Required: (Trump) Nullification Hazard

Instead of mematically nullifying powers, you temporarily steal them, gaining weaker versions of the powers that you nullified along with the victim's understanding on how to use them. While them getting you off their mind does rid you of such stolen powers, the knowledge about those powers is not lost.

Force Elemental

Cost: 3 SP

Required: (Shaker/Striker) Force Construct

No longer do your Force Constructs have to be inanimate, they can now have a mind of their own. These Force Elementals have both memory and intelligence, allowing them to be rational and make decisions on their own. They can control their own body to the same degree that you can, but are granted no additional senses besides their default tactile one. These Force Elementals are still linked to you, allowing for you to still control them and telepathically communicate with them. They are not sentient and they lack creativity, causing them to be unable to come up with their own ideas and solutions to problems, as well as not be able to feel emotions. They have complete loyalty towards you, but have no desires of their own, causing a lack of initiative.

Parallel Processing

Cost: 2 SP

Required: Thinker (Multitask)

You can have a nigh unlimited amount of thought processes running in parallel. Each thought process will think separately and focus on a different subject from the rest. Your primary thought process will manage the others and keep them up to date with each other. This power does not improve your thinking speed or ability to make good decisions.

Network 2.0

Cost: 10 SP

Required: (Trump) Network Hub

Your network has been upgraded, with your hub in particular being significantly improved: Your hub members may each access seven powers with zero loss in strength, while you in particular may use up to twelve without any power loss, and potentially up to twenty-five. For each power past the twelfth, you incur a slowly-increasing penalty in their strength, capping out at 50% for a full set.

Should you happen to also have Negentropy, then your hub members may access ten powers, and you may access the full twenty-five powers without any more loss in strength.

Safety First

Cost: 5 SP

Required: (Tinker/Thinker) Safety

As long as the group follows your safety protocols, you can grant them various boosts and have an increased affinity for your tech. They can gain an extremely weakened version of your (Tinker/Thinker) Safety, allowing them to sense the safety of their surroundings as well as how to improve the safety.

The Man Of Tomorrow

Cost: 10 SP (Cache)

Cost: 5 SP (Cache)

Required: (Tinker) Upcoming Century

Your unparalleled skill and knowledge in invention expand even further. You now possess the ability to invent anything that is theoretically possible within a 300-year timeframe. Furthermore, your deep understanding of scientific principles and engineering concepts has been greatly enhanced, allowing you to further expand any field of technology you're working on.

With your newfound capabilities, you can push the boundaries of innovation and create advancements that can even surpass the initial 300-year projection. As time goes on, your creations become increasingly advanced, revolutionizing technology in ways previously unimaginable.

A Bugs Life

Cost: 10 SP

Required: Skitter,Taylor Anne Hebert,

The user can transform and control a massive swarm of bugs that act as a network for their brain, all the brains and nervous systems of your insects linked together into one connected web, hosting your mind. The swarm can be manipulated to perform various tasks such as gathering information, and attacking enemies. The user exist as part of the swarm, able to freely multitask and control every insect independently, allowing them to give orders with precision. The size and range of the swarm can vary depending on the user's skill and the available resources, but it is generally enough to overwhelm most opponents.

Relay Bug

Cost: 5 SP

Required: Skitter,Taylor Anne Hebert,

Each and every one of your bugs under your control acts like a relay, increasing your max range. The further away the bug is from you, the smaller the range each bugs gives. At its smallest, you will still be able to control all insects within a 1 meter radius of your controlled insects.


Cost: 10 SP

Required: (Breaker) Rebirth

The user will be able to now revive anywhere between 10 seconds to 1 month after dying. When brought back to life, you will appear in a safe spot.


Cost: 10 SP

Required: (Breaker) Rebirth

The user will be able to now gain one charge every week, and have no limit on capacity. The user can gain charges faster by being in near death situations (combat) without dying.

Parahuman Clone Master

Cost: 5 SP

Required: (Master) Cloning

The user can absorb the DNA of multiple parahumans, and then produce clones of them simultaneously. This allows the user to create a small army of clones, each with different powers and abilities, based on the original parahumans.

Time taken to produce clones is also shortened to 60 minutes. If Parahuman Fusion Master is taken then its shortened to 10 minutes.

Parahuman Fusion Master

Cost: 10 SP

Required: (Master) Cloning

The user can absorb the DNA of multiple parahumans, and then produce a single clone that is a fusion off all of them. The resulting fusion is loyal to the user and is an effective ally, able to use the combined abilities of both original parahumans. There is no limit to how many parahumans that can be fused at once


Cost: 10 SP

Required: (Master) Manton

You’ve become an unstoppable force and an immovable object. When moving you can choose to make your body an unstoppable force, capable of punching aside and piercing through any non-absolute defense. You also now have the ability to selectively choose what forces apply to you and to what parts of your body, rendering you immune to non-absolute attacks. As you have no master to project you, you can freely flicker in and out of reality allowing you to effectively teleport short distances and reconstitute yourself in the event your defenses are somehow overcome. You can selectively share these properties for a few minutes at your choice with anything and anyone you touch.

Growing Fat

Cost: 2 SP

Required: (Changer/Brute) Fatty

Whenever you burn you fat, a portion of the temporary strength will stay, creating muscles in its place.

Stronger Fat

Cost: 3 SP

Required: (Changer/Brute) Fatty

The more obese you are, the higher your durability becomes. You also gain a regenerative factor. Blunt attacks become completely ineffective and any wounds you suffer will heal rapidly.


Cost: 5 SP

Required: (Changer/Blaster/Brute) Dinosaur

You can transform into multiple animals that are smaller than you. The total volume of all the animals you transform into must be no more that 150% of your original volume and no less than 100% of your base volume. All the animals will be connected together via a hivemind than you control. You can absorb any of the animals back at any moment. If you transform back into your human form with less than your base total volume then you will suffer injuries.

Ruler of the Primordial Flames

Cost: 7 SP

Required: (Shaker/Breaker) Lord of Cinder

Your pyrokinesis has evolved, granting you power over fire and flame rather than just cinders and ash, and you can now regenerate using fire instead of just cinders and ashes. All of the things that you make out of cinders and ash are capable of withstanding ten times the force that they previously could.

In addition to this, your burning core has also evolved, becoming so dense and hot that it could be considered a miniature sun. It has also become durable enough to withstand a nuclear bomb.

Alongside this, you can temporarily or permanently gift someone pyrokinesis focused around either cinders, ash, or fire, though this will temporarily weaken you by one ninth for a lunar cycle per individual you give powers to.

Fast Forward

Cost: 10 SP

Required: (Striker) Rewind

You can choose to fast forward anything you touch to a possible future state instead. You still retain the same amount of control as previous, allowing you to selectively choose how and what gets fast forwarded.


Cost: 10 SP

Required: (Breaker/Trump) Golden Form

You may choose to overclock your Golden Form, increasing it’s abilities and enhancements a hundred fold, but it’ll start an internal timer of 30 minutes, after which your Golden Form will turn off and become inaccessible for a period of 24 hours.

Exotic Creation

Cost: 10 SP

Required: (Shaker) Baryonic Creation

You power of creation has now expanded, allowing you to create exotic matter from seemingly nothing. Exotic matter is the colloquial term used to describe highly "unnatural" matter that is not composed of protons, neutrons and electrons. One of the most common forms of exotic matter in nature is a so-called 'nuclear pasta', a form of structured neutronium that can only exist within the crusts of neutron stars.

Multiversal Warping

Cost: 4 SP

Required: (Shaker/Mover) Dimensional Warping

You are no longer limited to just your universe, allowing your manipulations to cross to other universes within your local multiverse. Taking Homecoming makes this ability Omniversal given the correct medium.

Crystal Tinker

Cost: 5 SP (Cache)

Cost: 2 SP (Cache)

Required: (Trump) Power Crystallization

You can now Tinker with your Crystalized powers, allowing you to modify them in numerous ways. Fusing, splitting, splicing, and even growing new crystals from the fragments of previous ones are a few instances of these modifications. You are significantly more skilled than other Tinkers at incorporating these crystals into your creations, enhancing their ability to house, manage, and interface with these crystals.

Memetic Me

Cost: 17 SP

Required: (Trump/Thinker) Who Do You Think I Am?

You can now become strong enough to destroy the planet and more. However, to reach such a level in strength you need at least a continent worth of people to strongly believe that you have such a level of strength.

Magnetics, Daughter ! This is how they work

Cost: 5 SP

Required: (Shaker/Blaster) Magnets, Son! How do they work?

You gain a Tinker specialization in magtech and related fields, allowing you to, among other things, expand your range using mobile range extenders and automate the field creation/operation

Primordial Earth

Cost: 11 SP

Required: (Shaker/Brute) Gaia

Your powers have evolved, allowing you to become the embodiment of primordial Earth. This has increased the range of your terrakinesis to 2.5 kilometers, along with gifting you complete metallokinesis and granting you the ability to generate any form of earth from your body.

You also gained the ability to create living constructs out of earth that will obey your orders and commands with complete obedience, but the intelligence of your creations will be lacking at first.

You also gain the ability to absorb earth into your body, transforming you into a Titan of Earth. While in this form, the earth that has become your body is 100 times more durable than it originally was. Along with this, you can heal by absorbing nearby earth, but while in this form, your ability to generate earth is no longer accessible. Along with this, you are limited here to a height of 100 meters, and your body is reminiscent of its original form.

(Earth in this context means crystals, gems, metal, stone, sand, or dirt, meaning anything non-organic that can be found in the earth counts as earth.)

Mother Earth

Cost: 10 SP

Required: (Shaker/Brute) Gaia

Your powers have evolved, allowing you to become the embodiment of Mother Earth. This has increased the range of your terrakinesis to 1 kilometer alongside giving you agrokinesis within 100 meters and gifted you the ability to heal and rejuvenate plant and animal life within 10 meters. You also possess the ability to improve or modify any living creature that you are touching.

Phoenix Star

Cost: 15 SP

Required: (Trump) Fading Star

Your power will now periodically reset itself based on how impressed it is by data you generate, fights you get in, and situations you encounter restoring your access to its full might. Though if it isn’t super impressed it will only partially reset itself restoring access to powers you were by its standards generating the most data with. This resetting happens every couple of weeks to months depending how you’ve been using your power.

Perfected Past Sight

Cost: 8 SP

Required: (Thinker) Past Sight

Your viewing now applies retroactively. Any location or person that you have seen during your viewing, you can now apply this power on too. The restriction of it having to have been within the past day has been lifted.


Cost: 5 SP

Required: (Stranger) Pocket Dimension

You can create an Avatar to interact with the outside world while you stay inside your pocket dimension. This Avatar looks like you and has your powers at 50-70% strength. You can either fully control it or simply place commands for it to follow.

World Dimension

Cost: 5 SP

Required: (Stranger) Pocket Dimension

The boundaries of your pocket dimension expanded, stretching 100 meters in length and 49 meters in width, the size of a football stadium.

Over time, this space will continue to expand autonomously. With each passing month, your dimension will burgeon, expanding outward from all sides by an additional 100 meters. Up to a maximum to the scale of Earth itself.

You can summon and resummon anyone of your choosing, but that's the extent of your control. This space has the conditions to sustain life the same as earth.

Klondike Bar

Cost: 10 SP

Required: (Thinker/Master) Bribery Makes Everything Easier

Your Bribery power's master component is greatly empowered allowing you to successfully bribe more people for far, far, cheaper than it normally would. Yes, including getting people to kill each other over ice cream bars, although with something that extreme it would take a significant amount of convincing for most people to even consider.


Cost: 10 SP

Required: (Thinker) Neural Network

You possess access to a network comprising 768 Nodes (increasing to 1024 with Negentropy). For every 8 unallocated nodes, your thinking speed escalates by 25% in an additive manner. Nodes are designed to store approximately 5 Petabytes of information.

Thinker powers consume a number of nodes roughly equivalent to their SP plus one (e.g., Thinker 2 requires 3 Nodes, Thinker 3 requires 4 Nodes). Your maximum budget for a Thinker power is 25 nodes.

You can also create Tinker powers that starts with an empty database; You have to fill it with data and nodes according to the square of their SP (e.g., 0 requires 1 point, 3 requires 9 points). Your maximum budget for a Tinker power is 81 nodes.

Hybrid ratings ('Tinker/Thinker 3') generally tend to cost higher than simple abilities but less than the sum of their parts.


Cost: 10 SP

Required: (Stranger) Unnoticeable

People won't notice you even if you attack them now. Nothing you do or say will get them to acknowledge your existence. They will still be able to perceive you, but they will not be able to act on that knowledge consciously. They will subconsciously move away to avoid hitting you, and will not question why they are suddenly hurt if you attack them, in fact they will not even act on the fact that they are hurt.

Together, We are forgotten

Cost: 5 SP

Required: (Stranger) Unnoticeable

You can now share and make people immune to the effects of your power.


Cost: 5 SP

Required: (Thinker) Omniscient,(Thinker) Vision,

You no longer gain just an answer to any questions you pose, instead you gain true comprehension and understanding of all answers you get. Instead of simply knowing that 2+2=4, you now truly understand why and how. This also applies to any knowledge you come across in any manner. This knowledge cannot harm you in any way, regardless of its nature.

The Old

Cost: 10 SP

Required: (Thinker) Precognitive Combat

Sean Connery, Baba Yaga, The Punisher, The Boogeyman, The First Hunter, The Big Boss, Doctor Van Helsing—what do all of these names have in common? They are all elderly individuals working in professions where people die young. Now, you can claim to be their equal (or even surpass them by cheating using powers). You can't lose in any skill-based combat, whether it involves cold weapons like swords, shields, even armor, or hot weapons, whether they are old, new, or Tinker-tech. Everything about you, including your limbs, is to be considered lethal and would almost certainly be banned by the Geneva Convention. Not even precogs on the likes of Cortessa or Ziz can match your skill! Just don't expect this to save you if they drop a nuke on your head.

Sharing is Caring

Cost: 10 SP

Required: (Blaster/Master) Skill Thief,Victor,(Thinker/Brute) Stolen Muscles,

No longer are you just stealing skills, now you can copy them instead. Not only will the copied skills be just as effective as the original, they’ll be personalized for your specific usage. In addition to that, you can even pass along copies of your skills to others, teaching them with ease.

Increase Advisors

Cost: 5 SP

Required: (Thinker) Simulacrum Advisor

Each purchase increases the amount of mentors you can have at once.

Copenhagen Interpretation

Cost: 6 SP

Required: Coil,Thomas Calvert,(Thinker) Schrodinger,

You do not simulate timelines, now you make a binary choice. From that point on, two realities exist in a state of quantum superposition, diverging from the point of that choice and lasting until one possibility is dropped. Like superposition, once one 'reality' is chosen, the two realities resolve like a collapsing wave function back to the actual reality that's left. Due to this, the effects of Meta-Knowledge and similar effect doesn’t affect your power.

Coiling Snakes

Cost: 10 SP

Required: Copenhagen Interpretation

You can swap objects between different timelines. If, for example, someone is dead in one timeline and alive in another, you can simply touch them in one timeline and swap them with their counterpart. You can also use this power on yourself.

Monkey Paw

Cost: 3 SP

Required: (Stranger/Thinker) Discount Genie

Now you can accomplish the wishes based on your own desires instead of the target’s.


Cost: 5 SP (Cache)

Cost: 2 SP (Cache)

Required: (Tinker/Master) Nanobots

Your specialization extends to application of physics, engineering, and chemistry to built objects on extremely small scales (Nano, or pushing it, a little smaller).


Cost: 5 SP (Cache)

Cost: 2 SP (Cache)

Required: Blasto,(Tinker) Geneticist ,

You are a wet-works specialist. You have the talent to create anything from advanced medicines to bio-implants to clones to super soldiers and even new species.


Cost: 4 SP

Required: (Thinker) Ghostmates

With this, not only can your summoned spirits leave their bodies, but they also can possess people and objects, including you if they have your permission. The spirit can only go 5 meters away from you, and you can store them in a pocket space where they can see/hear through your eyes/ears.

The Mastermind

Cost: 4 SP

Required: (Thinker/Master) The Boss

Your sphere of power has expanded even further, now enabling you to operate on a planetary scale within any type of governance system, whether it's social, organizational, or political. You gain expertise in all the skills necessary for your role and can enhance the abilities of the employees under you. This places you at the pinnacle of leadership, whether in governments, monarchies, businesses, or smaller roles such as research or platoon leadership. No more paperwork problems at least.

Sound Engineer

Cost: 10 SP (Cache)

Cost: 3 SP (Cache)

Required: (Tinker) Sound/Vibration

Not only you can fashion contraptions using sound or vibrational frequencies, but you can also use sounds and vibrations themselves in the form of music. It can range from record production to audio engineering surpassing conventional limitations, such as implanting subtle or overt Master effects within your work.

Elemental Master

Cost: 7 SP

Required: (Breaker/Trump) Elemental Boost

You can now absorb four elements at once. They have separate pools for stockpiling, but they can be used together.

Chi Master

Cost: 7 SP

Required: (Striker/Trump/Thinker) Chi Blocking

You can drain or give your chi to others. Giving your chi will empower and heal them, while draining the chi of others will harm or even kill them while strengthening yourself.

At the cost of a whole person’s worth of Chi, you can bring back the recently deceased. They will be weakened and require daily chi from you for at least a week.

Note that giving your chi will weaken you, and if you don’t have enough chi you will die.

Tsar Bomber

Cost: 7 SP

Required: (Striker/Shaker) Bomber

The explosive potential of your bombs has been elevated to the atomic. Your yield can now range from the smallest grenade blast to the colossal power of the Tsar Bomba, a human-created fusion bomb with a yield of 100 megatons.

Moreover, you have acquired specific immunity to any harm when your bombs detonate. For instance you can now set off numerous of your nuclear bombs, with you in the center of explosions, without experiencing any bodily harm.

Stacked Move

Cost: 8 SP

Required: (Mover/Shaker) Move Cancel

Aside from "selecting" your course of action, you can stack similar and/or different actions as long as they are in the same spatial and directional position. This has the consequence of doubling the resulting physical force for each movement stacked.


Cost: 8 SP

Required: (Trump) Soulmate

Soulmate has upgraded, you can now hand out to 10 (15 with Negentrophy/Shardless) copies of any powers and power related perks you have to anyone. You only need to know either what they look like or their name to do so. You will never give a power to someone you didn’t mean to. You can take back any power you have at any time, and those you give out powers cannot stop you from doing so regardless of other factors. Your own powers and perks trump any you give them unless you would wish otherwise. You choose what power/perks or combination of powers and perks you give out, meaning you can give one person a single power and someone else another, as long as you don’t hand out more copies of than you have. Those you have given powers/perks will retain them up until you have taken them back, meaning they can keep them after your death if you do not recollect them by then. Powers you have handed out cannot be used negatively against you unless you would wish it to.

Multi Faced

Cost: 5 SP

Required: (Master) Hive Mind

Instead of an exact copy of yourself, you can create a different appearance for any of your clones. This is limited within the possible range of whatever species you are or any combinations of races, beings, or minions that fall under your abilities. Instead of just granting each clone a copy of all your abilities, you can decide to assign specific ones instead and alter them on a whim.

Weapon Master

Cost: 7 SP

Required: (Thinker) Skilled

You are as skilled in the use of any tool or machine you've touched within the last hour as though you have practiced with it your entire life. The object itself will gain an increase in effectiveness, and never degrade when you use it (a sword gets sharper and never dulls, a shield gets more durable and never dents, etc)


Cost: 3 SP (Cache)

Cost: 1 SP (Cache)

Required: (Tinker) Ruggedization

You specialize in material gathering and processing, extending your expertise to encompass the creation of various industrial plants. This includes the development of processing plants, recycling facilities, refining structures, and more. This pair well with any autonomous Tinker powers

Cleave and Lacerate

Cost: 10 SP

Required: (Striker/Master) Jack Slash

The power’s restrictions regarding employing bladed objects to project cutting edges are lifted, merely performing invisible cuts and slashes as long it is in your field of vision. This frees you from being dependent on any blade or sharp object, adjusting the telekinetic edge’s precision, cutting power, and length.

Your parahuman intuition is more overt this time to the point where is consciously notable to yourself and others, playing interference on thinker powers by feeding false data, getting more detailed information from parahumans, enhancing your charisma against other parahumans, coincidentally creating situations that fall in your favor when it comes to conflict, or finally, obstructing hostile hosts through shard exploitation.


Cost: 15 SP

Required: (Trump/Master) Butcher

This evolution turns Butcher on its head; instead of being killed to reincarnate into the last person who either killed or attacked you, retaining your already existent powers and theirs, you gain the powers and mind of any parahuman you killed. Directly killing the parahuman in question isn’t necessary, as long as it is within your proximity between an area of 5 meters.

You can choose between three options from the original power, each with different expressions or reinterpretations focusing on their primary functionalities.

Interesting interactions are liable to occur with particular types of powers or parahumans: Trump powers offer a trait, modifying Pillage further; Cluster parahumans give the location of cluster mates and offer the cluster’s powers within your options; Noble Shards have a variety of benefits related to their Shard function, with a trait connected to said function.

The Truth and Only the Truth

Cost: 5 SP

Required: (Master/Thinker) Truth Serum

In your presence, no one can tell a lie. This power is retroactive, making it that any statements said in your presence must be followed, no matter what. If someone said they will kill Butcher in front of you, they will do so, even if they don’t want to. This doesn’t magically increase their capabilities, so you can’t just have someone say they will kill an Endbringer and expect it to work.


Cost: 3 SP

Required: (Master/Trump) Scepter of Power

The power expression of a object is recorded, allowing you to quickly switch the power expression of a object to any one you had previously.

If you had gained the capacity to create one-use translucent shields using a Shield, and then changed expression and it turned into a one-use skintight forcefield, you would be able to freely switch between both.

Archive of Expressions

Cost: 2 SP

Required: Remembrance

Remembrance becomes an Archive for your power expressions, allowing you to access all of them even when you no longer have the object that made them. Though you can't make more power expressions nor amplify it if you don't have the object.

Royal Scepter

Cost: 5 SP

Required: (Master/Trump) Scepter of Power

Now the strength of a power is determined by the object that is placed inside the Staff, the power will never be weaker than what Scepter of Power gives you, instead adding to it. A grenade and a nuclear bomb will give very different results in relation to the strength of the explosions you can make. An object expression is also affected by powers that a object posses by itself, for example, a object augmented hy (Trump) Enhancer.

You now have 3 Strong slots and 9 Weak slots, gaining a new weak slot every month and a new strong slot every three months. The orbs that float around your Staff fuse with it, though you can at any time create eight orbs and connect them to a slot, their range is now 1 kilometer from your Staff.

Great Mage

Cost: 5 SP

Required: Myrddin

You can choose to bind up to three pocket dimensions, enhancing your access and control over these spaces. With sufficient effort and stamina, you can shape or modify these chosen pocket dimensions to better align with your needs.

For example, a pocket dimension filled with compressed air can be transformed to produce either superheated or chilled air. Similarly, in a dimension with a gravity vacuum, you can intensify the gravity or modify it to be selective. Generally, you possess the flexibility to adjust the properties of your bound dimensions in numerous ways, although you can’t conjure new effects from nothing. The more complex the modification, the more challenging and energy-consuming it becomes to implement.

You can drop any of the three selected pocket dimensions at any time. However, once unbound any modifications you've made to the dimension will revert to their original state.


Cost: 8 SP

Required: (Shaker/Stranger) Call of Oblivion

Your voice can spread farther by traveling through matter, the longer you sing the more it spreads. With time, you could affect a entire city.

Automatic Defense

Cost: 5 SP

Required: (Thinker) Danger Sense

Your powers now operate much more smoothly, requiring almost no conscious effort on your part. Your danger sense is now tied directly to your reflexes and other powers and will act automatically in your defense.

Your danger sense is also much more refined, capable of intuiting a much greater deal of information, almost acting as form of clairvoyance.

They can act in your defense, even when you’re unaware, unconscious, or otherwise incapacitated. They’ll automatically move your body out of the way such as activating your flight, teleporting you away, or even simply moving your body’s muscles reflexively to defend you.

This will only happen should you under normal circumstances wish for it, allowing you to harm yourself if you wish, albeit it’ll automatically minimize it as much as possible to meet your need.